<<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : wow people make power companies don't want to pay so how mich realy doas it cost to make electricity did anyone find out>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : At least panels on houses aren't an eyesore or environment damaging as those ugly turbines>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Oh ffs, just shows what a total scam this green energy BS actually is. 5 cents a kilowatt feed in tariff.>> <<@jeffsmart7674 says : Everytime I think Im satisfied with the idea of installing solar on my roof, along comes a story where the government and private enterprise are waiting to screw you over with their BS plans. Time the ACCC GOT OFF THEIR ARSES and got to the bottom of this scam called solar and the fact its far from free>> <<@pwillis1589. says : Anyone who votes liebor or greens is a troglodyte.>> <<@helmut3356 says : "Warnings solar supplies will 'destabilise' energy grid" Amazing! How long did the scientists work on it?>> <<@frankcoates4609 says : The Liberals have been totally captured by trickle down global corporate corruption. Their greedy, mindless stupidity makes them the ideal useful idiots for predatory global racketeers. Peter Dutton is playing his role with the hilarious, oily, po faced sincerity of a drunken undertaker.>> <<@pwillis1589. says : The solar tax has been on the boards for a while. It is the latest plan to force consumers who where fooled into buying solar, to now purchase an expensive battery system, that will never be paid off. It is a liebor party stitch up.>> <<@wr1451 says : Crudlin will destabilise your brain with disinformation.>> <<@darylephillips6778 says : BS at its worse>> <<@VK6AB- says : None of this in new news.>> <<@alibarber57 says : More lies from the Energy Market Operator to rip consumers off by making us pay to export back to the grid. Effectively making us pay twice for our power>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : **Last UK coal power station closes** The United Kingdom will today close its last coal fired power plant. The closure of Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station marks the end of the coal power era in the country, making the UK the first G7 nation and advanced, industrialised country to achieve this goal. **YOU PEOPLE BELONG TO LAST CENTURY**>> <<@eycYang says : lol straya is walking through the same pathway as Taiwan solar panels is a huge scam! the producing process is toxic and it could effect your soil>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : There is a fix. It's called more investment and better electricity storage>> <<@Pet-rf6rh says : Why would you trust anything Energy Australia says. EnergyAustralia Holdings is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings Ltd (China Light & Power), a Hong Kong-based electrical generation company.>>