<<@bethanygonzalez7760 says : Vast majority of Americans either could care less about them or wish they stayed in Canada Just a couple of spoiled elite liberal multi millionaires with no clue how the 99 % of the rest of us live>> <<@cathybpz1584 says : Leadership? Empathy? The way that he has treated his family, her family, does not indicate that he possesses empathy. These two women are off base.>> <<@maryriley8077 says : If Harry does return to Africa and does not address the African Parks situation, he will be seen for what he actually is: A weak poser with no leadership skills or sense of responsibility to see anything through. A big deal was made how he was 'promoted' to BOD, and at the first sign of trouble, kicked the problem upstairs with little follow up.>> <<@leesaloveslife2358 says : They already had all the fame and fortune anyone could ever want or need and they had security at all times. Too bad Harry didn’t realize that he was born to be a prince and Megan didn’t realize that she had already gotten the role of a lifetime. I really feel sorry for their children who remind me of the way MJ THE KING OF POP raised his children. SMH>> <<@itbgt007 says : Prince Harry may be in for a significant surprise if he believes that the public will simply overlook his actions. As a consenting adult, he was an active participant in the narrative woven during the interviews with Oprah and throughout their Netflix series, where numerous falsehoods were presented.>> <<@MrBrownnn696 says : He will not shine again after what he did to his family.>> <<@kellybone827 says : Load of croc>> <<@ColdCreekB says : They are a joke in the states. The “royal” stuff is fun for people here to follow on occasion (weddings, etc), but otherwise nobody cares. They have no influence here, and it’s funny because they act like they’re supposed to be getting all of this recognition and have their “place” Hollywood, and it’s just never going to happen. Maybe try Canada, idk. We don’t care.>> <<@tallybeaverman9462 says : Once I traveled by boat from Detroit to Canada to have a meal with friends. The waiter said I had to take off my hat in front of a picture of the Queen. I had a few choice words about taking my hat off for a picture, they threatened to call the cops, so I walked out. Never had much respect for the royal family since. Since, I hear they have drug problems in the family, and one is a child molester. Here we put folks like that in jail. So what is there to respect about them? I'll keep my hat on thank you very much.>> <<@micheleplass says : plenty BS frin women to a woman is called news>> <<@vanessahe9336 says : Who says it's not working? The bitter UK and British media? Oh, so it's the usual suspects, then. Hummmm...>> <<@kimberley9410 says : Leadership! Dumbo Harry? C'mon. Harry is a traitor NOT a superstar.>> <<@riverspirit7 says : Yeah.. Americans, generally 90% ++ of non english stock, find royal anything offputting.. That's was obamas mistake too, thinking he was king>> <<@marilynd3996 says : God help us all if those two get any power over us!>> <<@NeverEnds1385 says : diddy do it diddy filmed it>> <<@crystalabel8976 says : They left ,they lied. They betrayed their families and countries, it’s all deserved! Tough>> <<@gamera2020 says : A lot of managers in the U.S. put that notation in their signature line to let employees know they're not expected to respond outside normal work hours. It's pretty common over here because the 24/7 work expectation during covid got so bad in America.>> <<@Adept24 says : They are not a power couple, everything they have attempted has been a complete comical failure, she has nothing to offer and he has shown himself to be a miserable individual.>> <<@virginiacarey2537 says : She can't run a business, in spite of people saying she graduated NW University it NEVER happened! She's a glorified escort that's it, oh horrible actress 😊>> <<@TirzaNL says : They are nowhere near being a power couple. And it doesnt matter where they move, if they dont change their hypocrit behavior, they ll be welcome nowhere.>> <<@virginiacarey2537 says : He got 2 US Marines killed while protecting him, he was swept away to safety! He did NOTHING he had NO leadership roles while in Afghanistan!! Tell the truth about his service!>> <<@fireflyrn says : I wish they would move out of the US. We are tired of their self proclaimed victimhood>> <<@conorwood2728 says : First here. Just wanted to ket you know how fucked legacy media is 😂😂😂 you're a joke>>