<<@turnerfamilyinozi says : Pretty easy solution to corporate corruption. Change the laws so CEO's can be jailed. Problem solved.>> <<@CalciumHat says : "Business" is not a sacred cow!! Stop listening to BRock and VAN and represent something decent!!>> <<@CalciumHat says : I saw overpriced products reduced by 1/2 this evening... absolute greedy market. "Business" shareholders expect growth even on record profits... ie $$ once all bills are paid..nationally.>> <<@Jimmy009-st8mm says : The supermarkets have to charge a lot to make up for all the Centrelink ferals who steal everything they can.>> <<@PJC005 says : Plant your own eggs and grow chimken at home. Put on a cap with a propeller and pretend to be homeless to access the best soup kitchens in your area. Follow me for more cost of living tips and give the big supermarkets the flick!!>> <<@claudballs5679 says : You realize it is not the stores raising the price, you've got a government that has put regulations and taxes on your farmers your meat producers on anything that they can find to get more money out of taxes therefore to make up for these taxes and regulations they have to raise their price. This is not the store's gouging you this is your government don't be so naive that you were listening to the same government you do not like and believing them when they say the stores are gouging you>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : ACCC"s attack on Coles/ Woolworths who pay Australian tax. How about Amazon,Google,Apple and other large companies that pay minimum tax if any at all.>> <<@SOz-uf5yq says : Seriously GUYS > STOP the Import and Export < Otherwise you will pay everything double or more.>> <<@SOz-uf5yq says : NOT just Australia, > The whole WORLD has gone MAD when it comes to any price or kg in the supermarket < Get Real.>> <<@PaulWilliams-q2e says : That’s why Australia’s prices are so high? It’s not the government>> <<@wombat949 says : Coles owner Wesfarmers is in bed with the WEF. No surprises with their anti Australian stance.>> <<@SOz-uf5yq says : What needs to HAPPEN??? , lol lol lol. There was a time you would get 1kg any item was starting from $1.99 and NOW you pay $5 for 700gm frozen item, lol.>> <<@IbrahimKone-ix4qi says : I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks or Crypto will be appreciated>> <<@Soyabuti says : When we talk about low prices we talk about ALDI. When we talk about ripe off we talk about Woolworths or Coles>> <<@DavidH-u4y says : When u only have one piece of bread left don’t let the kids take it outside and play frisbee with it. Don’t blame the stores when government policies cause the economy to tank.>> <<@Ryanjoned163 says : I never wash my hands after a good dump>> <<@Ryanjoned163 says : I inject steroids>> <<@Prognosis__ says : People should vote with their feet and shop elsewhere until Coles and Woolies improve>>