<<@patriot388 says : Albo doesn't like criticism of him and his policies so he's going to jail you! Really? Vote this lot out at the first chance! 😡>> <<@t-roy6715 says : WEF Agenda pushed by their Puppets.>> <<@user-nineteen74 says : This bill is defeated but this labour scum bag will not accept the public’s opinion. Narcissistic little weasel. This is twice in a row the voice ( waste of money ) still going through and now this misinformation communist bill.>> <<@tonyhanley9458 says : Gains my bloody arse. This government needs to be tossed out, exactly the same way as Gough was thrown out by the GOV General. This bill will be used in conjunction with the new United Nations worldwide biometric digital identity agenda that has just been signed by Australian government. Even though it’s not being talked about by MSM. MSM are protecting the government, all rhe while pretending to be impartial. This bill exempts all senators and members of government. This is criminal. 7 Days to allow rhe people to read & access the misinformation bill is no way near enough to understand & decide on an opinion.. though I think if it went to a referendum, it would be no,to a lot bigger majority than the voice.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Corrupt politicians trying to protect themselves>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Why does Albanese labor party hate 🇦🇺 Australians.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Labor is a threat to democracy>> <<@brianlitson says : The bill comes in the phone lines come out 😂😂😂>> <<@sidecarmisanthrope5927 says : I am sick of being treated like a child. I can filter what is valuable information and what is rubbish. That is why I didn't get the jibby jab. All of the misinformation was coming from the government and academics. Safe and effective? Yeah right.>> <<@privateAcc0unt says : Lets have a referendum on this Albo.>> <<@stevenhamilton9790 says : Trying to divide Australians is enough to vote them out, this is another reason to>> <<@stman63438 says : If this rubbish gets through they will have to shut down the ABC the home of disinformation>> <<@eb2505 says : MAGA - Make Albo Go Away.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : I heard Albanese wants to introduce legislation to prevent Australians from exhaling. LOL 😂>> <<@ionechisholme7552 says : Yeah right incredibly>> <<@allygee5468 says : It's an abomination strange msm news doesn't talk about it>> <<@KookaburraAU9908 says : Albanese's misinformation disinformation Bill is nothing more than Marxist ideology to stop free speech in Australia. Anyone who goes against the government narrative will be punished through the courts. I've got some free speech, Anthony Albanese is a Marxist and habitual liar.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Labor BS again and again and again>> <<@jimmycook872 says : Albo sat on the wall Albo had a great fall And all of the public Servants and labor party couldn't put Albo back together again. LOL LOOOSER 😅>> <<@kennethwilkinson3589 says : Alboneezy 🤢🤮, you drop kick!😡👎🏻. ❤️🇦🇺>> <<@gabrielbattika says : If this type of crime is kept quite we got no hope. https://youtu.be/CqaDtn-7q-Q?si=Ja44w-d7jo8WBUOk>> <<@leighcolless7046 says : adulf albo is a dangerous terrorist supporter>> <<@ianoates378 says : Labor do not want to be accountable and so they resort to bills like this one. Talk about thin-skinned, This bill is a gross and direct attack on freedom of speech. Anyone who has watched our Prime Minister in question time knows that he cannot face any form of criticism,>> <<@wyattfamily8997 says : Australia was one of many Nations which helped develop the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions WITHOUT INTERFERENCE and to seek, receive and IMPART information and ideas through ANY MEDIA and regardless of frontiers." Does Albonnochio plan to WITHDRAW Australia's signed undertakings regarding Human Rights or just BREACH THEM with his anti-free speech legislation, under which Politicians have EXEMPTED THEMSELVES from their own legislation.>> <<@tlb2970 says : Labor government EVIL MONSTERS 99% of Australia says NO NO NO>> <<@Matty-sz5mz says : The Ministry of Truth>> <<@avaraxxblack5918 says : What “democracy”? You mean the kind where the majority of the country vote NO in a referendum and the state govts go ahead and do it anyway? I do not think this means what you think it means.>> <<@steveblake6877 says : ALP using our parliament as a ram rod against the will of the people. We are a sovereign nation, not the battlefield of ALP/Greens on behalf of the Marxist objectives of the UN.>> <<@Dlweta57 says : If this bill is for the good of the people.. Why is it being pushed through so fast ? .... Our right to stand up for wot we believe to be true and fair is being eroded away by morons that want to rule... not govern....>> <<@privateAcc0unt says : Anyone in our Parliament who believes this belongs in a democracy does not deserve to be in any position in representing the Australian people. This bill would make the CCP blush when you read the detail.>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Next he’ll be digging pits at Mickleham.............kneel here, the government disagrees with you....>> <<@helenowen5408 says : The simple fact that (just like the safe and effective) poliscum are exempt from this bill should be a fckn huge red flag for All Aussies 🍺🇦🇺>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Sorry, the government doesn’t agree with “you”, go to jail, miss 5 turns. Albo is a Commie.>> <<@trg9765 says : Ly bore pushing their SOCIALIST AGENDERS>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Once appointed as the goal umpire of truth any government may move the goals as they please.>> <<@Dlweta57 says : Australia... Fast transitioning to a fascist state... God forbid.... New Zealand is next....>> <<@russallchin5552 says : Albo you are not Australian. Vote Labour out 🤬>> <<@Knightwj7571 says : Call an election over this double dissolution>> <<@josephriley8346 says : Who gets to decide what is true material? The ones in power decide who gets to call what is true or false information. Orwellian politicians playing a very dangerous game.>> <<@_hold_the_line_ says : It also defeats the principle of equality before the law, because politicians are apparently exempt from it. This makes it unconstitutional.>> <<@JonathanBriggs-q4u says : if you can ignore the stolen election intentional nonsense for a second, the irony is rather funny>> <<@JoshuaCharteris says : The ALP & LNP are not competitors.>> <<@aliveRaptor2929 says : The government is exempt! That should tell you everything>> <<@StevenMilne-sm4fk says : This has been tried before in the recent past?👹👹👹>> <<@aliveRaptor2929 says : One word “Orwellian”>> <<@fionahobbs8818 says : Tha kyou Mr Coleman. This bill must be voted down. Forget the 'drawing board,' get rid of it.>> <<@davannaleah says : It could have been used during the pandemic as well. I'm sure, after the gagging that went on during the pandemic, that prompted this bill and to implement it fast, before the general populace realise the implications.>> <<@markstaunton9725 says : America has Biden destroying USA and we have Albo destroying Australia . Vote him out or sack the fool>> <<@infidel202 says : Albonso's banana Republic, the land of ideology and woke far left socialism where unicorns and rainbows supply electricity>> <<@KevinFrampton-h4v says : Probably because of david pokes his cock>>