<<@jasonschubert6828 says : The whole thing is just a dog and pony show shifting money between big business and the government, who are just as bad as each other.>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : What a fem fest crock of crap. . .>> <<@lispyDribbler says : Wokeworths Group has a revenue of $67.92 billion this year, and there's still 3mths to go. Coles Group has $43.68 billion. I really don't think either gives a flock.>> <<@T.W.I.T. says : a $50 million fine is loose change for them, all this will do is make them increase prices to recover the cost..>> <<@IbrahimKone-ix4qi says : !!I recently sold some of my long-term position and currently sitting on about 250k, do you think Nvidia is a good buy right now or I have I missed out on a crucial buy period, any good stock recommendation on great performing stocks or Crypto will be appreciated>> <<@franvan3960 says : Just a move for more government regulation and control. It's not the grocery store.>> <<@PJC005 says : I dont trust anyone without a lanyard with their own photo on it.>> <<@GTDandNee says : ACCC a useless govt department do nothing ,done nothing>> <<@donbabcock2062 says : Corporations are putting these globalists in power but don’t understand those same globalists will enact price controls so they are eventually bankrupt too. When will they wake up? Those businesses are just tools for these evil people.>> <<@AlbieAughtie says : Has the ACCC ever done anything?>>