<<@info88w11 says : Albozo & Bozowen>> <<@connorduke4619 says : Wow, Albo, Bowen, the Teals and the CSIRO all LIED !!>> <<@lornatodd4750 says : Bowen and Albosleezy will just double down on the renewable scam.>> <<@rogermckinnon5738 says : Wow, surprise, surprise, labor lied. Is it any wonder why pinocchio wants to ram through his misinformation law. So he can claim they aren't, and the report is misinformation>> <<@npppppppppppppppppppppppppppp says : 30% cheaper with renewable 70% cheaper without renewable>> <<@ironmaidens6663 says : This report shows you can't run a country entirely off renewables, unless you want blackouts and power prices to skyrocket and why nuclear is needed to reduce emissions and keep the lights on.>> <<@FRANCOISPOOLMAN says : COMMONSENSE! POLITICIANS ARE DUMB IDIOTS SHOULD NOT MAKE MONEY DECISIONS THEY NOT QUALIFIED!!!😢😢>> <<@hotchihuahua1546 says : All I can say is better late than never with a push for nuclear ! What a wasted 4 years of being stupid and wasting trillions on alternate energy ! Even worst is the fact the American Auto industry was pushed by government mandates to tool up for EV vehicles ! No matter who comes into power come November more debt will have to be added due to trying to save our planet ! LUDICROUS !!!>> <<@VanLe-tq7go says : every knows, the problem is nuclear not made in chyna>> <<@MsSheila54 says : We should have invested in nuclear energy instead of wasting billions on renewables.>> <<@GeorgePapadopolous says : What type of nuclear reactors, how much will it cost, and when will they come online?>>