<<@johnqpublic8070 says : KAMALA'S PROJECT 2025 * Abolishing ICE • Opening the border • Defunding the police • Releasing violent offenders • Eliminating middle-class tax cuts v Banning fracking Ending fossil fuel usage • Confiscating guns from legal gun owners • Taking away the healthcare plans of hundreds of millions of Americans • Taxpayer funded transgender surgeries for illegal aliens>> <<@TSXDHLledaArtifacts says : They wanted him to distract from their racist white supremacist sexist agenda……… they plan to cheat…. That is the strategy>> <<@Yann-wu3fk says : "Witchcraft"? 🦇💩🥜🥜>> <<@devonlindsay3879 says : They said the same thing about Taylor Swift - it's the only way women can be so popular. If what's his name thinks she's competent in witch craft, i suggest he grab a clean pair of underwear and run like hell.>> <<@quxiaoqing says : So sad to see so many American citizen don't know democracy is not a foundation of Great America at all, and are not aware of the danger of big government>> <<@Dierkenzee says : Kamala is disgusting. A liar and phony.>> <<@marcos.1771 says : "If you lie long enough about a horse, eventually someone will buy you a saddle." Superb!>> <<@myriamkaye3418 says : This BS has been going on for hundreds of years. If a woman is powerful then call her a witch and try to incite the ignorant to kill her. MAGA is sexist and racist in the EXTREME!>> <<@clifb.3521 says : Just like Saul in the Bible, I love witchcraft. ❤❤❤>> <<@joetran8798 says : The GOP... Party of wackadoos and WTFs...>> <<@hghffgrantor8559 says : Cnn will report on anything that is a diversion from the success the Harris campaign is having. This would be something the view tv show would discuss. It's not news.>> <<@towerdave4836 says : Which craft is he accusing her of doing? Knitting, weaving, painting, origami …….which?>> <<@Rohan3 says : First they go Ghostbusters with Dogs and Cats. Now they’re going Blade here saying Vampires Exist.>> <<@dennispoole5691 says : A vote for 78 year old frumpy is a vote for vance .>> <<@JesseJones-jh3fl says : Trump, and Vance are shùtting Harris out, and completely controlling the narrative, and these dopes can't even see what's being done to them.>> <<@richgird7959 says : It's crazy wack-a-mole. Chasing our tails refuting absurdities.>> <<@FrozenCappucino says : I don’t understand why abortion issues are called women’s rights even abortions are performed also because some men don’t want to be fathers.>> <<@anewleaf6847 says : To stupid to be a witch...but it rhymes with her personality 😅>> <<@BautistacruzHoege says : Lopez Jennifer Thompson George Rodriguez Sarah>> <<@celestesealcoating1542 says : Both theses candidates are useless for our country!>> <<@garygasmarlow5085 says : Martin Brenda Lee Timothy Jackson Sarah>> <<@richgird7959 says : There are no actual "amazing evangelical pastors" It's a dangerous sect on par with the taliban.>> <<@mhoneybee3137 says : The Haitians will be using witchcraft on their ass, not Kamala>> <<@richgird7959 says : They didn't fail at vetting, this IS who.they.are.>> <<@poulmadsen7969 says : You believe in repeated lies? Well... CNN, MSNBC and the rest keep repeating that Trump is an idiot, and I'm beginning to believe it...>> <<@cardnal5133 says : Unbelievable & ridiculous event. What a sad state for Republicans. The group is correct, this is a way for Trump & Vance are trying to take the focus from their failed policies. Lie, lie, lie until you are believed by the cult.>> <<@MrfiX725 says : Trump-Vance 2024. Weird going weird AF. #VoteHarrisWalz #VoteBlueDownBallot>> <<@JesseJones-jh3fl says : What do the border, the economy, and Willie Brown all have in common? Kamala Harris blew them all.>> <<@Dan-d7t says : 1/3rd of 2/3rds of his base might be OK with that😅>> <<@body9800 says : 👀🍿 thank you US for the Soap opera>> <<@goyasolidar says : Wow, if only. Can you imagine POTUS having witch powers? Harris can just Expelliarmus away all the illegal guns.>> <<@joegonzales1229 says : “Halloween is coming up” that is the excuse for this comment 😂 I’m not stupid so why is he talking to the audience as if they are 🤦🏻‍♂️ banana republicans have become detached with reality for good at this point, it just gets more ridiculous each time they speak>> <<@onequestion2059 says : Witchcraft is funny compared to what he has accused Trump of!>> <<@JimmieSueWolf says : GOP = Grand Old Pendejos. Open mouth and insert both feet. Witches???? WTF????>> <<@cassykaye7596 says : Hollywood couldn't write this crazy 💩>> <<@Faltor895 says : Kamala is a genius.>> <<@malikrumi1206 says : Context? Why does this video-and many others like it- start *after* the video they are talking about and which we haven’t seen? Why does CNN do this?>> <<@Faltor895 says : Kamala is a genius.>> <<@Faltor895 says : Kamala is a genius.>> <<@SonoftheAmericanRevolution says : It's not witchcraft, it's called ABC giving you preferential treatment. But still, did it move the needle?>> <<@craigschmidt7890 says : CNN is complete trash 🗑>> <<@humphrey2108 says : There's no words strong enough.>> <<@americansagainsttrump1337 says : THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS MAD MAGAZINE MERGED WITH DEVIL WORSHIPPERS.>> <<@dmarlan says : CNN no longer a serious news source.>> <<@tjipjoustra4359 says : 2:05 "the man is not here to defend himself, so let me speak on his behalf...." Yeah, great, because that's what he does too when he's on a podium taking aim at someone...>> <<@paulinemidthassel5740 says : What next???? They are becoming crazy. It seems to me they need to be checked out. This is insane.>> <<@markbyars7121 says : I'm mad , I bet I have more cat's than a cat Lady and I'm pure man>> <<@JesseJones-jh3fl says : CNN engages in whichcraft everyday. Propaganda has been known to cast spells over entire nations before.>> <<@John-n7t9q says : With the election nearing, I came into this last year with an open mind because I feel the right and left media is who we seem to get most of our information from. I’m tired of the bashing of political figures and really want to discover who the best candidate would be. So when I look at what accomplishments each candidate has achieved and contributed from a personal, National and international outlook, I honestly favor Trump due to my personal experience as well as what I’ve witnessed across the country and internationally. I don’t care about his personality, only what he has contributed to the betterment of this country. What I have personally witnessed over the last 3 plus years is complete chaos concerning an open border, an economy that has devastated me personally along with many folks in my line of business, and what appears to be a very unstable world at the brink of war. I did not experience this during the Trump years. We as a people really need to step back and truthfully examine what is happening and where we are without all the mixing of truth and lies from both the left and right media and even what candidates are saying about each other. WE NEED TO LOOK TRUTHFULLY AT WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED OVER THE LAST 3 PLUS YEARS. We have allowed them to puppet us. We need to become a nation of joined people even if we choose differently and stop fighting with each other. I have listened to Kamala Harris and thus far have not heard a clear line of policies that will address the fore mentioned issues. I honestly am fearful of her answers to serious questions concerning the economy. Dreams and aspirations of people is not an answer. I fear her inconsistency on issues like fracking, guns, taxes and so on.I’m not criticizing her, I just need to feel confident and I don’t. WE NEED TO LISTEN TO THEM NOT THE MEDIA. MAKE YOUR DECISION BASED ON WHAT YOU HEAR THEM SAY AND DO, THEIR HISTORY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS NOT THIER PERSONALITIES. I’m not a republican, I’m a person who wants the best life I can experience in this country. That’s all.>> <<@keithgupton9349 says : VP Harris is a witch? I heard she graduated from Hogwarts College for witches. J.K. Rowling gave the commencement speech. In November, VP Harris is going to make both Trump and JD Vance disappear 😂😂😂😂>>