<<@s-t-f-r says : Goodbye EU.>> <<@JebusHypocristosX says : Russia couldn't occupy an outhouse without losing the war.>> <<@lurebenson7722 says : Georgian is going back to Putin ownership! I operate a wine import business in the US so for some years I seen this coming where Goergia is no longer a free state but turned over to Putin, so I canceled all buying of Georgian wines to be shipped to my business in the US>> <<@louisecorchevolle9241 says : US neoconservatives will try a collored revolution in Georgian a coup like in UkraineĀ  who provoked the war in Ukraine? -the USA has violated its oath not to expand NATO. Subsequently Bill Clinton refused Russia's request for NATO membership - in 2007 Georgian President Saakasvili close to the CIA had shot the peacekeepers of South Ossetia; - by Victoria Nuland's admission it was the USA which financed the Maidan revolution which ended in a constitutional coup and a bloodbath under false flag with neo-Nazi snipers... - the USA asked Ukraine not to apply the Minsk 2 agreements and over-armed -Ukraine,that had amassed troops at the beginning of 2022 to carry out ethnic cleansing in the Dombas>>