<<@ابولفضلجهانی-ص2و says : 😮>> <<@futurecitieschannel says : What is going on, and the natural disasters that have been throughout history are PEANUTS compared to what is coming. Natural disasters will only intensify, and WW3 is coming soon! The time is now to repent and turn to Jesus Christ! MAKE A 180 DEGREE U-TURN from every sin and from heading to eternal torture in Hell. In Hell there is indescribable depression and hopelessness, drowning in filth, there are maggots, and there is also great heat and fire without a single drop of water for all eternity. Once in Hell, the pain and torture doesn't stop, it is forever! There is also an incredible regret and mental torture of knowing you could've escaped Hell because of the sacrifice and blood of Jesus which was shed on the cross for the sin of the world. Jesus has the power to save someone from the chains of sin, from spending eternity in hell, but you have to sincerely repent (ask forgiveness) for the wrongdoing in your life and for breaking the commandments of the Almighty God, and commit your life to follow Jesus in everything wholeheartedly. Humans are spiritual beings, meaning they have a spirit which is inside their physical body, and when the person dies, their spirit leaves their body and that person either goes to Heaven or Hell, and my question to you is: If Jesus returns this day, where are you going to spend eternity? The true successful and rich person is the one with Jesus occupying their heart. This is not religion or telling you to go to a local church, it's about a genuine connection and relationship with right standing before your Creator. Read John 14:6, John 3:16,18,33,36>>