<<@Rathkryn says : Donald Trump was the first POTUS since 1950 to accurately name Jerusalem as Israel's capital.>> <<@2gunzupPAC says : Where was the iron dome when unit 8200 was evaporated?>> <<@lennarthallberg9918 says : Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris and their whole administration have in reality tried to protect Hamas and Hezbollah and all the other Iran`s violent proxies by demanding Israel to stop fighting against them, sad to say. They have done that since Hamas`s Oct 7. 2023 attack on Israel and since Oct. 8. 2023 when Hezbollah started to shoot thousands of rockets to Israel. The Biden-Harris administration has now claimed for almost a full year that a diplomatic solution is the best way to end all hostilities between Israel, Iran and all their proxies. What they have claimed means in practice that Iran, Russia and China should have accepted the Biden-Harris administration's proposal for a diplomatic solution and also all Iran`s proxies should have accepted that same proposal too. But there is this "little" problem that Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris and their whole administration has totally ignored. It means in reality that Israel should have accepted a deal at Iran`s, Russia`s, China`s and all Iran`s proxies' terms and conditions if a deal would have been possible also in practice. There has not been any realism whatsoever in the Biden-Harris administrations deal making efforts. They have acted in a way that Iran, Russia, China and all Iran`s proxies have been able to play them like a fiddle at the cost of Israel and also at the cost of US`s own interest in the whole Middle East region. Joe Biden, VP Kamala Harris and their whole administration could have not acted more incompetently, harmfully and stupidly even if they had tried. Israel had no other realistic choices to protect themselves than to start to eliminate one by one all the risks caused to their security by Iran and their violent proxies and to continue doing that as long as those risks have been sufficiently eliminated from their point of view, not from somebody else's point of view.>> <<@seriousmonkey5654 says : Smash 'em Israel.>> <<@amournassorsaid7694 says : Why you fear iran test>> <<@Candys9096 says : Iran gave them missiles but forgot to give them the Aerial Defense System>> <<@carlfabellar7764 says : When Israel hits back they gonna act as a victim again.>> <<@sharkweek44 says : The French are sending weapons to Lebanon 🇱🇧>> <<@xb0xisbetter says : Oh, so now Iran is within weeks of having enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon, since nothing else has convinced the U.S. to invade. Now we've got to pretend that Iran has had nuclear reactors working around the clock for well over a decade, but they don't yet have enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon ... but they will very soon if nothing's done. Just stop. Nobody's going to buy it anymore.>> <<@Carol-rh5jd says : Baruch Hashem Divine guidance to the Chosen 🇮🇱🇮🇱 Tks for explanation on Iron Dome>> <<@haroonrafiq3512 says : there is no Israel. it's occupied palastine>> <<@archangel763 says : I thought it was all going well, what happened lol.>> <<@queenslander7756 says : 💙🇮🇱🇦🇺💙>> <<@VK6AB- says : The difference between Israel and Iran is Israel has an Iron Dome, Iran doesn't.>> <<@kimmogensen4888 says : Jerusalem is the capital of Israel but Tel Aviv where once the capital.>> <<@DW8118 says : You start with the test but when Israel give the result then you start to play victim card.>> <<@TarekRamara says : They still haven’t learned>> <<@RP-le1fp says : If Iran is weeks away from having a nuclear weapon, they will be entering the war like it or not.>> <<@GarciaNetwork2576 says : Is the Nation of Israel Today God's Doing? No. The Illuminati (via the United Nations) put Israel back on the map as a nation in 1948. The Illuminati is an elite group of occult members, who own the largest banks (e.g., the Rothschild banking cartel) and control the world today through The Council On Foreign Relations. Interestingly, the United Nations was created by The Council On Foreign Relations. Their admitted goal is a New World Order, i.e., a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State. The League Of Nations failed to receive congressional support after World War I, so the globalists caused World War II to get their way (and they did). The UN was born. World Domination (aka, the New World Order) has been in the works for centuries. In fact, evidence can be traced back to the tower and city of Babel in Genesis 11:7-9, when men attempted to unite together in rebellion against God. If the Lord hadn't stopped them, the Antichrist would have come then I believe. Today, Babel is being continued as the nations of the world are tearing down the racial, language and geographical boundaries which God had established in Genesis 11:7-9 to protect humanity from soon corruption. Modern technology is making the world a smaller place to live each day. The "Star of David" (the national symbol for Israel today) is a demonic symbol not found in the Scriptures. This symbol is seen in star formation above the eagle on back of every U.S. one-dollar bill, showing that America is under the control of elite Illuminati Jews via Freemasonry. The so-called Star of David is two pyramids, one inverted. “That then the LORD thy God will turn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and WILL RETURN and gather thee from all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath scattered thee.” —Deuteronomy 30:3 Please read that again... WILL RETURN!!! God promised to regather Israel only when HE RETURNS! As difficult as it is for some people to accept, the nation of Israel today was not placed there by God. Certainly, God in His permissive and sovereign will allowed it, but the restoration of Israel to their Promised Land won't happen until Jesus returns. And let me say boldly that Israel belongs to God, not the Jews. Leviticus 25:23, “The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.” Unsaved Zionist Jews claim that God promised the land to them; but the Bible says it is God's land upon which He has promised to regather all the saved (Jew and Gentile alike) to live (Galatians 3:26-29). This regathering will happen when Jesus Christ returns at the Second Coming (and not until). Jerusalem could be leveled tomorrow and it would not go against Biblical prophecy. In fact, it would support it according to Luke 21:24... "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." The Holy Land is God's land. The Zionist certainly aren't a holy people. Jews are the most hateful enemies of Jesus Christ today. And likewise, of the few Jews who are saved, they love Jesus the most. I believe that. Zionism is of the Devil.>> <<@tonyhanley9458 says : Idrsel is turning people away from supporting them with their actions. They are showing ghat they are no better then hezbollah. Invading other countries.>> <<@leonhue722 says : I'm sure the UN is disappointed along with the South African government that the iron dome protects Israel .>> <<@inhumanesocietyusa says : ISRAELIS will be hold accountable for generations to come. They neutralize Jesus>> <<@bhoustonjr says : What's up with your eyebrows.>> <<@Saraj176 says : Militants groups? Resistance mate learn difference Colonisers support colonisers>> <<@Freepaslestin says : Netanyahu the Polish-born, non-Semitic, satanic Jew, Benzion Mileikowsky he'll continue annexing land and displacing Semitic people and Christians by bombing, murdering, and genociding millions of babies and innocent men and women, and he'll do it using the American War Empire and YOUR "money">> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Thought the Iron dome was something miracle will not let a fly pass through but it's now useless American junk>> <<@michaelfine9211 says : The capital of Israel is Jerusalem, in case anyone asks.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : And it turned out to be plastic dome>> <<@nlorand9033 says : Very effective if you keep the money flowing. Weapons manufacturers are enjoying their enrichment. Julian Assange speaking in 2011: "The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war">> <<@elisheva7772 says : Israel and jews have been put to the test for thousands of years , yet we are still here - and not going anywhere.>> <<@josephgee143 says : Iran nows Israel is provoking. Iran is strategic.>> <<@Kevin-o8g says : Malcolm Davis always speaks with common sense and a great deal of knowledge>> <<@Henry-wo8bx says : Puting Israel Iron dome to the test?????Iron dome defense systems are tested for so long.its effectiveness are unquestionable❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@monsel97 says : What does Australia have 😂. Nothing>> <<@binmcbin1890 says : Meanwhile israel attack indiscriminately. Poor israel though, right?>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : Russia and China guiding Iran, so chill.>> <<@josephgee143 says : I thought Sly News said Israel wiped out all leadership of Hezbullah....>> <<@graham49y says : Would you describe this attack as ....illegal ..full-scale.. unprovoked invasion... of Israel's iron dome?>> <<@viscrid4964 says : Fyi tel aviv is not the capital, that's Jerusalem>> <<@GarciaNetwork2576 says : History records that on May 1, 1776, Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Order of the ILLUMINATI. Weishaupt was a Professor of Jewish Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. He was born to Jewish parents and later “converted” or more correctly, “infiltrated” Roman Catholicism. He became a high-ranking member of The Order Of The Jesuits, whom he subsequently left to form his very own organization at the clear behest of the newly formed “House Of Rothschild.” It was the Jewish Weishaupt's belief that only a chosen few could qualify for enough "illumination" to guide and rule the world. The problem was, where could he find enough intellectual “light bearers” to start the ball rolling? He subsequently found them in various lodges and orders of the day, such as the various Masonic lodges, the Rosicrucian Order and other legitimate and sincere orders of antiquity. This is confirmed yet again by Edith Starr-Miller in her classic, “Occult Theocracy:” “As the organization of the Illuminati developed, so did its ambitions, which ended in a plot to subvert Freemasonry to its aim of world domination by any and all means ……. After obtaining control of certain Masonic Lodges, Weishaupt and his associates recklessly vaunted their growing power.” But all this didn't happen without reprisal. Many members of the lodges and various orders, realising that they and their harmless societies and organizations had been duly infiltrated, warned Weishaupt to discontinue his activities. Fortunately for Weishaupt, Thomas Jefferson, in 1784, had recently been named the United States Ambassador to France. Jefferson, an avowed Mason, favoured Weishaupt's “New Order” and became sympathetic to his cause. This “New Order” was now guaranteed to continue, where it eventually dominated all others and became known as the “Order of the Illuminati.” While casually flicking through Edith Starr-Miller’s classic “Occult Theocracy” recently, I noticed that the author clearly reveals an interesting Jesuit/Jewish link - where the third General of the Jesuits, after its Spanish founder Inigo de Loyala, was that of a Belgian Jew named Eberhard Mercurian. He held the title for 7 years between 1573 to 1580 and would no doubt have had a significant and consequential Judaising influence on the Jesuit order, and hence upon the Roman Catholic Church. On P313 she writes: “From the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt in 1776 is said to have issued the sect known as ‘The Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded by Adam Weishaupt, its nominal founder.” In fact, some of the most influential Jesuits in history, such as Francisco Ribera and Emanuel Lacunza were Jews. Seeing that many of the Jesuit doctrines are similar to those found in the Babylonian Talmud, is it possible that the RCC is simply another “Agent Provocateur” that the Pharisaic serpents have used yet again to Paganise and destroy true Christianity through the vain ‘traditions of men?” The Illuminati, under the renegade Weishaupt, gradually became an openly destructive Luciferic society, with everything in its doctrines and rituals the exact antithesis of Christianity. It begins by enticing its victim into the first few initial degrees by the most beautiful altruistic and fraternal ideals and noble aspirations possible. However it gradually and almost imperceptively weaves a net of murderous Satanism as it descends into the higher degrees. Weishaupt wanted a deistic republic of truly global dimensions, even if it brought about violent worldwide revolution and rivers of blood. His “benevolent dictatorship” had six main points dealing with the abolition of: 1. Ordered or nationalistic governments in the form of monarchies. 2. Private property. 3. Inheritance rights. 4. Patriotism to nationalist causes. 5. Social order in families, sexual prohibition laws and all moral codes. 6. All religious disciplines based on faith in a living God, as opposed to faith in nature, man and reason. (It’s interesting that this is almost word-for-word from Karl Marx’s THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO and that these six points are also perfectly consistent with the Protocols in general, once again proving their legitimacy).>> <<@adriankoh4859 says : In other words Iran failed science now go back to preschool>>