<<@Scott_396 says : They accidentally put the trust fund under Larrys name>> <<@IRISHSALTMINER61 says : The spineless Albino Jellyfish, is a war criminal…>> <<@michaelcurrie4843 says : How can only politicians and scum elite re-invent re-imagine Re-brand themselves?to their core they are rotten.>> <<@planeprepper6597 says : Boris Johnson is like the fat kid nobody wanted to sit with at the lunch table in school!>> <<@michaelcurrie4843 says : Yeah and the people told you to leave did harry care?>> <<@frankstefini3392 says : Johnson was a huge disappointment. Everything he touched was doomed from the start.>> <<@cnath3466 says : Yay! Boris is back!! Never a dull moment when Boris is around.>> <<@FartherTed-g7h says : Larry the cat's memoirs are next "Mice and Men">> <<@nieko3038 says : Boris wanted to invade the Netherlands over jabs. 😂 What a clown>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Love colonel MacGregor when he mocked Johnston's stupid hair>> <<@UltraPerception says : what was it all about lol>> <<@UltraPerception says : OVER THE KNEE ORANGE SOCKS TO ENHANCE THE LOOK OF THE FULL NAKED CARO>> <<@UltraPerception says : IVE HEARD ALL ABOUT IT DONT U WORRY ALL THE WAY TO THE DARING RAID ON NETHERLANDS WAREHOUSE FOR COVID VACCINES USING THE BRITISH JOHNSON RIVERINE UNIT>> <<@SusanDwyer-mp6yv says : Reinventing himself again,at least it was squatting sucking a baby bottle but not that far off, still a stupid stunt>> <<@johnk-pc2zx says : Nobody cares about this warmonger>> <<@ssuwandi3240 says : He should team up w Truss for the sequel. Too late as everybody has seen what's going on>> <<@Prognosis__ says : BoJo put a stop to an agreement between Russia and Ukraine. He is a cause of the meat grinder>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : I'll buy it.>> <<@isin4six says : Bring Boris back. Boris! Boris! Boris!>>