<<@maximusjaip says : Australia 🦘🦘 very soon will become London which is no different than Karachi>> <<@michaelhughes7458 says : This is Islam and the followers of Mohammed and Hezbollah are just one of the many groups who the followers agree with there agenda people are finally seeing the problem.>> <<@aminsan7642 says : These western countries are playing with fire. You dine with the devil then one day you will be the dish. These Arabs hate the western countries>> <<@stll01batt says : JUST DEPORT THEM ALL!!!>> <<@NotALeftie says : Current governments around the world love to cater to minorities, especially the worst of the worst of society. I will never understand why.>> <<@PhillipaSilke says : No more NASRALLAH>> <<@maxinegeorge6359 says : Britain has lost control of their home grown terrorists.>> <<@PhillipaSilke says : Usual Woke excuse, it’s only a minority. Degenerate, simplistic, moral bankruptcy>> <<@PhillipaSilke says : Australia has become an immoral disgrace. Shame on Jew hating Australians>> <<@RobJ351 says : If Hezbollah is considered terroists so should Israelis, if the shoe fits , the pagers and 2 ways exploding is a terrorist act again from Israel.>> <<@BeBlessed-ISRAEL says : God Bless Israel 🇮🇱 🙏 ❤️ ♥️ 🙌 😊 🇮🇱 🙏 ❤️ ♥️ 🙌>> <<@BeBlessed-ISRAEL says : God news Australia, Revoke their visa and sent them back home>> <<@mira55053 says : About time... Jeez, who are these people and why are they living in western countries if they are ao in love with the middle east? Such disloyal ungrateful disingenuous naturalised reaident new-immigrant citizens.>> <<@NE413 says : Deport every single one of them is a must , VISA or not>> <<@deerees9855 says : Enough of the talk! Take some action for a change!>> <<@papersplease says : Multiculturalism is a complete and utter failure. Case in point.>> <<@XiaoFury says : Hold his portrait all you want. He's WORM CHOW.>> <<@waynetowers5828 says : Protests by idiots>> <<@vlm1057 says : When they are minority they obey little and do these..when majority you are finished...>> <<@open3256 says : What took you so long?>> <<@jitendrapatil3276 says : What to expect from Australia.>> <<@leorodes-d7r says : People that support terrorists are terrorists themselves. So they don't have to claim the UN for help.>> <<@vlm1057 says : You never trust an islamic council anywhere>> <<@theodociocozanitis5437 says : Labor blood is on your hands>> <<@markclaxton1859 says : Bourke is lying, he won't do squat, Labour is still bringing thousands of these people in from Gaza>> <<@privatecitizen62 says : Why are they in the country supporting terrorists>> <<@rickmarek3840 says : Are you two Israeli agents?>> <<@brendahannaford4111 says : About time. We are AUSTRALIA we don’t need Terrorists not allowed. Gutless behaviour>> <<@mahasingh9078 says : No words, real action needed and needed immediately. These people are abusing the Australian system and hospitality. They should have been grateful for having been allowed into the country but for them, the only thing that matters is Islam with no respect for the law of the land.>> <<@user-barakauan says : Why march for a usrless idiots that is now enjoying 72 goats in la la land .>> <<@p8196 says : No censorship. As long as they don’t incite or cause violence. Sky news needs to make sure not to call for censorship or arrests where laws have not been broken. Speech you hate is not hate speech.>> <<@EstherEvans-jp3jc says : Tony Burk band these marches I can't understand how the labour government has been allowing these dangerous marches and carrying these murderous pictures of terrorist encouraging more violence in Australia are the labour government so hard up for terrorist votes .Keep Australia safe bring back John Howard to keep us safe>> <<@alffox9151 says : From day one? My arse.>> <<@budantessarajan4247 says : Terrorism are growing in Australia>> <<@ranger77554 says : I thought Hezbollah is terrorist organization...and supporting it earned Visas?>> <<@koloni2862 says : 10 years ago this protest would not have been possible but because we imported so many Islamist in the name of refugees now we have this..Ofcos they re terrorist supporters both make and female ..reconsider our visa issuance>> <<@loco4zamac says : When you bring people from troubled countries, you begin to understand why their home country is in trouble: it’s because of them. They and their actions are the problem. You’re not removing them from the problem; you’re bringing the problem to yourself.>> <<@ranger77554 says : Why gave visa first place for them?>> <<@Mrjffjjfhfucuc says : When muslims are minority they want human rights, privilages, freedom and secularism. When they are in majority, no secularism, no freedom, no human rights, no other religion and minority is wiped out. Take an example of Iran, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Somalia etc.., etc etc...>> <<@alpineflieger4363 says : Only cancellations ? not arrests..these are open support for terrorists !>> <<@lynettekeen9912 says : Come on Albo. Be a leader of our country & do something about this absolute disgusting behaviour on our streets. How can you allow this ? And the shameful terrost flags. Stop this . Enough is enough.>> <<@whatplanetdowelivein says : In Australia? lol... Well... It is known Iran's strategy is to destroy Countries from within... These govt leaders either didn't receive real education and only got through by waving money around or are in these terrorists pockets or appeasing other countries that support terrorists for the sake of GDP or all the above.. Or are secretly activists wanting to destroy it all themselves. Who knows anymore.. The world is foooked>> <<@violatommy6972 says : Deport them all>> <<@Brett-gb7tf says : I hope ASIO is doing there job recording and identifying those involved it's their role not the priministers remember Albo shut ASIO out of security meetings don't forget this Australia>> <<@RichardJew-d9x says : About time..... Guest should have respect for host country and NOT cause trouble>> <<@MrMAXZ888 says : How many Moozlims did you Aussies allowed in, over the years?>> <<@slevenkelevra6945 says : No they are not a minority, the hatred and support for this evil comes from both extremists and conservatives of that group.>> <<@georgemiller5950 says : Deport the bastards>> <<@ChampionTuition says : No islam no Muslims for Australia anymore send them back home enough is enough>> <<@ayaxer says : Useless Australia. Still dont get it. You are next for the islamists>>