<<@njg26.gustav12 says : " we the people" dont want this fight. Americans getting out of thier lazy boy chairs are pissed. Time of mostly peaceful pitchforks approaches apparently...>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : Soon isn't going to be 🇬🇧... St.Thomas>> <<@BroKaBlog says : Once the war breaks out and the native born British Citizens are conscripted The “non citizens” will take control of the cities and towns leading to imploding and ultimate downfall of Britain>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : Chances are at the outbreak of a war that the diversity hires suddenly resign.  So the UK defence force doesn’t even have the low numbers they think they have. No chance of a sudden surge in troop numbers, as Anglo males have already lost their country, so won’t be defending the realm anytime soon.>> <<@JUST_A_NANNY says : 10 years ago they might have, get rid of queer Sharma they might>> <<@vincevirtua says : Where are all the women making up the numbers? Equality! 😂>> <<@thehum1000 says : Prople always banging on about the British millitary...oh its not big enough lmfao, as a brit we got enough ok, worry about your own armies ffs>> <<@williammayo-e4i says : I would not fight for my country, and my family ain't either, send the woke, femz, lgbtqrstu++ and immigrants first, as they come first for everything else!>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : I can see 3 sky terrorist zionist nazi news propagandists that look young & perfectly healthy for a war>> <<@haroldmclean3755 says : Government Woke and D E I policies have killed Recruitment, Who on earth would want to put up with that Detritus>> <<@garygavin857 says : ASK the Question what are we fighting for. What outcomes do you think you will actually get. Most people do not want to fight for the Goverment or other Countries Goverments. That WWII we are all in it together is dead. More Muslims in the UK joined ISIS or other terror groups then the British Army. More people march through London cheering on Hamas, Hezbollah, then are in the British army. Best to stay at home & protect what you have while you have it. As your Goverment cannot get rid off your culture fast enough. By the way 10k plus more left the UK army last year than were recruited. Fighting for Starzi Starmer for a TwoTierKeir Country. I do not think so. Guess what? They will forcibly conscript you & already are planning too do so. Because they know recruiting is only about dieing. Russia is building 1.2 million drones for the battle field. Remote munitions kill most off the troops.>> <<@Unknown-gi1uj says : The military have a huge part to play in this aswell. Got back to Vietnam, inclusion was a failure, but more and more you have this NAZI mentality. You join the military because your nationalist, but the military is a socialists construct. That is where your issues are coming from, because they have this German notion of that im in the military im so great. When the reality of the situation is they are dependents on the state like all pubic jobs, from teaching to police work, your literally so incompetent that in a capitalists society you cant capitalize. But instead of looking in the mirror, all they see is this person who gets to shoot guns, blow up stuff and the rules don't apply to them as they traveling around fighting and acting tough. The reality of the situation is that if AUS went to war, the majority of the armed men will not be from the military, they will not be professional fighters and when these experts of capitalized society enter the war space, they will not be taking orders some some socialists from the professional army. Sure they will want to be trained, but they will not be taking orders from someone who couldnt succeed in REAL LIFE! So alot of your woke crap is coming from WITHIN the military, who are literal NAZIs who could never compete in a modern conflict, instead prance around like they are German SS living the high life. I mean how many people are you deploying, and are they operating out of tents for 5 star hotels?>> <<@aymanitani4212 says : So the tens of millions which you brought in in the last ten years don’t want to fight 🤣>> <<@mypetscatsandfishes4535 says : Refugees and migrants had already conquered. Hail peaceful re lgion.>> <<@columnedfox5508 says : why should our men and women in Uniform have to fight for a bunch of traitors in Parliament, we've got more people quitting the Army than joining them, Put the MP's in uniform, they want to go to war that much, send them onto the frontlines, Don't send the Army or the Public to do the dirty work...>> <<@srjwari says : Trust me.. if WW3 kicks off they will fast track and make the numbers up.>> <<@CeeDEE-l8b says : Almost like every Liberal run countrie's military has been devastated by gov't. Weird.>> <<@JJ03330 says : Stop funding Ukraine,that’s nr1 goal to stop ww3. Those parties must agree, and peace talks must involve Russia…. Childs fkn play 😊>> <<@jamesmcgregor7993 says : Fight for what,, Transgenderism ? High prices? Being woke? Corrupt politicians ? Corrupt banks? Honestly,, who would fight for this?>> <<@niallp342 says : NOVEMBER 2024 TRUMP THIS ALL STOPS...🇬🇧❤️🇷🇺❤️🇺🇲 WHITEHATS RULE>> <<@KrystianFractal says : In Poland 75%of men age 35+ are Military Reserve with 18months Mandatory Service behind. When you mix cultures, you will create chaos. Condition required to introduce completly new system. One culture will never give up for new system. Man designed compatibility by force. We know what we are against. Regards from Poland.>> <<@user-vl8iw1666 says : Then stop backing Israel and we will not need large scale conflict.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : No more war.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Murder is a sin.>> <<@alexandrugeorgescu6366 says : this sounds like WW2 all over again... The Home Guard Robin Williams: ok, men get your spoons and forks ready and shiny because tomorrow we're going up against Da LufftWaffles>> <<@foff3379 says : They are slowly all being left with no muscle people are awake in every country>> <<@omgitsabloodyandroid5161 says : Aussie is the same. White men won’t fight for a country of Gimmegrants>> <<@redtale6527 says : Good news at last.>> <<@Kelly-wf5ie says : YTF would ANY Ozzy/ UK individual fight 4 a criminal cartel, that 💉and “ redrum” millions of people, no wonder Y the numbers are low !! How stupid do they 🤔 I am, pathetic !!>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : The British people don't want to fight the Russians. They want to join with them and fight the international cabal that is hell-bent on destroying them all.>> <<@dmarshall8366 says : We all know the British army could fit into Villa Park and still have room. Any young person with a brain has any intention of joining.>> <<@Bourne2Bfree says : Is this wear our british Army, arm and train the muslims that have invaded our country and we are unable to defend ourselves,is this too make sure Islam takes over the uk? Would you feel safe if we have an islamic army defending us Christians ✝️ here in our Christian country I for one would not. HELL NO>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Nobody is going to fight for these pricks.>> <<@johnvane5240 says : The Defence Force don’t look after you, that is the problem. Trust me I know what I speak of.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : They hate you, they've oppressed you, they've frozen your bank accounts, they've arrested you for having opposing views, they've jailed you for having differing opinions, and now...... they want you to fight for them.>> <<@celiacbootasingh2906 says : UK IS OFFERING CITIZENSHIP FOR MILITARY SERVICE, I READ SOMEWHERE. IS THIS TRUE?>> <<@Rabbitt-d6y says : Take the kings shilling!>> <<@Kelly-wf5ie says : The big push 4 Oz, Canada, Mexico, U.S, and the Islands in the Pacific 2 become 1, guaranteed !! Of course the Oz ppl are kept in the dark about all this !!>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : The House of Lords acts bewildered as to why the civilian population has little interest in military readiness. Maybe it's because the British government has gone full Orwellian? The average westerner is not going to go to war to risk their lives for a system that oppresses them. This is why recruitment is at all time lows and why conscription would be useless.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Ready to fight who? Who is trying to take over Britian? No one... Do they really think the British people are going to fight in a NATO proxy war? Good luck with that! LOL!!>> <<@John-p7i5g says : Obviously the problem is a lack of diversity. What the British Army need to do is spread their recruitment further afield, like for example, Russia. Russia has a big population, and many Russian people would be willing to fight for Britain, given a decent wage.>> <<@Kelly-wf5ie says : The ONLY authority to do anything in this country is The Commonwealth Parliament, not ANY “ federal government “ or “ state Gov” that sits under a fraudulent corporation 🦭, so basically by “ authorizing “ this treachery, they also will dangle , beauty !!>> <<@Dieu_regne says : Wouldn't fight to keep that government.>> <<@1JohnnyUTAH says : Google got their hearts. Sorry>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : YOU imported millions of illegals and yet you don't know where to get people for the military? If you're gonna flood your country with them to destabilize everything to hold onto your precious political power, at least have the common decency to exploit them.>> <<@ponaliramos9773 says : How the mighty have fallen… or just moved into banking>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : Delusional. The country is absolutely over-run with immigrants, universities are full of international students and academics from the most elite backgrounds in the US and western europe and now, having exploited young people with fake education for decades, you want to turn them into canon fodder to fight a war we have no clear national interest in? We aren't even in the EU anymore. Before asking people to fight, you need to produce a stake, that means you have to generate a ground that renders this meaningful. They have been busy destroying this for the last forty years so as to erode any sites of collectivity that might promote opposition. So, having created a multicultural ****-hole characterised by anonymity and isolated competition, they suddenly want to engender a collective sentiment based on the idea of a nation they long-ago destroyed. Well, good luck with that. If that wasn't absurd enough, the idea of the European military overwhelming Russia is laughable. So, can they succeed in cajoling and coercing people to fight for a country that offers them nothing? European nations would not be able to sustain a major land war, they lack the productive capacity and where they going to get the energy the production would need? Russia? Their windmills and solar panels will interrupt the production cycle. And, once the Russians chew through the small militaries, European people, confronting the grand economic plan that is further austerity will reject this lunacy. Hopefully, the bureaucrats posturing and garnering narcissistic supply from edifying considerations of sending others to die will lose the economic base of their position as the EU collapses and European nations can renegotiate their relationships based on national sovereignty. In a sane world.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : The Russians know what they are fighting for, because for them there is a homeland and a culture. What should the English fight for? Wokeness, LGBTQ, diversity, integration, more immigration, more inflation, unaffordable housing, morepoverty... LOL It is over ....>> <<@onlythaclonessir2525 says : HAVENT YOU HEARD? RUSSIA HAS BEEN TO CANADA TO MAKE SINISTER MOVIES.>> <<@darrencarter-fk3oo says : All of the western armies have a similar problem, the senior brass are focused mainly on woke, gender pronoun orientated policies, whilst despising the hard charging warrior culture, needed and sought after by those who would join or quickly leave after their initial enlistment.>>