<<@ibiufos says : The Drivers of the inflation is the Government>> <<@markgamble568 says : The irony is that very low interest rates, were one of the key drivers of inflation. Not sure why 4.35% is considered to be high interest?? 🤔>> <<@jjsc4396 says : Called “housing”. Ignore and distract all you want, it is your extraordinarily dangerously inflated, debt-swamped economic Achilles’ heel.>> <<@williamcrossan9333 says : House price growth is going to feed into inflation. Workers are simply going to be forced to demand pay rises, or simply leave the cities. Or even the country.>> <<@muzzleflash1 says : Does that mean the supermarket prices that are up over 105% since March 2020 will return to their previous prices?>> <<@bretloyd8097 says : Blackrock???>> <<@lispyDribbler says : Yep. All two million of them driving around with no regard for other drivers or their property. They call them albozo immigrants with no driving skills in Australia.>> <<@gregblack5440 says : Blackrock is bad news check who owns it>> <<@Eric-jo8uh says : Woolworths where I live, has three security officers by the self check out to curb theft which I understand has risen considerably especially meat.>> <<@aaronaaron6569 says : Goverments are in severe debt... BROKE.>> <<@justicebroker2271 says : Shock horror! The RBA due to government was scared to lift rates into the high 5% range like the rest of the world. Now the rest of the world can start to cut while we can’t. Of course rates are on hold.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : Does anyone think this issue is not linked to the 2 major wars going on in the world at the moment. If we see a wider war in the mid east this will spiral out of control. America is 35 trillion dollars in debt and borrowing money from China what is it going to do, seriously?>> <<@avonrose2590 says : Albo still giving our money away or spending it. He needs to go!!>> <<@kerrybarnes7289 says : the idiots should not of locked up their countrys for 2 years>> <<@alexwoo3504 says : Labor spending spree not finish, the inflation won't stop. Simple as that 😂>> <<@asdxfey3919 says : With chinas stimulus gg inflation back at 5%>> <<@womp6338 says : I hate how boomers will literally go on national tv and not invest in a $50 microphone.>> <<@eycYang says : don’t worry America is helping Australia 😂>> <<@sunshinesagelavenderrosemary says : robodebt is forced Labor party mi mass immigrant robot li beral party>> <<@asifulzead says : Keep pumping those migrants baby.. investors must be protected.>> <<@oldenshort1346 says : They are recouping lost revenue from the Coof Fiasco.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Walk into any supermarket, and that will tell you if there has been any change to the rate of inflation!>> <<@Ryanjoned163 says : This does not change the fact that, i sometimes stand in the airing cupboard and pretend to be a towel>> <<@LouMinarty420 says : I'd hate to be a 65 year old pensioner who got owned by Robodebt 😉 Hey, *Lucifer Black?* 😆😆😆>> <<@kynangreen9315 says : Tell Black Rock from me, to get out of our face... they're time meddling with us is finished & God's wrath in Christ Jesus is on its way in judgement on them all>> <<@ali44212 says : Government pause immigration and get rid of 2.8 million temporary residents our inflation will go to zero and more salaries>> <<@VK6AB- says : Correct, the recent quarterly figure was a function of the EBRS which started in the last quarter and artificially reduced energy costs. Inflation is well and truly stuck in the 3% to 4% range.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Something deliberately caused won’t stop so long as there is beneficiaries in high places>>