<<@onlythaclonessir2525 says : YOU RACIST INDIAN BASTARDS !!!>> <<@stancraigie601 says : Aborigines are Australians like the rest of us. Cut out this tokenistic claptrap. Just fix the problems instead of lining bureaucrats pockets.>> <<@robertfitchett-o6n says : Never understood the adulation of Minns, he's ultimately controlled by the hard left no matter what.>> <<@travstar5447 says : The Racist and Divisive Voice was defeated>> <<@KrishnajaP.s-q4t says : Fixing communities is a great thing...but no one is talking and caring about the enormous and dangerous climate changes...most of them remains silent like always...you know some countries are keep planning to create destruction through wars and how you are gonna solve these issues ... besides the nature is always adopting beast mode..which will takes a long process to rehabilitate and we still dreaming for the Sustainable development and eco friendly environment...IDK you think its possible in our Current... present generation...it will takes long-lasting efforts from our side...next generations...maybe take centuries...do you think we will be alive that long??Time is ticking...so make it clear...>> <<@paythepiper6283 says : How about we start with how the $40 billion a year is spent and go from there. We voted no on this that's were it should end.>> <<@leicesterdewsbury7890 says : Chris is not listening>> <<@kane-vn6bn says : gov don't want to fix anything except the election results just take a look around and see for yourself>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : AUSTRALIA VOTED NO To All Three In Referendum Voice , Treaty , Truth Telling , Why dismiss the Vote and proceed am truly over this Labor Party People wake up VOTE OR DIVIDE YOUR VOTE BETWEEN ONE NATION UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY LIBERTARIAN LIBERAL DEMOCRATS FAMILY FIRST PEOPLE FIRST PARTY They Give a Toss about Australia and its freedoms not pandering to unelected Global Elites within United Nations and their derivatives the WEF and WHO and their dictates against the interests of the Sovereign Nation State and its citizens>> <<@MaureenPeck-x6v says : I love Warren Mundine, always talks commonsense>> <<@normalguy7898 says : No treaty with abbos.>> <<@user-qn1qf4dl1j says : 1970's smoke ceremony passing around a joint. 2024 welcome to country>>