<<@DavidArulnathan says : From Israel with Love to Hamas & Hezbollah....KABOOM ! IRAN...wait for the Samson Option from Israel......God bless you.......YOU SHALL BE incinerated Zechariah 14:12-15 But this is what will happen to all who fought against Jerusalem: GOD will visit them with a terrible plague. People’s flesh will rot off their bones while they are walking around; their eyes will rot in their sockets and their tongues in their mouths; people will be dying on their feet! Mass hysteria when that happens—total panic! Fellow soldiers fighting and killing each other—holy terror!>> <<@cnath3466 says : Others are just jealous that they are not God's chosen people. Well, being God's chosen ones does not mean a walk in the park, it means fighting intelligently and determinedly to ensure God's will ultimately prevails on earth. The Jewish people know their divine destiny, and its incalculable cost. Hatred and jealousy from the entire rest of the world will not overcome their faith, nor stop them. I stand with God's people of Israel. May you be victorious. 🙏🇮🇱>> <<@VioletMomLisa says : Anyone who doesnt accept Jesus Christ as the True Messiah and Savior of all humankind, needs to be converted to our Savior. Jews, Muskims, Mormons, JWs , Scientology and other cults need to listen to Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel and accept Jesus. Period.>> <<@MarieElenaCambria1 says : This Islamic dude will not have the last laugh. Very soon Adonai will redeem His people at the cost of their enemies.>> <<@krisnaweni6448 says : No islam no muslims for australia enough is enough .>> <<@LouMinarty420 says : Completely earned.>> <<@alanchilds1456 says : Because they are the ones bringing illegal immigrants into Western countries, they control all Western governments>> <<@NeilMoss-e1s says : This is the result of inadequate teaching about history at the university level. You will ended up with terrorists supperters.>> <<@maxsaul4993 says : The West has let in more Islamopsychos that hate Jews. It's not rocket science. Muslims hate Jews. More Muslims, more Jew hate !>> <<@anthonyd.1428 says : I don't think that the West has a greater hatred of Jews. I think we let in more haters is the problem. I have never seen so many pro Palestine protesters in my life as of recent years. The vast majority are clearly from that culture and the typical urban white ladies. In my country, we have had several arrested for planning mass attacks and terrorists plots. Every single one of them is targeting Jewish people and their places of business and worship. The thing I noticed is that almost every person who is arrested is Muslim or Middle Eastern. They came to our country, not some 3rd, 4th generation people. They are all new to our lands. If they can't play nice with others, we don't want them here.>> <<@RUTHLESSambition5 says : Can u blame them?? They ruined their own reputation>> <<@margareta9081 says : Years of Marxist Islamist ideological programming social media further spread the sick mentality trying to silence people into submission!>> <<@planetmikusha5898 says : Western Feminists with their constant ranting against Rape Culture quickly embraced the rapey Palestinians.>> <<@markbarrett174 says : REAL Australians love the Jews, they are welcome here, unlike some of the other trash our lunatic government are bringing into our beautiful country! Albanese, Hamas supporter, loves Palestine, hates Australia obviously! Time for the 1st gen wannabe Aussie Albo to go, far, far away!>> <<@barak5122 says : Agree to every word! The west is losing moral direction>> <<@jackdublin7029 says : No single entity owns hate. It's out there. Not surprised it's perpetuated by those who claim to be compassionate & tolerant. It's simply self loathing that escapes the host.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Is the media " encouraging " antisemitism? Sure sounds like it.>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : The who cries out in pain as he strikes you!>> <<@jordyb57 says : What has disturbed me most over the last year is how many people who hate Jews pretend that they don’t and that it’s just critical of Israel…. YES, there are people who simply hate Israel, but they are not mutually exclusive and many naive people are shouting the same slogans and marching along hand in hand with true antisemites.>> <<@PaulMielcarz says : Israel is chosen nation. People who hate on Jews, for their rightful retribution, are antichrists. They really oppose God. Most haters an on the left. Why? That's because the left is dominated by Marxism, which is based on atheism and materialism. Communism is political atheism.>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : Wonder why?>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : I'm not so sure, left wing students and activists are losing support, globally.>> <<@infiniti28160 says : Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC), Merneptah Stele, the symbols found on King Hezekiah bulla as well as Ti'inik showing the area was ruled by egypt all the time. Never involve yourself with flat earthers, they have a mindset that denies reality and many arguments that proves they are superior.>> <<@phsycosk8r429 says : Replace the words "Zionist" and "Israel" with "Jews" and you will see there is no difference. It is the same broken record of tropes and libels. If you are against The Jewish People's Right to Self-Determination in our own state, in our Indigenous Ancestral Homeland, you are an Antisemite. Full stop.>> <<@jule3480 says : Yes and LOOK where it’s festering>> <<@seriousmonkey5654 says : Anti Muslim here.>> <<@MsSheila54 says : Why do they teach hatred of the ‘West’? The "West" was great before these people were imported. Look at all the Islamic countries in the Third World.>> <<@dmarshall8366 says : Listen Dolt, we do not hate Jews, we hate the butcher Netanyahu and his vile Government.>> <<@unvaccinatedAndPureBlood says : Could be because the west found some dancing on 911 after an event that offed three thousand innocents.>> <<@seriousmonkey5654 says : Israel kicking arse!>> <<@MariaHopwood says : It is not a surprise when so many Muslim are being allowed to live in the west>> <<@thetruth476 says : Not all jews are the same but in view of what Israel is doing, people react differently>> <<@williampotato1221 says : 109 countries throughout history are antisemitic, obviously 🤡.>> <<@MsSheila54 says : Yes, protect the Jews, otherwise they will come for Christians, Atheists and all "unbelievers".>> <<@phillyrocks3847 says : Israel are not your friend.>> <<@omzenhouse5235 says : It’s the Zionist everyone hates>>