<<@Misty-gc6bq says : People living in swamp land and close to the coast can't expect anything less.>> <<@Doctor_Martain says : Thank you to everyone for thinking of us in Florida. We're in Tampa, FL, and the flooding ruined our cars and homes, but we are grateful to have come out of it alive. Things can be replaced , but people can not.>> <<@TP-ne6ez says : Does not matter if it is a 100 years or one year, You live in Florida the most susceptible land mass hit by now 114 hurricanes in recorded history, your chances are pretty good you will see a hurricane...and now with more and more people moving there, they are building homes on swamp ground and wonder why they flood...does not make sense.>> <<@leonhue722 says : Build homes out of brick..tile and concrete with tie down storm proof roofing. Oh ...and Build above flood lines this will reduce risk.>> <<@Diponty says : Hurricanes are part of the ecosystem and are needed as part of the cycle of life on planet earth. We need to plan better and adapt. Ecosystem Renewal: Helps rejuvenate ecosystems by removing old or weakened trees, promoting new growth. Nutrient Redistribution: Flooding and heavy rains can redistribute nutrients across landscapes, benefiting soil health. Wetland Restoration: Storm surges and flooding can restore wetlands, acting as natural buffers against future storms and providing wildlife habitats. Weather Regulation: Influences global weather patterns and helps distribute heat from the tropics to higher latitudes. Community Resilience: The rebuilding process strengthens communities, leading to improved infrastructure and emergency preparedness. Water Supply: Heavy rains can replenish freshwater sources, providing much-needed water for agricultural and human consumption.>> <<@mariosaccoccio1688 says : Now the blaming on "climate change" begins. First, I would like to know who was to blame for the ice age & then the retreat of the glaciers to the warming cycle since? I blame that large, orange globe in the sky.>> <<@jodyratcliffe9825 says : Muh global warming>> <<@elizabethschodel1423 says : So sorry for all the people who have gone through this OMG 3 times in 13 months I live in Australia and I have only heard of 2 of them hitting, and they say climate change isn't real. Well we are about half way through spring and it is freezing here atm, we usually have stinking hot nights way too hot to sleep, I'm sitting in my winter PJ's that's how cold it is. For 3 hurricanes to hit the same place in just a few months and for it to be cold here there is definitely something wrong with our climate and it affects us all worldwide>> <<@topcat3097 says : So when exactly will people believe they are they are controlling the weather. The same thing happened in acupulco. These storms are not natural. Wake up.>> <<@GrandpaVince says : When vince was in my early 70s I was a boxer known as grandpa the hurricane vince>> <<@Poordirtfarmer says : Hello from Suwannee County Florida I survived hurricane Helen 😂😮>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Was hurricane Helene the third assassination attempt on the convicted felon of Mar a Lago.... 😆😆😆...... dominion eats 🦊>> <<@marianhoban9086 says : N0!N0!N0!>> <<@judem429 says : We Floridians take care after the storms.>> <<@PJC005 says : Apparently China has lost a noocoolier sub.>> <<@Ryanjoned163 says : I boil my dirty smelly boxers in the kettle then have a cup of tea with the same water afterwards>> <<@Ryanjoned163 says : Prayers for the innocent people and animals in this sad situation 😢>> <<@sheepdog4404 says : Sorry for everyones losses and damages.....>> <<@martinepstein3332 says : Hope the damage is not too bad>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : No one gives a shit>>