<<@alphafort says : Israel's capabilities include real-time satellite imagery and a variety of cutting-edge observation technology, in stark contrast to Hezbollah's reliance on outdated drone technology. Israel possesses the capability to conduct aerial surveillance over every inch of Lebanese territory using satellites or surveillance aircraft with zero losses to date. If a tank appears, Israel can destroy it in moments. What is the reason for Israel needing to cross the border in order to accomplish that? Why the need for a ground invasion when Israel can punish Hezbollah with impunity from afar? What is the actual danger posed by Iran? Instead of backing proxies like Hezbollah and Hamas, why wouldn't they directly attack Israel? Given Israel's desire to attack Iran's nuclear program, Iran is aware that launching a direct strike against Israel would be a bad idea. Israel is looking for an opportunity to launch an attack on Iran, and Iran is well aware of Israel's desires.>> <<@jeffsmith3480 says : Almost 100% of the top leadership of the terrorist group hezbollah has been terminated. It will take generations to even partially reconstitute, but nearly all of their prior experiences, knowledge, contacts, etc. Is now gone forever.>> <<@alphafort says : There are some important points for media outlets, Hezbollah, and the people of Lebanon to take into account. I apologize in advance for any misunderstandings that may arise from certain individuals who have difficulty comprehending the distinction between analysis and assigning blame. Consider the following = 1. How does the damage caused by over 11,000 Hezbollah rockets in the past year compare to the damage caused by one day of retaliation from Israel? In terms of overall damage, how does Hezbollah's damage done compare to the damage done by Israel? 2. Hezbollah is still launching rockets at this very moment. Does this provide Israel with a justification to continue retaliating? Is Hezbollah granting Israel a free pas? 3. Is Israel willing to halt its retaliation if Hezbollah ends its rocket and missile strikes on Israel? Allow me to provide you with the answer. The answer is "Yes". The reason Israel will stop flattening Lebanon is not because they want to be considerate, but due to lack of sufficient justification. If you initiate an attack on your neighbor, don't expect a moral resolution to bring an end to the retaliation. The neighbor might choose to prevent you from repeating the attack. In general, it can be anticipated that Israel will halt retaliation sooner rather than later. 4. Who is ultimately suffers the consequences of Hezbollah's attacks on Israel? How does the damage caused by Hezbollah's attacks on Israel compare to the damage inflicted by Israel on Lebanon? Who is the party that is currently experiencing hardship? Israel or Hezbollah (Lebanon). 5. Lebanon's parliament has 62 out of 128 seats under the control of Hezbollah. Are close to 50% of Lebanese people responsible for Hezbollah being in power? Did civilians grant legitimacy to Hezbollah? Should civilians be held responsible for inadvertently legitimizing Hezbollah? Was the existence of Hezbollah a result of civilian support? Doesn't the principle of democracy ensure that you receive what you voted for? 6. Is it stated in Hezbollah's official doctrine that they aim to eradicate all Jews, regardless of what happens in the Middle East? Or does Hezbollah actually want peaceful coexistence with Israel. Is it natural for Jews to NOT want to be exterminated? Does anyone believe that Jews are being unreasonable for wanting to live? 7. Is Israel genuinely concerned about minimizing civilian casualties in their air strikes or is that just propaganda? Are civilians being injured in Israeli air strikes because Hezbollah-Hamas deliberately positions themselves in civilian areas? Are leaflets dropped by Israel to warn civilians about upcoming air strikes to avoid civilian casualties Do the dropped leaflets instead aim to extend birthday or Eid greetings to the civilians? Does Israel's decision to drop pamphlets warning civilians to evacuate imply their desire to avoid civilian casualties? Maybe Israel's intention is to simply drop confetti? 8. Does drop pamphlets before an airstrike also warn the intended targets, and give the real targets a chance to escape? If so, doesn’t this support the idea that Israel wants to avoid civilian casualties? 8. In their military operation, which targets do Hezbollah focus on? Civilians or military? I ask this question despite the close-to-useless nature of Hezbollah’s missiles and rocket arsenal. Basic contention is the Hezbollah cannot hit a barn door at five feet… sorry, I meant four feet. But the greater question is, if they could, would they point those so-called dangerous rockets (which have so far done little damage) on military or civilian targets? After all Hezbollah is fighting for honor, right? 9. Does Israel have state of the art spy satellite tracking and targeting systems that can point out tanks, artillery, naval vessels, and helicopters, with pin point accuracy? This is assuming these objects are underneath a school or a hospital. Can Israel incapacitate Lebanon’s airports and shipping ports within an hour? I have one main question for the media outlets, Hezbollah, the people of Lebanon, and both supporters and opponents of Israel. What are the goals that Hezbollah is hoping to achieve by their continued attacks on Israel? Iran is unlikely to launch a direct attack on Israel because they are aware that Israel wants an excuse to attack Iran's nuclear program. Besides the destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure, airports, harbors, army, air force, and navy, what positive outcomes will Hezbollah bring to the Lebanese? In what ways will this benefit Palestine? Has Hezbollah actually supported Israel by carrying out these rocket and missile attacks? It is possible that Israel desires Hezbollah to continue launching their ineffective attacks, as it provides Israel with the excuse to retaliate? The ultimate result is devastation to Lebanon, not to Israel. Finally, why would Israel go through the trouble of launching a ground invasion? (The last question is rhetorical… for those who’re mentally challenged).>> <<@wally.144 says : Of course Netnyahu will attack. He always says he wont but does anyway.🤔>> <<@AntiIslam-n4k says : 🇮🇱 ❤>> <<@blip98 says : Labor looking like a pro Palestinian bunch of one term wonders!>> <<@petejames1326 says : the BBC are evil monsters, they cant call HAMAS terrorists when they report, yet imagine if a suicide attack happened in london god forbid, im sure the BBC wouldnt hesitate in calling that terrorism, double standards>> <<@PhilipRanson-d5t says : An aid worker was killed by Hamas today ,wondering why nothing from Albo and Penny?>> <<@gigazog says : gg abdul>> <<@PJC005 says : Some sugar coated sweets give me a toothache but they say its never the jubes.>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : Meine Ehre heißt Treue>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : Filthy jevvs with a complete disregard from human life other than their own.>> <<@jan_darysh says : Australia is also a Christian Then Australia must be hoping for resurrection of the Messiah>> <<@GRANTTRIBECreates says : God has blessed the Nation of Israel and none will ever fall her! NEVER. And so all the world and their sensors shall see!>> <<@ra207ra says : Thier will be no ground operation.>> <<@GRANTTRIBECreates says : God has blessed the Nation of Israel and none will ever fall her! NEVER. The Evil will be laid waste! And so all the world and their sensors shall see!>> <<@Shadowdancerx says : When they are saying peace and security soon comes sudden destruction>> <<@horationelson57 says : Meanwhile, Alzheimer's Biden and his Democrat stooges are mourning a close friend 😂>> <<@garyladyman2642 says : Onwards and upwards>> <<@richmondasamoah1393 says : He will be meeting the 72 virgins for enjoyment>> <<@Graeme-r2f says : Penny wongs voice gets deeper and deeper and Albanese's gets higher and higher the longer this goes on.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Thumbnail. Horror Movie Star ⭐>> <<@carefir says : Sorry, Corbyn. Sorry, Ilham. Sorry, Tlaib.>> <<@Ryanjoned163 says : I sometimes cover myself in red wine and pretend im a used sanitary towel>> <<@Ryanjoned163 says : I just farted it was a wet one going to hurt my bum hole when it dries>> <<@SaintOwO says : Israel has the right to defend itself!>> <<@Yossiloveu says : Meanwhile Achmeds: tHiS iS geNoCiDe!>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Preemptive strikes are usually successful, particularly when one is dealing with an irregular force.>> <<@PaulWilliams-q2e says : Israel is fighting for its existence, may the force be with you!>> <<@debike3077 says : God bless Israel.✡>> <<@TruthSeekerAll says : 💯👏🏽💥🥳👍✅🎯🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@billnyethesciencedenier1516 says : Israel is the worst.>> <<@markrivers-p9q says : They were warned>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : Satanyahoo must me stopped!>> <<@Chaunceygardiner-q5f says : Does Netanyahu want to continue mowing the lawn into Lebanon?>> <<@Aviel266 says : My condolences to the BBC, they have had a difficult two weeks 🥵>> <<@westkaintuck6482 says : Remember, war is peace.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : Israel has everything to lose putting ground forces into Lebanon, you must remember they have tried a couple small incursions over the last 11 months that failed.>> <<@sirloin8745 says : I’m sure the Aborigines will find all this, hard to approve?>> <<@westkaintuck6482 says : I won`t bother to comment because it will be removed ASAP! 1984>> <<@ym5891 says : Youtube is Jewish Shill Propaganda.>> <<@GrandpaVince says : You can see the explosions from the roof of vinceys shack>> <<@traviswatson4180 says : War crime daily report.>>