<<@pakibukas says : Clown Kacklela now goes to the border…. What a koingkidink!!!>> <<@henryreality6794 says : Isreal cares. Kamala doesn't>> <<@henryreality6794 says : "transnational gangs will not be stopped ">> <<@Brian80813 says : why can't they stay on topic a hurricane is hurting America more then the border>> <<@lasersbee says : We've known for almost 4 years that the Biden VP Czar Harris doesn't care for America or Americans.... I can't wait for Trump/Vance to win the November Presidential Election by a landslide and get rid of all this Corrupt Woke Criminal Democrat Biden/Harris near 4 year BS Train Wreck and get back to a NORMAL America.>> <<@davidsonowski414 says : F The Democrats Trump MAGA 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸Taking back America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@davidsonowski414 says : Trump 2024>> <<@TheKingsTouchProductions says : North East Tennessee here. Storm trapped my father on his property of exit 40 to Asheville. He will be stranded for a while as all bridges have been destroyed due to dam failures>> <<@bucketboy12345 says : She cares abt as much as Rich Texans do ,>> <<@erickenny82 says : Border visit starts at 3:45>> <<@tonyrussell5058 says : Disgusting ghoul.>> <<@robertgray323 says : Greg Gutfeld lies about unrealized capital gains>> <<@speedraceradventures3206 says : I want to hear about Donald Trump and how is 34 convictions sending to prison>> <<@nickmatthews604 says : Message to American voters... the One World Government agenda of the left (all left is radicalised), will reap devastation to your way of life. I wish you well in your voting decision.>> <<@thermodynamics458 says : Don = the Con. MAGA = the mark.>> <<@loishumes1475 says : I don't believe Fox News>> <<@MBX808 says : Keep fooling yourself about who doesn’t care Donald Trump doesn’t care about his people. He only cares about not going to prison.>> <<@Black-Pill-7411 says : America is done ... even if trump wins all that will do is just slow down the coming train wreck>> <<@chervang4461 says : What happened in the last 3.5 years.>> <<@AH-ml4vi says : Why aren't Fox reporting on Kamala selling $100,000 dollar watches, thus cashing in on the election to make personnel wealth gains. Oh wait, it's because it's Trump that's selling the watches, along with gold sneakers, trading cards, Bibles, bitcoin and anything else he can peddle in order to extract every last dime from his followers. Not to mention the initial investors in Trump Media stock dumping their shares to profit whilst tanking the stock price.>> <<@speedraceradventures3206 says : Jack Donald Trump visited the border he'd be your lord and savior the goddess Idol gold piece of your religion>> <<@profoundclarity8497 says : Fox news: The dems dont care about the border. Dems: Lets vote on the republican led bill... Republicans: No...trump said we shouldnt fix this issue so he has a complaint to run on. Fox News: Kamala isnt even going to the border! Dems: Kamala is at the border. Republicans: She doesnt care! Dems: sigh of the ignorance and stupidity...>> <<@sl4983 says : Why can't she speak without the earpiece earrings?>> <<@fabemgtw says : Someone please explain to me why the f*ck is this vile woman who was not even born in United States of America,Is allowed to run for office,Let alone run for president?What happened to the Constitution?What happened to enforcement of the law?>> <<@fryrospyro8797 says : Trump told us he has a plan for better health care and it will be ready in 3 weeks. He told us that way back when he was President .Now he is running for president sgain ,he now says he has a Concept of a plan for better health care. Anyone stupid enough to believe anything Trump says is truly dumb as a rock.>> <<@fryrospyro8797 says : Who killed the border bill that was agreed by Republicans and Democrats ,that would have added 1500 more border guards and more technology and would have stemmed the flow of guns and drugs and illegal immigrants coming in. WHO MADE THE CALL TO STOP THAT BILL. A SHOWBIZ LYING COWARD CON MAN CALLED DONALD TRUMP STOPPED THAT BILL BECAUSE HE DIDNT WANT THE BORDER PROBLEM SOLVED WHILE BIDEN IS STILL PRESIDENT. VOTE BLUE AND GET RID OF THE COWARD CALLED TRUMP.>> <<@denisesegal5644 says : That visit to the border was grand standing. Desperate time calls for desperate measures. Idiot>> <<@AndyF.525 says : She doesn't care and never has cared ,3.5 years of not caring. Vote TRUMP 2024 MAGA .>> <<@DylanJones-r3j says : Who killed the bipartisan border bill? Donald Trump. He doesn't care about immigration. Buy his new sneakers, NFTs, and watches.>> <<@tstppltk says : Did KH found the border?>> <<@catremedyguffey3505 says : Eat zbit>> <<@Clementine1966 says : I thought the border czar is governor of Texas.>> <<@dk4598 says : I am sick and tired of hearing Fox News constantly gripe about the border issue and blame Biden and Kamala when it is the Republicans who do not want to fix it. The bipartisan border bill would have solved many of the issues with the border and it was the toughest bill we had in decades but Trump shot it down. Trump and the Republicans pretend to care about the border, but they don’t. They just want to complain about it to their gullible viewers because they know that they don’t have any policy that will actually benefit people’s lives, so they have to distract them with made up issues like Haitian immigrants eating our pets, which they know is a lie. But they know that their viewers are gullible and will believe whatever crap they say. Plus Donald Trump can grift off of them by selling idiotic stuff life gold sneakers, mugshot products, NFTs, and now $100,000 watches. America, is this what you want from our president? It’s no wonder the world is laughing at us.>> <<@Obinhoworldwide says : Trump is winning Florida no doubt>> <<@Sherinthia7 says : 3 1/2 years too late for Laken Riley and all the other victims.>> <<@NargaCC7 says : Why would any type of law enforcement folks welcome a person who defunds them and opposes what they do? Not the brightest of people. Sad>> <<@homemprovmentguy says : No need to ask if her supporters are *that* dumb!>> <<@Clementine1966 says : Are you going senile faux news? That was Melania 's jacket! Look in comments for link 😂>> <<@betha8566 says : Harris, PLEASE BE PERFECTLY CLEAR: What is your plan to stop transnational gangs from ravaging America?>> <<@joehamsen229 says : she is idiot...how does she think she will be president....NO WAY....VOTE FOR TRUMP>> <<@thomasb.2699 says : I'm so looking forward to seeing people dance in the streets again. Just like 4 years ago when Joe Biden won the presidency. The joy, happiness and relief of getting rid of Donald Trump .... fantastic!>> <<@robertPalawan says : The border has been a problem for decades. Both Republicans and Dems have failed to fix it. Months ago the Dems and Republicans agreed together and produced a border bill that would have solved the problem…Trump killed the border bill…he couldn’t let Biden get a win…so he put himself above the country’s safety so could use this issue in the election…seems to be working…>> <<@kathyc00per2 says : Harris just went to the border because it's election time. She wants votes.>> <<@jasonburch9535 says : Kamala if I wanted a puppet for a President I'd go to the puppet show.>> <<@robingenerelli7614 says : Visit Mars , I’m voting Trump!!! Americans see right through you!!!!>> <<@Gjb-ig7ed says : She’s unamerican>> <<@carlalandrau6033 says : If you're not an immigrant kamala chameleon harris could care less .>> <<@The19610211 says : Harris doesn’t care about the border? Really? After DonOld Trump called Johnson and had him stop the border deal. Fox really does treat its viewers as complete idiots.>> <<@elenajoseph3594 says : We know she doesn't care vote her out !!>> <<@betha8566 says : Those interviewers needed to ask Harris, "What Is Your Plan to Stop Transnational Gangs?" And please BE PERFECTLY CLEAR!!!!>>