<<@YB-ok1ny says : I’m not backing an antisemitic government which is a first, and hopefully a last for Australia. Absolutely disgusting. $82m of taxpayers money to billionaires who stole money from their citizens. Shouldn’t that money be given to Australia’s kids first, considering no Gaza kids receive it.>> <<@theshiled says : When you import Jihadists, you become Jihadist>> << says : Stamer sucking to much muslim sausage>> <<@EM.1. says : Penny Wong should go back to China.>> <<@Harien-fs6gn says : Australia has forgot ‘Lindt terrorist attacked’? Burke st terrorist action years ago? 😳>> <<@WorldFighter95 says : Palestinian flag or Lebanese flag is terrorist flag?>> <<@ThanhNguyen-ps1io says : No one care about what Australia Government said>> <<@abbeystump says : Labor Greens have the right to be anti Israel.>> <<@rustic35 says : Can we make sure these clowns get voted out at the next election!>> <<@rustic35 says : Instant deportation is what's needed! This crap shouldn't be tolerated.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : What a bunch of fascist zionist cowards, Israhell as a democratic ally? Israhell is a zionist terrorist enemy>> <<@rudihofer7212 says : great choice labour , scanks dont deserve support !>> <<@bethanygonzalez7760 says : Biden / Harris. Also/wong. These are western leaders. Our civilization is truly doomed>> <<@marcharries3568 says : Who will help defend the only democracy in the Middle East from a apocalyptic death cult?>> <<@KitiTui says : Shame on Australia gone woke>> <<@stevedallas4942 says : It's an excuse for antisemitism. That's all it is.>> <<@josephgee143 says : It's like saying we want a zion free Israel.>> <<@johnoneill1011 says : Our police are bound to enforce the law without fear or favour. However, police are not enforcing the law against flying the flag of a terrorist organisation. Through their inaction, leaders of all our police forces support these same terrorist organisations. That leads to citizens who do not support terrorists to rightly distrust and disrespect police and their political masters.>> <<@josephgee143 says : THIS IS NOT ISRAELIA! THANK YOU FOR STANDING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY MR ALBANESE.>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : Labor won't be around much longer>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : Labor Greens and Teals have wrapped themselves up with Terrorist Flags so too the Aboriginal Activist Class ...>> <<@icarus-lt3jy says : Your country will also be a haven for the terrorists. Your government is now becoming a useful idiot of the terrorists.>> <<@outback109 says : We need a police force>> <<@user-tq4zm9yr6l says : This is not my Australia>> <<@GrandpaVince says : The word 'democratic' is an ancient Egyptian word meaning 'rat demon'.>> <<@k12-b3i says : Who is this guy? 😂😂>> <<@2.4strength4.2 says : Haha grammatical humor is at an all time high lol great day fellow human beings!>> <<@lappo2534 says : Same genocidal maniacs>> <<@Prognosis__ says : How can Benny Wong ask for a ceasefire with a terrorist organisation? Terrorists aren’t countries and don’t respect borders>>