<<@bopian8913 says : China like everybody else must have the right of free navigation in international waters. Russia and China should travel there more frequently.>> <<@wisdombites3586 says : Nice>> <<@wulfychen3058 says : Freedom of navigation in Alaska which what the Americans are doing currently in South China Sea!!>> <<@andrewlin6136 says : US hypocrisy and double standard country>> <<@PIT72100 says : FTUS.... HYPOCRISY HEGEMONY AND WARMONGER....US 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮>> <<@otterpossum9128 says : Watch US media coverage. They are in the propaganda stage of their war preparation. Americans are kept from the full information so that when the US military finally has an event, that they manufacture, China is already the bad one in the eyes of the US public.>> <<@Victormagtanggol_23 says : Twisting the truth lol. China Dirty Jobs. Act like a pirates.>> <<@comacuma2869 says : AWFULLY SMELLL REMINDS ME OF ASIATIC RESTROOMS ,,,,I DRAAWN URE POLULATION IN THER>> <<@LonnieSeverson says : American sovereignty is expressed in many fashions. We are led to believe that the USA civil war was fought over slavery. The perpetrators were probably the Rothschilds, and the method of provocations not much different than those used in proxy wars today when it came to the war table. America was a nation founded upon sovereignty, and the United States was the assumed name for 13 sovereign states. The south knew slavery was coming to an end, but wished to meet it at an appropriate pace. One year after the war, an invention made the need for human handling of cotton cultivation obsolete. It was considered the bloodiest war of all time. The South di not wish to give up its sovereignty. Then, all of the veterans were reformed to become the colonial expansion vehicle and sent to slaughter indigenous Americans. Time and again, treaties were made an nations were founded within the USA designated as defined and limited boundaries for the tribes to inhabit. However, as more settlers were persuaded to leave Europe, in the same fashion the Israelis do, the treaties would no longer be honored and the massacres, treaties, and reduced territories would occur, until finally the indigenous would herded of to virtual concentration camps thousands of miles from the native lands on foot and starved, fortunate to survive. Any good fortune they ever encounter is most often again exploited and manipulated even in these modern times, maintaining a powerless and impoverished condition for them. They continue to be fair game for murder as if they were wild beasts for sport.>> <<@gilbertogarza9114 says : 😂😂😂🇺🇸 cry me a river 😅>> <<@TomBombFR says : US should be excluded from international relationships and totally isolated until they learn to behave with the rest of civilised populations>> <<@meimiaolin2581 says : To put it crudely, the US regime is totally f$%ked in the head.>> <<@ModerateIndia says : Love you from India ❤ love you china>> <<@SouthernSultan says : Definite hypocrisy>>