<<@TheWorldisSoDivided says : The flags are going up 🤢>> <<@LeeHawk23 says : These people don’t want to integrate. They want to take over Australia should deport them all ASAP before it’s going to be too late>> <<@markbarnes2041 says : I guess Australia is going the way of England becoming the next Islamic country, and I used to love Australia, kind of ashamed of all you now>> <<@Useryr-m8q says : Let Europeans keep dreaming about "minorities">> <<@jaye6450 says : you idiots let anyone into the country 😂 wake up australia your heading down the same path as the uk>> <<@BuckMckawtheotherone says : The President of the Islamic Council is not approving, apparently, of the support for the terrorists. Why are the protesters not waving the Lebanese flag instead of the flag of the oppressors of Lebanon if they 'support Lebanon'? Penny Wong is wong in evewy way. A two state solution is not in the interest of the Palestinians, they want to have it all, after eliminating all Israel to do it. So, why force it down their throat? And it is definitely not in Israel's interest either.>> <<@michaelmaramba702 says : Is is shameful for them for not embracing the culture as Australians.>> <<@michaelmaramba702 says : It's time for Australia to be racist by Not giving citizenships to Arabs Islamist/ Cancel their citizenships as Australians.>> <<@truegenderequality4454 says : It's puzzling how some people in Western nations, including the UK, USA, EU, and Australia, support groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, despite their openly stated hostility towards the West. History has shown us the consequences of such actions, including tragic events like 9/11. This raises concerns about the implications of these choices for the future. Perhaps it's time to explore alternative leadership on the global stage.>> <<@llharrison77 says : More like Was-bollah. Am I right?>> <<@WhyWhyWhy-ms3we says : This should not be allowed. If those people support terrorism, send them to Afghanistan>> <<@gregstarosta7807 says : Pro terror shame Go home>> <<@bennuballbags2 says : Each one of those protestors should be charged and deported, even if they are Australian citizens...deport them>> <<@bennuballbags2 says : With 9news making Hezbollahs leaders sound like a great person you know we have little hope of our government doing anything about this uprising of Islamic violence and threat. It's only a matter of time until we have a major attack on our own soil. It's happened many times Israel being attacked and fuck all reporting....then as soon as they take actions to stop the attacks they are the aggressors and Hezbollah are the victims!!!! Fuck me!>> <<@susangarrard390 says : Deport. ALONG WITH WONG. TRAITOR.>> <<@phillippaxton6764 says : No Loyalty to the country. No Respect for the Australia flag. No fear of authorities. No desire for peace. Though they are physical here, reaping the benefits of our nation. Their true loyalty lay with their country back home. As the saying goes... ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. Antisemtism should have NO PLACE in Australia! Who gave these mops the power to raise their flag here in our beautiful country? Send them and their flag to the nation that they seem to love MORE. We unashamedly stand with Israel, and it's people! We love and respect the Jewish community in our nation!>> <<@WalkiTalki says : There is only one man to blame for this. And he just returned home from a visit the other leader that has nearly lost his Presidential career for similar inaction. Ignore Alba much longer and these terrorists flags will be flown over Parliament and it won't be anyone's fault but Australia's citizens for not taking action.>> <<@Team_Fauda_Germany says : What's up with Australia ? So sad>> <<@gillesuzan180 says : The reason for this protest, they dont like the collapse of hezbollah leaders.>> <<@alfal7113 says : Where is Albo on this ?>> <<@richardwright1673 says : Its every weekend large police presence and they do nothing to stop it. Plus the cost of the traffic controllers. This money that could be better spent During covid, would have been quick to arrest or fine any anti lock down protesters>> <<@valentinussofa4135 says : Their flag alone symbolizes how the organization was built solely for violence.>> <<@matthelm4666 says : lol>> <<@carllyons4903 says : Unbelievable maybe they should remove their citizenships and kick them out the country, all the fault of Albo and PW both incompetent FW’s 🤬>> <<@reneemazel7865 says : People in Lebanon are cheering that he was killed by the IDF. People in Australia are unfortunately so fucking stupid. Our government needs to go! Penny Wong needs to GO!>> <<@mbens9266 says : They openly support terrorists on Australian soil. Revoke their visas and deport them. Citizens who took [art should also be investigated.>> <<@krs4395 says : If we deported all the muslim immigrants then we wouldn't have any problems.>> <<@abigailfoster2467 says : Disgusting>> <<@adinabongkos4594 says : Shame on you Penny Wong siding with Hamas and Hezbollah. Examine your moral conscience !!>> <<@juliestannard5538 says : No idea why you’re being censored. You have a valid and well repeated query by all western civilisations. Why flee a country because it has degenerated into a mysoginistic, hate filled poverty ridden cesspool and go to a western country you claim to hate and then by degrees attempt to defile into the Islamic slum you fled?>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : Hezbollah and pro Hamas Chants all mean one thing the extermination of every man woman child of the Jewish Faith .. who's next Christians .. its a Caliphate>> <<@ayaxer says : No two statates after oct 7th . You are delusional>> <<@mastersamrayy10 says : Hezbollah = Has no ball la>> <<@mastersamrayy10 says : Hassan Nasrallah turned into ‘Nutella.’ 🤣>> <<@Ozcrazy49 says : Labor imports terrorists.>> <<@moalerivu2139 says : To late Australia. Stop accepting refugees and immigrants from war-torn Middle Eastern countries.>> <<@sallycent6598 says : The only people who can carry the Hezbollah flag are members of the Hezbollah the terrorist organisation, because if those people are concerned for their country would be carrying the Lebanese flag.>> <<@Goprasiv330 says : There is no point these Islamist protesting in Australia. Australia has no control over safety of Jews in Israel. Even Australia is seeking its own protection from USA as it cannot defend itself.>> <<@kipster67 says : Labor needs to show some bawls, unfortunately they have nil.>> <<@dextermorganbloodspattersp6382 says : The Green 💚 Prince Yusef son of Hamas Educated ME what about Y'all 🤔>> <<@VictorMitchell-c7e says : Australia was foun by British criminals the ones england didn't want the outcast of British society😂>> <<@bornonjuly7052 says : iT'S SO ANNOYING TO SEE THESE PEOPLE LIVING IN AUSTRALIA A LAND OF FREEDOM FROM VIOLENCE, FREEDOM FROM HATRED AND YET THEY ARE MORE LOYAL TO THEIR COUNTRY BACK HOME BY WAVING THEIR FLAGS NOT THE FLAG OF LOYALTY TO AUSTRALIA!!>> <<@cjf800 says : As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said when he addressed the US parliament and referred to protesters supporting HAMAS & Hezbollah terrorist organisations - he called them “Iran’s useful IDIOTS!”>> <<@hlits6310 says : Did you see Penny Wong holding up hizbollah flag ?>> <<@thecareyaffair says : Failure to act on this will result in something much bigger than the Cronulla riots.>> <<@stevenwadedavis6986 says : Looks like Australia has indoctrinated people in their country also.Brainwashed children in government>> <<@Voicex102 says : Such a shame on this Julian Leeser, the only terrorist is Israel right now. Bombing children and civilans. Horrible>> <<@JohnWoodall-sv8pm says : This is what happens when you allow extremist religious Islamics into your country!!! Deport all these violent terrorist supporters now! Protect your citizens and country!!!>> <<@TBH138 says : Australian forgot that christian found Australia.>> <<@ignacemorel641 says : Biggest terrorist is Netanyahu who is committing genocide in Gaza.>>