<<@DelbertTWEEDIE says : puy KAMALA AND JOE INT JATL FOR TREASON.>> <<@russellparrington2457 says : You are talking about her because she is fabulous.>> <<@johnyvik7242 says : MSM<------------>DEMOCRATS<------------>HOLLYWOOD 😮 ALL CONNECTED AND EVIL 😡😡>> <<@johnyvik7242 says : Kamala<-----------------304😮>> <<@mangalores-x_x says : I don't care if you are an ardent Nazi, as a full Aryan German I can tell you if you vote for Trump as your supreme leader you are a pathetic weakling.>> <<@andyprompt says : That's called politics. She has 100 days to get people to know what she stands for. Trump has been repeating the same shit for 10 years>> <<@MrDeeg1 says : Now just go ahead and imagine that it was Trump saying and doing the same thing to Kamala or Biden. I assure you we would never hear the end of how it's so horrible to joke about killing someone!! 😮😢 And let's not forget they have already tried kill him twice, do you know because they couldn't bar him from the election!!😢>> <<@zachschendt7201 says : If you didnt vote for kamala in the primaries then calling trump a threat to democracy makes you look like an idiot>> <<@ColleenCZC says : Hi Sky News Australia! It’s your friend from Maryland, in the supposed Free World! Well, here in Maryland, in an area called Harford County, where I live, we have experienced two rapes and murders by illegal immigrants. One woman was a 37 year old mother of five, the second was a 20 year old girl. Ummm, hello Kakula, this is in my backyard, and you are ignoring it. President Trump reached out to the families, the other side did Not! God Help us and Bless US! 💖🇺🇸 Thank you for sharing the atrocious truth of what’s going on and what’s being hidden here in the USA!>> <<@RalfPinkaire-f7w says : Pause and consider that people vote for her.>> <<@Inho-99 says : Black? Middle class? Worked at mcdonalds?>> <<@tribeval says : that's all a puppet can do, is their act.>> <<@sorotboydchamlongsupalak9896 says : If they only gave her one set of notes, how can one expect her to answer differently!?!>> <<@chuckc111 says : I like a bullshitter but Cumala suits me TOO WELL! If her husband isn't a flaming cuck, he missed a great chance!! One look at that RAIMONDO POS and you know she's an idiot Dem!!>> <<@one4metoday says : She is a druggy.>> <<@davidhfranz says : RFK said it best: The answer we all need to give to every question is "I grew up in a middle class family">> <<@eutimiochavez415 says : I’m Hispanic and voting for trump ❤❤❤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸>> <<@edwardvail2036 says : P. Diddy for Harris>> <<@eutimiochavez415 says : And can u believe at she was a D. A omg may god help the United States>> <<@dwinegardner8251 says : The constant repetition of the Left's and Kommula's Marxist doctrine is part of the indoctrination of the willfully ignorant.>> <<@eutimiochavez415 says : Yes she has to answer the questions>> <<@margeanblake4356 says : Thank you Rita for saying what I said about what Biden/Harris did on day 1 of taking office with an executive order opening our borders. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and my very 1st thought was this was TREASON and they should be tried for Treason!>> <<@alirahimi7566 says : do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. Timothy 2-12>> <<@ryanflippin1243 says : The View is a disgusting panel and they need Jesus>> <<@ryanflippin1243 says : She is a suit! She is NOT a real person.>> <<@araliu1443 says : MRS REPEAT!😢>> <<@davidjennings4589 says : "lets extinguish him for good"?, is that incitement to commit political murder?>> <<@kyleeconnley5781 says : Sad us Americans have to depend on Australia for the REAL news. Disgraceful>> <<@jrn8774 says : And the stupid democrat voters believe this crap!! Over half the population of America, is INSANE!! We have more democrats than Americans because we lose Conservative beause they are willing to do dangerous jobs like military, police, EMS, fire fighter, construction, crab fishing,iron workers, farm work,etc--all too scary for democrats. Democrats are good at making dresses for drag queens, basket weaving, news outlets, all the girly man work.>> <<@jeremybunn8473 says : Biden is & always has been a nasty piece of work. Good Old Joe from Scranton?.....No!>> <<@hallelujah969 says : Endtime Bible prophecy is coming to pass.>> <<@dogbitez3308 says : Equity Marxist Kamala and Biden and cohorts will take everything away from everyone that includes SSA "patents" money mortgages "you will have nothing and be happy" Nazi Schwab. Kamala "strength through joy" straight out of Hitler's playbook 1933 "NS Gemeinschaft Kraft durch Freude (German for 'Strength Through Joy'; KdF) was a German NSDAP-operated leisure organization in Nazi Germany.[1] It was part of the German Labour Front (‹See Tfd›German: Deutsche Arbeitsfront), the national labour organization at that time." She is a player in the destruction of America just to rule over ashes.>> <<@SmokeWithMeInCT says : The fact she is running a half ass campaign makes me fear they will cheat again>> <<@Foxtrot_Foxtrot_Lima says : She's a parrot.>> <<@daddydojang says : US Mainstream Media sucks. Thank you Sky News for keeping us informed.>> <<@SmokeWithMeInCT says : You guys are more valuable to us real Americans then our news>> <<@Teresia12 says : These people are sick. Out of their ever hateful minds. Lord help the US get back to when journalist just reported the news instead all you hear is their dang idgit opinions. 🙏 Amen TRUMP/VANCE 2024 VANCE 2028 & 2032🙏❤️🇺🇸>> <<@willemdezeeuw5918 says : Wonder by wich people you're paid... Trump is a lony narcist and Harris just tell you, over and over again, her plans for America. Yes, for you. To make life better.>> <<@brianmccormick8328 says : They’re just sticking to the only attack they have. It’s so tiresome and old.>> <<@quidproquo3933 says : dems been repeating the same things for over a decade,it’s all they got>> <<@TheGuyThatWondersWhy says : You have to be delusional to vote for her.>> <<@vintagemotorcyclerepair4052 says : She's going to take your guns, leaving your family defenseless against Illegal Alien criminals who definitely have guns.>> <<@MichaelFox-p9l says : What the heck do blacks actually want? If they want change, maybe they should look in the mirror>> <<@Frank-vo9xo says : My teddy bear has more memory than Kamala Harris has>> <<@kurthandrews6206 says : That’s her new schitick.... holi’schitick’. 😂>> <<@davidschluter6639 says : A corporate reset to neofuedalism.>> <<@TheSippel01 says : What is more concerning is the fact that all the dem campaign ads are lies>> <<@summerday9333 says : She doesn’t know anything else other than dumb points she’s memorized. No brains no skills no experience no clue about how the economy works or anything else>> <<@treadhead says : OPENNESS / TRANSPARENCY & INTEGRITY / TRUSTWORTHINESS ISSUES ABOUND FOR ALL. TO. SEE. & HEAR . *** AVOIDING OFF THE CUFF , PERTINENT IMPROMPTU QUESTIONS BEING ASKED & ONLY PRE SUBMITTED SOFTBALL TYPE QUESTIONS THAT ARE APPROVED AND CHOSEN WILL RECEIVE ANSWERS . TAPED INTERVIEWS FOR EDITING. OUT. BAD SEGMENTS. **** FLIP. FLOPPING ON CERTAIN ISSUES FOR. VOTES HOWEVER. ON. CNN'S HARRIS / WALZ **** TAPED. INTERVIEW, HARRIS STATED THAT HER **** " VALUES HAVEN'T CHANGED " & IF ELECTED , FLIP FLOPPING AGAIN ----- REVERTING BACK TO HER FACTUAL PAST STATEMENTS MADE . JUST A. FLIP. FLOPPER ----- WHATEVER IT TAKES FOR VOTES ----- ELECTION TIME , SHENANIGANS AGAIN FOR. THE. RADICLE AGENDA TO. REMAIN IN POWER ????????>> <<@ronaldtharappel5633 says : The demoncrat rhetoric is working so why would they stop?>>