<<@WeveGotBush says : They concentrating on those massive untouched gas reserves in southern Lebanon that's all it is.>> <<@timwilson4684 says : This SKY presenter on an earlier broadcast appeared to support a Hezbollah protester by commenting on what he had said about thousands of victims had been killed by Israel yet the Israeli flag was allowed to be displayed publicly without offence - why would she do that - that is the kind of activist reporting we have come to expect from the ABC - at first I thought it was just a slip of the tongue by her- but very unprofessional - maybe she could give an explanation. I would be interested to hear it - because at the the time it sounded antisemitic.>> <<@alfredoruiz9427 says : I blame You.!! I voted Trump 2020.!>> <<@outback109 says : Scorched earth from the border too the Litani.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : I think Iran will sit this out and see how the land incursion goes, remember Israel has levelled Beirut before so nothing new there. The Iranian president met with the Russian primeminister today and there is an upcommong BRICS summit soon so Russia would not want anything to get in the way of that. Besides Israel is spending money not making money.>> <<@GarciaNetwork2576 says : History records that "Karl" Moses Mordecai Marx Levy (1818-1883) was born on May 5, 1818, in the city of Trier in the Rhine Province of Prussia (now Germany). His mother, Herietta Pressburg, was from Holland and like Karl's father, was Jewish and also a descendent of a long line of rabbi's. Marxists view the family as the primary obstacle to dismantling nation-states and thus establishing a collectivist Utopia. The social and political health of a nation-state is inversely proportional to the degree of racial, lingual, and religious diversity within it. In other words, the greater the “diversity” in a nation-state the less stable and enduring it is - a principle well understood by Communists everywhere. Marxism is less an economic theory, than it is a state of mind from which certain theories and practices have evolved. This state of mind is maternal and group-centered, and includes the view that Man's natural state is collectivist, or communal. Individual needs and wants must be subjugated to the needs of the community or state - to the needs of a borderless world or “Global Village.” In 1841, Moses Hess, brought Marx into a society called the League of the Just, and taught him collectivist ideologies. Hess wrote: “Dr. Marx, that is the name of my idol, is still a very young man who will give medieval religion and politics their death blow....” [The portable Karl Marx, page 22] George Jung, another friend of Marx, wrote in the same year: “Marx will surely chase God from His heaven, and will even sue Him.” [Mystery 666, page 144] Bukharin, one of Marx's associates in the First International, was an anarchist and by all accounts, an ardent Satanist. He wrote: “Satan is the first free thinker and saviour of the world. He frees Adam and impresses the seal of humanity and liberty on his forehead, by making him disobedient.” Thus in 1917, when the second revolution took place and the Bolshevik government came to power in Russia, the hand that led the people may have been the hand of Lenin, with the words of Karl Marx, but the voice was unmistakably that of Satan. In Marxism, society's past needs to be repaired. In the psychobabble nonsense of Freudianism, individual pasts need to be repaired. In both worlds, these god-like Jewish thinkers believed that their deity hides things necessary for human perfection from all men from the beginning of time and that only through “extrication” of society (Marx) and of the unconscious mind (Freud) could the reality of the forbidden fruit of “perfection” be achieved. Thus, both philosophers failed to extricate themselves from their own kin’s perversion of history in forging their ideas. So, instead of creating new sciences of economics and psychology based on a confirmed reality, Marx and Freud simply believed in their own vanities and mixed in some excerpts of the Talmudic World View they grew up with, blending them with subjective observations of a fabricated history to produce a “New Eden” for their gullible and largely neurotic clients. By applying their Jewish religious learning into Talmudic ways of thinking, Marx and Freud cleverly destroyed the objective principles of Christianity into which the world had been gradually evolving for centuries. Caught between the primary conflict of a finite Christian morality together with common-sense Biblical ethics - versus the Judeo acceptance and promotion of deviation in all areas of life, both Marx and Freud committed the world to violent upheaval and dangerous hazards, the results of which have been utterly catastrophic with their full consequences yet to be revealed. Conflicts which from the creation of Adam until today, have been the result of man’s ambition to make himself equal with God, or like Nietzsche, to create God in his own image, or to proclaim, like Marx and Ben-Gurion, that there is no God and therefore man has no further need for moral laws. Man thus demonstrates his disdain by propagating ideas of complete freedom from conscience, and to think and act in absolute disregard and opposition to all the well established and necessary/commonsense laws required for the maintenance of decent civil, moral and natural order. This has resulted in the environmental catastrophe, and global chaos we see all around us. Rebellious, self-glorifying ideas, which invariably lead to the mass worship of devilish leaders who advocate these insane theories and who, unfortunately, are keenly followed by the unthinking masses who are either stupid, shy or too proud to announce that the king really does have no clothes.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : Israel will have to be careful here there will be international press in Lebanon.>> <<@floralcouture3763 says : .. karl marx aka Chaim Hirschel Mordechai.. born In Trier, Poland.. came from a l o n g line of fundamentalist, Talmudic rabbis 👀 ..whom despised the goyim.>> <<@floralcouture3763 says : 🗣. Leave the cedar tree alone Bibi>> <<@GarciaNetwork2576 says : History records that on May 1, 1776, Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Order of the ILLUMINATI. Weishaupt was a Professor of Jewish Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. He was born to Jewish parents and later “converted” or more correctly, “infiltrated” Roman Catholicism. He became a high-ranking member of The Order Of The Jesuits, whom he subsequently left to form his very own organization at the clear behest of the newly formed “House Of Rothschild.” It was the Jewish Weishaupt's belief that only a chosen few could qualify for enough "illumination" to guide and rule the world. The problem was, where could he find enough intellectual “light bearers” to start the ball rolling? He subsequently found them in various lodges and orders of the day, such as the various Masonic lodges, the Rosicrucian Order and other legitimate and sincere orders of antiquity. This is confirmed yet again by Edith Starr-Miller in her classic, “Occult Theocracy:” “As the organization of the Illuminati developed, so did its ambitions, which ended in a plot to subvert Freemasonry to its aim of world domination by any and all means ……. After obtaining control of certain Masonic Lodges, Weishaupt and his associates recklessly vaunted their growing power.” But all this didn't happen without reprisal. Many members of the lodges and various orders, realising that they and their harmless societies and organizations had been duly infiltrated, warned Weishaupt to discontinue his activities. Fortunately for Weishaupt, Thomas Jefferson, in 1784, had recently been named the United States Ambassador to France. Jefferson, an avowed Mason, favoured Weishaupt's “New Order” and became sympathetic to his cause. This “New Order” was now guaranteed to continue, where it eventually dominated all others and became known as the “Order of the Illuminati.” While casually flicking through Edith Starr-Miller’s classic “Occult Theocracy” recently, I noticed that the author clearly reveals an interesting Jesuit/Jewish link - where the third General of the Jesuits, after its Spanish founder Inigo de Loyala, was that of a Belgian Jew named Eberhard Mercurian. He held the title for 7 years between 1573 to 1580 and would no doubt have had a significant and consequential Judaising influence on the Jesuit order, and hence upon the Roman Catholic Church. On P313 she writes: “From the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt in 1776 is said to have issued the sect known as ‘The Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded by Adam Weishaupt, its nominal founder.” In fact, some of the most influential Jesuits in history, such as Francisco Ribera and Emanuel Lacunza were Jews. Seeing that many of the Jesuit doctrines are similar to those found in the Babylonian Talmud, is it possible that the RCC is simply another “Agent Provocateur” that the Pharisaic serpents have used yet again to Paganise and destroy true Christianity through the vain ‘traditions of men?” The Illuminati, under the renegade Weishaupt, gradually became an openly destructive Luciferic society, with everything in its doctrines and rituals the exact antithesis of Christianity. It begins by enticing its victim into the first few initial degrees by the most beautiful altruistic and fraternal ideals and noble aspirations possible. However it gradually and almost imperceptively weaves a net of murderous Satanism as it descends into the higher degrees. Weishaupt wanted a deistic republic of truly global dimensions, even if it brought about violent worldwide revolution and rivers of blood. His “benevolent dictatorship” had six main points dealing with the abolition of: 1. Ordered or nationalistic governments in the form of monarchies. 2. Private property. 3. Inheritance rights. 4. Patriotism to nationalist causes. 5. Social order in families, sexual prohibition laws and all moral codes. 6. All religious disciplines based on faith in a living God, as opposed to faith in nature, man and reason. (It’s interesting that this is almost word-for-word from Karl Marx’s THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO and that these six points are also perfectly consistent with the Protocols in general, once again proving their legitimacy).>>