<<@JonathanBriggs-q4u says : Yeah coalition tax cuts that were committed to and money distribution to the rich are creating problems in structural deficit now. Don’t follow right wing and end in situation like US and UK and huge deficits run up to support the rich>> <<@oasis042 says : And when liberals win and the adults inherit the debt incurred by labour, that's when labour will screech about the liberals putting the country into a recession. We all know the country is already in a per capita recession under labour. And we all know the country would be better off under One Nation and United Australia policies given the adoption of many One Nation policies, supported by the fact the coalition of Liberals and Nationals who will absolutely win the next election have adopted many of the One Nation policies to run on for the upcoming federal election - Because the greens are accidental socialists due to incompetence and labour are intentional communists due to ideological beliefs and third party interests. It's all clear now.>> <<@zzz7815 says : Australia needs Commonwealth Year Books back so citizens can find out what's going on>> <<@bkozican says : I hate all of these idiots>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : And guess who will cop the deficit and get the blame.>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : No problem. Why are you even discussing this ??? Albanese will just put up more taxes and excises as he's doing already. Australians will pay for these fools.>> <<@chrisjoyce6321 says : Disgrace. We have full employment and these idiots are running a huge structural deficit because they cannot control spending. They fund every bleeding heart minority group aka paying for votes. Disgrace. They are a nothing burger of a govt. Get out. Now.>> <<@lornatodd4750 says : And we are surprised! Hardily>> <<@wilbur1884 says : EAT COST ALOTE OF MONAYE 💵 💰 WHEN YA CONTINUE DA GO INDA LAYBOUR 🤰😲🤰🤪🤰😳🤣🤣🤣👋😲>> <<@ricky6864 says : Labor proven liars... destroying Australia>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Be on the lookout for new taxation theft to cover the losses..........>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Death duties are usually wheeled out at this point in a socialist financial collapse.>> <<@user-tq4zm9yr6l says : Who cares about a surplus when we have so many homeless,even more businesses going broke.The country is in a bloody mess>> <<@Puzz...693 says : Communists, political leaders controlled by UN NATO FEMA EU IMF WHO global terrorist organisations... Zionist khazars>> <<@brettmitchell1777 says : Incompetent thieving lefties.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : ‘One of the biggest deficits’: **Labor expecting $43 billion deficit in two years** HILARIOUS SKY MISINFORMATION HEADLINE FOR SHEEP.>>