<<@sjmixit9818 says : will Israel go for iran after>> <<@georgeriley4443 says : I was listening to a banker worth about 70million have a conversation with a real-estate developer worth a couple hundred million yesterday at a wedding. One sentence from that conversation is all you need. "Good luck taxing the rich. We've already made our plans to leave if she takes office." Those 2 people alone support hundreds to a couple thousand jobs. They aren't the only 2 rich people making plans for a potential kamala presidency.>> <<@thecrawlingchaos1424 says : The Media is disgusting>> <<@RolandElvira-l4y says : Young Scott Jones Robert Lopez Edward>> <<@langstonify says : Is anyone at CNN allowed to report on the Palestinian genocide?>> <<@danieldowney7692 says : Let’s hear what the most insulated , propagandist twerp has for an analysis 🧐>> <<@bkannegundla1 says : With allies like Israel, who needs an enemy!!! Netanyahu and IDF are war criminals like Hamas and Hesbollah. All are terrorist groups based on international law!!! There will be the biggest circle of hell for Netanyahu!!!>> <<@RoyHibbert-e6i says : US lie for Israel all the time. Biden knows that why weapons keeps going to Israel>> <<@kimg3503 says : John Kirby is the biggest liar and joke of the US.>> <<@andredehaan6839 says : Tapper is really concerned about civilians. What an empathic man😂>> <<@immmaculada says : I can only listen to this if I practice buddhism at the same time.>> <<@jimeagle5509 says : Will CNN have therapy sessions for the staff.....? Thanks ~Jim Eagle>> <<@letsgorandall9848 says : Israel is doing a great job without Joe Biden and Harris.>> <<@EmmieAfra-y5l says : Allen Kimberly Lopez Kevin Thompson Kevin>> <<@veronicagarcia2682 says : Shameless US response. What an evil policy, so embarrassing. It is NOT good for the region. Still talking about ceasefire even. More innocents death will result. Israel has NO RIGHT to do what it is doing, its an occupying force, stop with the same old ineffective and insincere talking points.>> <<@Kaesight says : Israel is doing a genocide right now.>> <<@ИринаКим-ъ5ч says : Taylor Mary Garcia Nancy Thomas Brian>> <<@williamstafford8248 says : Unbelievable CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Spew LIES and Deception of everyday REALITY.>> <<@FaradayStanford-y4m says : Davis Gary Jackson Donna Anderson Patricia>> <<@thewisdomofjacobsladder says : Condolences to cnn 🙏>> <<@Brock-u3j says : You guys have barely covered what’s happening in western North Carolina. All of the corporate media outlets are acting the same way. It’s like those ppl don’t matter to any of you because you haven’t figured out how to use them politically. You disgust me on a level I cannot describe. If you can’t use poor ppl to for your benefit then they don’t matter.>> <<@refagat007js says : Why are you reporting wrong, nobody said the body was found under 6 story multiple buildings>> <<@alitharimedia3513 says : These people also have blood on their hands. America-backed Israel killed thousands. He looks like a comedian.>> <<@mikej6544 says : Kirby is a weasel ,celebrating a man’s death. What a jackass>> <<@Standing_horse says : Hey cnn, do a story on Robert menendez. Let's drain the swamp.>> <<@four4eyes says : What's the definition of hippocricy ? Calling for a ceasefire while shoveling weapons continually>> <<@ktime2037 says : I feel sorry for these people. Have to lie to survive. Without all that perceived power, it's so much easier to just be a normal decent human being.>> <<@teglaprbambaluftlaurvafhen5449 says : So the media and Wa D.C. take credit when the IDF makes us safer and blame the IDF whence they are defending constantly under threat Israeli civilians? If terrosists are such a threat why is the Biden admin negotiating with them? Also, allowing the ones ' noone will miss', to build tunnels and 1000000s missiles with western funds? 😮😮>> <<@DoronAvramov-gk2zp says : Dark days and depression sentiment in CNN>> <<@Muttlnchopsforever says : *Kamala and Tim—it’s time for OUR vision of america—abortion pills in girls high school bathrooms—elementary school buses painted LGBTQ rainbow*>> <<@tedwright8166 says : Kirby, Blinken, and the rest of the Biden clowns are rightfully on the sidelines in this ingenious IDF campaign>> <<@BxhddxbxhhfxXbjdjdxnxjchszhhxh says : Lee David White Laura Jackson Jeffrey>> <<@FitzGeraldBurgess-g6o says : Young Jennifer Lee Margaret Young Margaret>> <<@RandyWatson-q2t says : Joes at the beach in a demented fog>> <<@Da0907-v4s says : At the end, no one will win! PEACE is win for everyone!>> <<@dhiaukueimayek9717 says : What is happening around the world is the Survival of the fittest, Where actually the strongest dodge strongest for the fear of being defeated. According to my analysis, NATO Should support and directly participate in the war they created for Ukrainian though their Puppet Zelensky. They created this war and they should finish it, but they choose to involve in soft targets such as Hamas and Lebanon. I don't see superiority in That.>> <<@orlandoheavener8932 says : This guy shows how weak the US really is.>> <<@matthightower1570 says : I wonder what Israel will use as an excuse for murdering innocent women and children once Hezbollah has no more leaders? I'm sure they will think of something. Terrorists usually do.>> <<@Jehovahs-loving-AngeL says : 😂😂😂😂🌟🌟🔵🔵🌟🌟 .....yur a Flipp Flopper..🐟>> <<@asheraltshul5196 says : It seem like the USA has completely given up the concept of winning a war>> <<@edwelndiobel1567 says : Lots of America hating terrorists in the comments, (probably Harvard and MIT students). CNN must be beaming with pride!>> <<@3rdvision-fj6hm says : No occupying force has a right to defend themselves.. defend the hostages..oh i forgot..you guys dont care about the hostages>> <<@Jehovahs-loving-AngeL says : 😂😂😂🌟🔵🌟presidenT.... ...JoE BiDEN🇺🇸 ....you say one thing ....n then do something else>> <<@segs3394 says : Biden should just sit back and watch...he will be updated when he wakes up.>> <<@Jawan2512 says : I started not liking them when their book says Gabriel blew into Mary's vag...ina and Jesus was born. The fate of christians and Jews will be known once they read it fully.>> <<@josem5681 says : All people criticizing what israel did with hezbolla and his leaders , you should look in the mirror after 09/11 and what USA did in Afghanistan rightfully and the hunt for Bin Laden . There is no difference so if you are against what israel is doing you are a hypocrite and maybe antisemite.>> <<@3rdvision-fj6hm says : When will you guys learn, this will not solve anything..its just going to make it worse...you want a cease fire and still sending weapons?? Do you think we are fools??>> <<@Jehovahs-loving-AngeL says : quit confusing thur American🇺🇸 peoples>> <<@JohnDilivio says : If gas a gallon cost 20 dollars Americans will throw any country under the bus>> <<@3rdvision-fj6hm says : 500 civilians killed to kill one man... that's a war crime..you need to talk about that...what a shame on USA and Israel...>>