<<@Jude-nz2ld says : SKY NEWS, CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY MADE A SILVER AND A GOLD PLATED COIN FOR SALE OUT THERE WITH KAMALA HARRIS NAME AND PICTURE ON ONE SIDE AND ALL THE BOGUS THINGS SHE SAID SHE STANDS FOR ON THE OTHER SIDE. THEY CALL IT A 2024 VICTORY COIN. IT IS REBUKED IN THE NAME OF CHRIST.>> <<@nanceesuber6121 says : Yea, I’m nauseous.. get me a bucket quick!>> <<@TomPeranic says : The radical left is very dangerous>> <<@jackhammer2671 says : Seems like Mark Cuban's hair dye has seeped deep into his brain and gave him SUPER TDS...what a jealous little man he truly is.>> <<@stevenvencill5162 says : I wouldn't buy a car from Cuban. Retired Army>> <<@TonyPay-f4v says : 49-year-old white farm boy and American and Charlie Kirk is a reptilian. And the best ways to spot them is they've got the biggest mouth spewing hate and confusion and the biggest odd shaped heads.>> <<@bobwalton4879 says : If an American has watched Mark Cuban on shark tank, or most of the billionaires?, There was a lot of talk about sending work to foreign Asian countries to get costs down on products!!! colbert just needs to remain lower case c!!! Is definitely a bad game show "sorry you don't get the job!" Definitely in the back pocket of Joe. Mark is just very fearful of his fortune being taxed like it should be, and like it should have been before he received his billionaire status!!! Since when is Oil the reason for defacing artwork, this is much like Hitler destroying books, that didn't portray his viewpoint. The first lady man of Heiress is looking for a slave to tie his shoes and change his depends a year from now!!! He has seen the power of care given to Biden in his years of eating at the adults table.>> <<@annnelson9030 says : Gross!!!!!>> <<@sharoncarolbrand1645 says : Animal Farm 😂😂😂>> <<@LobbeWOW says : The only way he redefined masculinity, was by lowering the bar so much that it lost all meaning.>> <<@yeshuareturnssoon682 says : A BETA WEAKLING WILL NEVER BE AN ALPHA...>> <<@bagobeans says : What happened to the baby? No one has said?>> <<@robertestep2213 says : PEDO>> <<@woody2875 says : i like charlie, but why do the stupidiest humans on earth who long for public screen time end up asking charlie questions??>> <<@ThatIsJustCrazyTalk says : Pee-sack Psaki is just that, one huge pee sack. Regarding the Just Stop Oil nincompoops, this is what happens when everyone is afraid to knock the taste out of the mouths of these imbeciles.>> <<@martthvdb9701 says : I am so sick and tired of left wing people.>> <<@MD-ks4mp says : Colbert likes little boys>> <<@martinbaggott1052 says : Aaarrrrgggghhhh>> <<@Jack-my4zj says : Sky news is not having it>> <<@mariajesushuertas6758 says : Eres única 💐🇪🇦🇮🇱>> <<@chrismasi8967 says : I use to like cuban but he is beyond fake>> <<@charleshewitt6180 says : OMG. Defines embarrassing.>> <<@bossmodl3thalpoppa484 says : I’m all for different kinds of men for sure but democrats take it to a whole new testosterone level.>> <<@steve-zx5jb says : I am old enough to remember the good old days when all the anti Western civilization violent extremist Arab Islamic rioters on the news were still in the middle east where they belonged.>> <<@mimiof6 says : Cuban looked so stupid>> <<@katie195 says : Mark Cuban has really lost it. Classic narcissist.>> <<@mimiof6 says : Ole circle back psaki needs to quit.>> <<@ronenyona-d9z says : Why our police isn’t arresting them demonstrations??? Isn’t Hizbollah announced a terror organisation in Australia? This is the labour greens appeasement to the Arabs which goes against Australian values and culture>> <<@Kenneth-t3u says : Libtards masculinity lol>> <<@normapalou says : Circle back to your bucket!...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@frankbrislin4378 says : 5:05 When Andy Warhol paints like Jackson Pollock.>> <<@frankbrislin4378 says : 2:45 The ignorance is strong with this one.>> <<@SolarVergmoid says : It takes an Australian news channel to get the truth about the Americas. The MEDIA here are also supposed to be RESPONSIBLE. Tell the TRUTH. UNBIASED. *THEY ARE NOT. THEY DO NOT.*>> <<@briandwiggins1576 says : Anyone who looks to this guy to define masculinity is a true Beta.>> <<@miesha7995 says : Hes such a nerd>> <<@altairprime7895 says : Someone should tell the girl asking Kirk a question that she should stop chewing her cud while in front of a microphone and on camera.>> <<@susiemiller2621 says : Hey Vivek ... did Klaus Schwab make a mistake with your name listed as a Young Globalist Leader Graduate too? That is a five year socialist training program. 🎉>> <<@onlythaclonessir2525 says : RITA YOU POINT FINGER AND EXPECT ME TO TAKE YOU'R MOM FOR A WALK ( 1 METRE = 15 DOLLARS ) SO FOR EWE I SAY NO EXCUSES 100 METRE WALK FOR RITAS MOM = 1500 DOLLARS AUD IUD FOR BOTH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AND GOODBYE !!!>> <<@dcwinebuff says : Peppermint Patty doing an amazing job sucking up to the guy who screwed the babysitter.>> <<@maggiew.4772 says : The First "Man"???? Ummm. NO!>> <<@mcyters_._3852 says : What in heck>> <<@johnelliott3617 says : This simp has not re-shaped masculinity, this and Walz are the two most effeminate (Effeminate refers to a man or boy who has traits, tastes, habits, or appearance traditionally considered feminine1) persons we have seen in a while, no balls.>> <<@chaseadams5037 says : What is that ginger crab talking about 🤷🥴>> <<@Definitely-not-fake-sonic says : Sissy>> <<@johnyare8576 says : I mean a rifle on a Flag, how stupid can you get?.>> <<@mikecassavant7732 says : HE ONLY SAID THIS CAUSE HIS WIFE HAS HIS JEWELS IN HER POCKET, ITS DISGUSTING TO SEE A SUPPOSED MAN THAT EMASCULATED, CAN WE SAY SIMP. THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO SO MANY MEN IF HARRIS THE ADULTEROUS COMMUNIST GETS INTO OFFICE. SHE IS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR CHILDREN GETTING RAPED AND MURDERED BY ILLEGAL ALIENS. HARRIS CALLS THEM MIGRANTS, BUT I HATE TO TELL YOU FACTS BUT IF YOU COME INTO THE COUNTRY WITHOUT BEING LET IN LEGALY LIKE THEY DID YEARS AGO, BY PROPER REQUEST AND STAYING IN THEIR COUNTRY TILL TOLD THEY HAD BEEN APPROVED, THEY ARE ILLEGAL INVASION. THEY CROSSED THE BORDER COMMITTING FELONIES AGAINST OUR LAWS, THEY NEED TO BE DEPORTED, BUT BEFORE THEIR DNA, FINGERPRINTS, PHOTOS NEED TO BE LOGGED, AND IF THEY COMEBACK ILLEGALLY THEY NEED TO BE SENT TO PRISON AT HARD LABOR FOR LIFE, NO CHANCE OF PAROLE OR PRESIDENTIAL PARDON.>> <<@robertbruce1482 says : In Truth, the special people you have highlighted clearly do display that a reduction of the human population is well in order, Anyone who would deface art works like that or need to have a cell phone to ask a stupid question, are not needed in any social order of any kind, Cuban there are no word for how mindless he is.>> <<@suzyschwarz7023 says : Oh crap!>> <<@12BY6 says : Why would he not answer back that backwards compliment.>> <<@BlueDan-h8d says : What a wimp>>