<<@omegatiger8321 says : The military should be given the country back to the people and getting a revote for President since Biden and Harris have broken Constitutional laws and are not protecting our people at the border... Protect the American people from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC...>> <<@eggsmann594 says : Lambs wear diapers now ?>> <<@Mister8224 says : Let's hear from you liberals, strangely QUIET here as your president causes CHAOS every time he speaks. Stick up for him. Tell us how has has done so WELL, how he has improved everything; the border, crime, racial division, energy independence, the economy, inflation, our supply chain problems, EVERYTHING! LETS HEAR IT!>> <<@coudjoebiden9266 says : Gut morning love America🇺🇸🗽🎠 I greting evrybody kon Pray , per have normaly gut liv God Bles ofcAmerica , thugede olys Aliens ! Ok Bankiero l dofinanse now one Bilion dolare ,for olys Army USA kon Pentagon Headguarters Ok Also l givet now one miliard dolare for Budget Bambini USA OK Also l givet now one miliard dolare or fare Hotels for Humeles USA OK Also l givet now one miliard dolare for Budget White House - Prezydente Jozef Biden Ok Also l dofinanse now one miliard dolare for Budget Federal Judge Ok Also l dofinanse now one Bilion dolare for Budget USA OK also l dofinanse now 500 milione dolare for Ukraina Humeles & Bambinis Ok Also l dofinanse now one miliard dolare for Army Ukraina -kon Prezydente W. Zelensky and buy purchase Weapon , per chase -geraut Moskal is Ukraina ! Ok Prezydente Jozef Biden ; Ser have inteligence Reasum,! perke you fa gut defferentiate wrong kon eleminet is liv , per stabilizet normaly liv in Peace , kie Putin non have ! Putin no have inteligence Human ! Putin is degenerate Thug ! perke fa mas murders Cyvil People & Bambini in Ukraina ! No serve apologise for his ! Ok Bankiero also l dofinanse now one miliard dolare for Spaceks - Elon Musk Ok Also l dofinanse now 300 milione dolare for Gogle USA OK Also l dofinanse now one miliard dolare for Budget Premiero Poland- Morawiecki Ok Also l invest now 100 milione dolare for You tube mix & Fox News Ok Also l invest now 100 milione dolare for News Trump Ok Also linvest now 100 milione dolare for Fox Busines Ok Also l invest now300 milione dolare for busines Prezydente Jozef Biden Ok Also l invest now inwest now 300 milione dolare ' for busines Prezydente Trump Ok 🇺🇸🗽👣🌁💞💝💒🍀🌐🌿🎠 🇺🇸🗽Myr.Kazim.Joe Dzioba-Biden🎠>> <<@kjackson3593 says : America is led by a brain dead moron>> <<@stuartmccall5474 says : Not a lamb, but more a lamb chop.>> <<@olivehanderson9383 says : What we are being led by is an altzheimer patient..>> <<@peterdisbury6346 says : It is clear to see that the country is DIVIDED…..THIS IS AN EASY FIX. Draw a line down the middle through TEXAS…..Blue States in the East and Red States in the West. Get all those blue crybabies out of California, Oregon and Washington and send them to the east coast to join their whining brethren.>> <<@peterdisbury6346 says : AMERICA likes to talk a lot actually far too much without any action. Biden needs to be in a Retirement Home sipping prune juice NOT in charge of this country.>> <<@LMM7880 says : Trump would have left NATO by now. Putin would not be experiencing the backlash around the world that he is if it wasn't for Biden being president. Or maybe you are all okay with what Putin is doing in Ukraine? I can't help but feel you are all supporting Putin when I read your comments.>> <<@chrisconde1922 says : Biden and the democrats are a danger to the world.>> <<@frankregg9048 says : Led by a dumbasss>> <<@samcarter2371 says : The so called 'Christian' right needs to back away from using 'lamb' in a derogatory way. Christ The Son of God is called the 'lamb' of God; and Christ calls his followers his sheep, and his flock. You're worsening your own judgment .>> <<@earsplitingloud says : Biden is beyond senile and should be in a care facility.>> <<@weirdchew says : “A living dog is better that a dead lion”>> <<@marvelv212 says : US military is run by trumptards>> <<@WeWander2 says : Moron propaganda>> <<@Rob45169 says : Every nation gets what it deserves! The US has to make do with a president with a mind of a 5 year old and who often does not know where he is and does not know the difference between Iran and Ukraine!>> <<@margesullivan9058 says : What military? The one with cross dressers and detoxes masculinity?>> <<@rogerb5615 says : "Led by a lamb"? Led by a corrupt and dangerous maroon is more like it.>> <<@maggievialpando7875 says : The world is 100% behind the President. It is only Trump and his "sheep" that think otherwise.>> <<@ezze2901 says : @1:55 if wanna know what these young lads really think of biden>> <<@coveyhumankind1987 says : Good psychological test>> <<@kklau3346 says : There is no democracy in the USA, Joe Biden sanctions everyone not following, he is the dictator, he loves wars. He never talks peace talk and settles the war with his power rather than send weapons, create difference and use war to balance the world. Joe Biden is an evil to bring the war to the world. He can not manage his own people and try to interfere with other countries' freedom of choice. He brings no democracy but wars and sanctions against him.>> <<@marubozu-masterforextrader2479 says : Since US born, US always led by other lambs, sheeps🐑 , kids😆>> <<@INFAMOUSfrontRunn3r says : You mean world doesn't respect a diaper wearing idiot?? 😱>> <<@JasonPatrick-tj4xj says : China will take Taiwan>> <<@JasonPatrick-tj4xj says : You fool. Dont use WMD language. And NO, it wont spill outside Ukraines borders into NATO territory>> <<@ryanmullins2103 says : A weak individual , also a traitor.>> <<@larrydallas3720 says : Anyone ever wonder why it took Joe Biden 47 some odd years for to become President? Thanks black people. Remember. IF YOU DON'T VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN YOU AIN'T BLACK.>> <<@richardchavez3040 says : Does he mean we are lead by the lamb of god>> <<@kwatt-engineer796 says : Every time I hear Joe Biden speak, I am certain that somewhere a village is missing it's idiot!>> <<@johnshipps8357 says : BIDEN HAS NO BALLS HE ONLY KEEPS DESTROYING AMERICA WE HAVE HOMELESS AND STARVING AMERICANS AND CHILDREN HERE YET HE KEEPS GIVING TAXPAYERS MONEY AWAY TO EVERYONE EXCEPT AMERICANS BIDEN IS AMERICAS PUTAN>> <<@corsillen6709 says : What did the West bring to Libië Servië Irak Afghanistan ? Only chaos. Now Ukraine.>> <<@luisgarza4169 says : Kamala had a little lamb>> <<@nkurizacharles6889 says : Do you know how many suffered in Iraq, Serbia, Libya, Afghanistan.....so keep quiet you are all criminals>> <<@euronymous6998 says : Biden is so pathetic>> <<@mr.stirfry9310 says : Put president Trump back in, we the people have the power if we all try!>> <<@jonreinerth5799 says : what else can biden f up one man wreaking crew>> <<@michaelroberts1120 says : The US military is not led by a lamb, it is led by a senile old goat!>> <<@reverendsolu9043 says : Binuang ng imo Biden tungod nimo nagubot na.>> <<@americanpatriot4080 says : All the people who voted for Biden and the Democrats are responsible for what's happening in the world today. Do your research before you vote.>> <<@timmythecat7478 says : People Please.....JB is unaware of what he is reading off his teleprompter. When he speaks extemporaneously he's a mumbling imbecile with zero cognitive thought. The POTUS handlers are in panic mode when he takes over the hand held mic and wanders around the venue. He's a lost, feeble, old man in mental decline. Please stop with the higher expectations.....YOU will be disappointed. THE ONLY THING WORSE would be for this current shadow of a man to be replaced by the ignorant and useless VP, Heels-Up.>> <<@williamjacque6612 says : Putin the Modern day Hilter>> <<@daniellegreco5266 says : Get the lamb (demon goat lol) some milk and cookies and go to bed... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....>> <<@lene111091 says : You are not led by a lamb, You are led by a fool. Way dont you tink russia has won yet? Thay got the mussels. Thay are saving the moderne wapons For what?>> <<@tedhenderson3494 says : Uhhhhhh, more like the world sees America being led by a complete idiot. 🙄>> <<@JohnMartinez-hv2vw says : Block softly and hit hard a lamb is ok for now a lion later you dont give your attack strategy to a reporter ha>> <<@duaneshort4162 says : ILUMINATI FAKE PRESIDENT OBAMA'S VP THIRD TERM THEY'RE RESPONSIBLE BIDEN &DAVOS TO BRING DOWN AMERICA NEW WORLD ORDER BY SECERT SOCIETIES WORLD DOMINATION CHINESE DRAGONS END OF>> <<@robertday3817 says : Not one soldier actually salutes the guy. Hmmmmmmm just "civilian" handshakes which by the way, Fauci said were a thing of the past.>>