<<@lukeh321 says : Why is it a big challenge for the government to pass a censorship bill no one voted for?>> <<@tonyperkins7485 says : And yet labour . Constantly give misinformation. Cheaper power . And apparently I am going to be better off>> <<@davidhanak2767 says : Good im not in australia>> <<@MalDonnelly-y3f says : Dutton isn’t against this bill so that means he is one of them you will have nothing and you will be happy>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Big question is will the opposition support it?>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : There goes the commenting on this channel if it passes.>> <<@MalDonnelly-y3f says : The problem in Australia is that politicians tell the true and everyone else are liars>> <<@ISREALHASGOD says : Fascism is strong in OZ>> <<@Rae-nq2yw says : Lose your free speech at your peril.>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Any politicians who support it will be removed next election>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : Everything Albo does is politically motivated. This is no different.>> <<@FeliksDangel says : Don't worry, they fail at EVERYTHING they attempt.>> <<@biggils8894 says : This isn’t happening globally. Australia passes this and ppl who criticise government can be fined tens of thousands and years in prison. You don’t talk about that>> <<@Kelly-wf5ie says : My creator gave me my voice and NO pathetic weak coward of a “ man” will deter that period !!>> <<@PaulWilliams-q2e says : $275 power bill cuts misinformation>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Disssssimfowmasssion and missssifowmassssion Bwussssh ssspwingsssteeen 😂😂😂😂>> <<@Xscapeplan01 says : Albo and his Circus can go duck off, get that in before thought police come knocking>> <<@Bud-m1e says : What if the misinformation is backed up by facts and data analysis 😮>> <<@aliceclayton1914 says : A very large percentage of the population is against this BILL>> <<@SquidMax-ym6gv says : This is actually very scary. Disagreeing with the government is a crime. Wow.>> <<@HyperVaccinated says : Q: What is deemed misinformation? A: Anything you think or say that goes against what our leaders say via their own words and the MSM news.>> <<@videofreak6047 says : This is a case of misinformation anout misinformation!>> <<@blacksheepnonconformist.8900 says : DUTTON oppose this and the next election is all yours.>> <<@isomorph7954 says : You had a choice under this unrepresentative Labor government. Choose an indigenous Voice to Parliament, or be smited with MaD laws. Bad law, bad outcomes either way.>> <<@leeevans2929 says : Making sure to get it in before the election>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : You mean like this Peter: **1 Aug 2021 — YouTube has barred Sky News Australia from uploading new content for a week, saying it had breached rules on spreading Covid-19 misinformation.** No wonder there's so much mental illness being told a vaccine is bad for you.>> <<@sungod1968 says : Plenty of misinformation over covid from the government safe and effective the Government said with Aztra Zeneca and get vaccine cant get covid or spread it all statements proved to be false now Aztra Zeneca Vaccine is banned due to risk of blood clots and amputations but of coarse the Government is exempt from this bill.>> <<@lornatodd4750 says : Misinformation and disinformation from the government and the woke. . What is truth and what is fabel, when Bruce can become Mabel.>> <<@aussievike3819 says : I Hate albo ! Just thought I’d get that in incase Bill passes>> <<@joe-public-poetry says : misinformation is what albo thinks you need to know or not know , isnt that for parents? overreach ends in demise for the meglamaniacs>> <<@שושיסקירה says : How do you define INFORMATION Total control freaks audacity! Let me decide and trust my perception of the meaning of INFORMATION!!!!!!!>> <<@AlfFeld says : Traitors escaping the deserved punishment!>> <<@markbarrett174 says : Albo is passing it through, because he invented misinformation! Oh what a maggot we have as prime idiot minister!>> <<@truefactjack says : The government isn't the arbiter of the truth leave our free speech alone stop the bill..>> <<@georges9402 says : The irony is all tech giants support luny left governments like the one in power now>> <<@timmothy58 says : who decides what is misleading...?...uh...erp...>> <<@tonidantonio9877 says : They forgot to mention that they only gave us 1 week. What do they have to hide. Thank you everyone for your efforts in putting in a submission or signing petitions. well done. This bill is dangerous.>> <<@Beachlife4567 says : This bill would shut Albo and Chalmers down.>> <<@timmothy58 says : liberal communication...yell louder that you...interrupt you...shut you up...good don't think liberals...>> <<@pheonix1758 says : What a pile of BS - this is clearly an attack on our free speech and the beginnings of the erosion of our basic rights just like they trampled all over our civil rights during the Pandemic - time for Labor to call an election>> <<@AuthorPaulGDay says : And who decides what disinformation? Our commy gov.>> <<@karenarnold4330 says : Who are the stakeholders of our country?>> <<@tkeen1412 says : Its not good enough to simply not support it. They need to push and vote against it.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Albo the proven liar.. attemt to control the lies and misinformation from politicians>> <<@ricky6864 says : Corrupt politicians trying to silence the truth>> <<@jasonperry747 says : The government is always the greatest source of misinformation and we have seen over and over ANY country that has passed this sort of bill, has used it to suppress inconvenience TRUTH about the government and its corporate donors ....>> <<@kristy4134 says : Stop this bill>> <<@sallycent6598 says : People you have a choice to vote for your free speech the next election .>> <<@ginobiondi2 says : Throw this bill and albo out.>> <<@awc900 says : This bill must not pass. If it passes it will greatly accelerate Labor's demise.>>