<<@RR-vz2ld says : From now until election day, Trumps campaign needs to hammer the issues and facts of the disasters of this administration that Harris is partly responsible for. The MSM just covers them up.>> <<@jp-nd3vd says : Fox news has mastered the art of misinforming the public and creating a fake reality. It's insane that Americans have become too stupid to see the truth.>> <<@sandycummings4791 says : Kamala is a disgrace! This was nothing more than a photo shoot for her. She doesn’t have a single brain cell in her pea brain head!Cackles has to go!>> <<@lukasowlty9585 says : And the dumb people will still vote for democrats>> <<@MrTulipvang says : It is easier to cross our border than it is to Enter & Leave COSTCO without showing a receipt or Costco ID.>> <<@groovytunes2 says : She really wants to blame Trump for her own policies failures. But remember they are the people who decided to open the border to anyone and everyone that wanted to cross. Kinda strange and weird that anyone would actually vote for her>> <<@nitac.9444 says : And now they are protesting at the shiping yards>> <<@theabandonmentoftruth5896 says : The news articles that follow prove that the extinction by the year 2060 runaway-AGW that -America- *Republicabortions are causing.*>> <<@theabandonmentoftruth5896 says : Creates the *climate-refugees* and homelessness within -America- AmurderKKKguna, *at the southern border,* _and all over the planet._>> <<@theabandonmentoftruth5896 says : *QMAGAt-Fascists who read My comments can no longer fool themselves into believing that extinction by the year 2060 due to runaway-AGW; is a hoax.*>> <<@theabandonmentoftruth5896 says : *Paragraph 1 of 5.* _The past eight years are confirmed to be the eight warmest on record_ January 12, 2023 This news article is from _The World Meteorological Organization._ The past eight years were the warmest on record globally, fueled by ever-rising greenhouse g@s concentrations and accumulated heat, according to six leading international temperature datasets consolidated by the _World Meteorological Organization._ The average global temperature in 2022 was about 1.15 [1.02 to 1.27] °C above the pre-industrial (1850-1900) levels. 2022 is the 8th consecutive year (2015-2022) that annual global temperatures have reached at least 1°C above pre-industrial levels, according to all datasets compiled by WMO. 2015 to 2022 are the eight warmest years on record.>> <<@theabandonmentoftruth5896 says : *Paragraph 2 of 5.* _Past eight years are confirmed record_ The likelihood of – temporarily – breaching the 1.5°C limit of the _Paris Agreement_ is increasing with time. The persistence of a cooling La Niña event, now in its third year, means that 2022 was not the warmest year on record, but is “only” the fifth or sixth warmest. But this cooling impact will be short-lived and will not reverse the long-term warming trend caused by record levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. The WMO El Niño/La Niña Update indicates about a 60% chance that La Niña will persist during January-March 2023, and should be followed by ENSO-neutral conditions (neither El Niño or La Niña). The 10-year average temperature for the period 2013-2022 is 1.15 [1.02 to 1.27] °C above the 1850-1900 pre-industrial baseline. This compares with 1.09°C from 2011 to 2020, as estimated by the _Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change_ (IPCC) _Sixth Assessment Report,_ and indicates that long-term warming continues.>> <<@heidijakowski4146 says : The current administration has left the border open to allow the current crisis, and if you are too stupid to not acknowledge that, you deserve them to move into your neighborhood.>> <<@theabandonmentoftruth5896 says : *Paragraph 3 of 5.* _Eight warmest on record_ “In 2022, we faced several dramatic weather disasters which claimed far too many lives and livelihoods and undermined health, food, energy and water security and infrastructure. Large areas of Pakistan were flooded, with major economic losses and human casualties. Record breaking heatwaves have been observed in China, Europe, North and South America.”>> <<@theabandonmentoftruth5896 says : *Paragraph 4 of 5.* _Confirmed to be the eight warmest on record_ “The long-lasting drought in the Horn of Africa threatens a humanitarian catastrophe,” said WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas. Global warming and other long-term climate change trends are expected to continue because of record levels of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Extreme heatwaves, drought and devastating flooding have affected millions and cost billions this year, according to the _World Meteorological Organization’s_ provisional _State of the Global Climate in 2022_ report.>> <<@theabandonmentoftruth5896 says : *Paragraph 5 of 5* _The eight warmest on record_ Late December, severe storms affected large areas of North America. High winds, heavy snow and low temperatures led to widespread disruption in the east. Heavy rain, mountain snow, and flooding affected areas in the west. “There is a need to enhance preparedness for such extreme events and to ensure that we meet the UN target of Early Warnings for All in the next five years,” said Prof. Taalas. “Today only half of 193 Members have proper early warning services, which leads to much higher economic and human losses. There are also big gaps in basic weather observations in Africa and island states, which has a major negative impact on the quality of weather forecasts.”>> <<@hanaSC3508 says : So Trump is right all along but MSM including the Catholic pope demonized him…>> <<@markgrafstrom1704 says : Her only accomplishment is a mass invasion of the USA that the citizens don't want. Guess what? We don't want her, she is a communist FKH! Click on my car for my new Better Go Trump songs 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@-KingOfKhaos says : It is time for CHANGE! 🇺🇸 TRUMP ‘24🇺🇸>> <<@jrm255 says : Fox is not a news network, its a propaganda machine full of liars and losers.>> <<@Othergames-cf4yw says : I do not envy those who had to speak with the two of them. Two frauds.>> <<@rolandoledesma7548 says : These administration stopped ICE from doing there job (fkh )>> <<@Extinctionbytheyear2060 says : The border does not need protecting. There are 10 million unfilled jobs in America, that God has sent the global-warming-refugees its greenhouse g@s emissions are creating, to fill and replace you Ku Klux RATrumpliKlans who can no longer produce sperm.>> <<@shelianelson9213 says : END SANCTUARY CITIES>> <<@shelianelson9213 says : BIDEN AND HARRIS HAVE BLOOD ON THERE HANDS!!! VOTE THEM OUT.>> <<@DASands-iw9me says : This needs to be put on bill boards across our country, that way the message will be out there.>> <<@danielbrown8431 says : The far left hates America!we have to get them Out of Office. In the name of GOD>> <<@Extinctionbytheyear2060 says : Segment 1 of 3 parts. _NATURE IN DRAG: MALE GATORS BECOMING FEMALE_ This is the *ONLY* reason that Joe Biden did not win the proState of -Floriduh- Whorida!>> <<@Extinctionbytheyear2060 says : Segment 2 of 3 parts. _MALE GATORS BECOMING FEMALE_ *Something is feminizing the male alligators in central Florida's Lake Apopka.* "We are actually seeing se* reversal. Things are changing se*," says University of Florida researcher Louis Guillette, in a _Discovery Channel_ program airing from 7 to 8 p.m. Sunday.>> <<@Extinctionbytheyear2060 says : Segment 3 of 3 parts. _IN DRAG: GATORS BECOMING FEMALE_ The program, _Assault on the Male,_ examines the possible causes for this bizarre phenomenon and its implications for other species - including humans. The topic has gotten allot of attention of late - _20/20_ on _ABC_ did a segment on the topic last month, _The New York Times_ wrote reams on its science page, and _Newsweek_ covered it back in March.>> <<@SusanMarcotte-b1k says : To the government, stop paying them.>> <<@SusanMarcotte-b1k says : Harris, you and your administration should be held responsible for the 300,000 + missing children. My heart breaks for the children. Their blood is on your hands.>> <<@ironsilver5982 says : Jackassdemocrats what u expect>> <<@pamelacassise9069 says : Project 2025 thinks climate change is 'climate fanaticism" and will rescind all climate policies, shutdown agencies, programs, and directives to combat climate change. And not only in the U.S., but they will also limit funding to any country that addresses and tries to combat climate change, practices abortions, and gender healthcare, basically they are telling the world that if any government tries to help women, or those unsure of their gender, and those trying to save the environment and Earth, then the U.S. will stop giving them money. The counties most impacted by climate change are the poorest and do not pollute the air. Project 2025 wants to control the world by forcing women to have babies, plus not address the fact that climate change is making life more difficult. You get billions of poor, uneducated, children suffering in a dying world and dying economy.>> <<@PatRandazzo says : 😢>> <<@noddy2583 says : That cannot be trumps wall it's still standing 😂😂😂😂 perhaps Kamala is there to pick up Mexicós payment 😂😂😂😂>> <<@michaelbugh8027 says : Yet, Kamala says the USA is a sovereign state and has a right to protect its borders. Hmmmmmmm isn't this a contradiction to her actions.>> <<@perfectionist724 says : These are the kind of people democrats want>> <<@billyslots72 says : Fox News is the discrace 3/4 of a billion dollars to dominion....zero credibility...>> <<@gilbertsuarez1156 says : Why trump stop the boarder bill you jerks tell the truth!!! So trump could win the election. Why don’t you talk about trump scam stock going bankrupt!!!>> <<@noddy2583 says : The economy doesn't seem to be affected with every economic indicator setting records>> <<@AlanDarby-s1f says : perhaps the republicans should not have put the block on doing something about the border but the idiot trump ordered them not to>> <<@noregrets8481 says : FDJT 2024??? Why?? List five reasons that means it is *NOT* surviving on a diet of _Soylent Green_ by the year 2048; and goes extinct by the year 2060? Due to its greenhouse g@s emissions causing the global-warming-refugees [GWR] at the southern border?>> <<@noregrets8481 says : Chemically-feminized MANgina eunuch cowards refuse to protect its family from the yearly *AGW-CAUSED* 15% inflation of: food, housing, auto and home insurance costs?>> <<@noregrets8481 says : The Ku Klux RATrumpliKlans have no solutions for any of America's problems due to massive self-inflicted poisoning from: lead, pesticides, formaldehyde, radiation, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, PCBs, BPA, CTE, forced onto ADHD-drugs by male-hating 3rd-wave-feminist, estrogen; and is unable recognize threats due to infection with Toxoplasma gondii.>> <<@demimejia9499 says : The way kamala is going to fix immigration is to bring the wall down,>> <<@noregrets8481 says : So that the arsenic-Kool-Aid KKKult supporters of FDJT's I.Q. and sperm-counts are both *ZERO.* So call sane people that can still produce sperm: communists, socialists, and Marxists. Yet *IT* cannot define what these words mean nor why *IT* opposes them when challenged.>> <<@adorabledeplorable5740 says : The Biden/Harris Policy has been tried all over Europe! Its the UN/WEF/IMF failed policies! This is Agenda 2030>> <<@peacemakerpac222 says : Wait😮 Kamala finally went to the border…are we 💯 certain?>> <<@deanowens2340 says : Thanks democrats. You've got ÿour illegal kind of people here now just like yourselves wanting free stuff and free money. Great job for ruining America>>