<<@sabaha4637 says : President Trump is the only1 telling the TRUTH ☝️❤️❤️❤️❤️>> <<@tanyiarainbow9919 says : Great reporting! I bet u get censored hun.>> <<@tanyiarainbow9919 says : No I’ll call it truth!! U can not handle the truth and want to convince us like a sales man to buy a car which we know the truth.. u one sided programmers.. trump speaks truth u all speak absolute lies.>> <<@YouShouldThink4Yourself says : Name one politician that doesn't. Democrats accuse everyone of lying but can never point to a provable lie. Such as Walz claimed to be in China during the Tiananmen Square incident a direct publicly stated lie. It's PROVEN he wasn't.>> <<@FranksHairSalon says : Some call them all lies......... He can't tell you the truth. It's a part of his narcissistic personality disorder. Ask anyone who has had any dealings with a narcissist.>> <<@HuckMike says : hes a liar>> <<@HuckMike says : she is dumb kam>> <<@FDT24 says : A nice way of saying Trump talks shit>> <<@TamoraLacy says : Wow trumps a douch and you are fox fake news. Fox looking to spend a few million more?>> <<@TamoraLacy says : Trump is nothing but a thief and a despicable pos! Right up the with oz propaganda. Be nice if you did some actual journalism instead of the drivvel your reporting! Trump is a flat out liar.>> <<@jule3480 says : I’ll take hyperbole over Harris Walz incompetence any day of the week>> <<@ninaappelt9001 says : We all know Trump exaggerates. Harris and Tampin Tim straight up lie, about everything.>> <<@IRVIBENYEHUDA says : EXAGGERATION IS ONE OF 4 TYPES OFCOMMUNICATION. GROW UP>> <<@nikita360bmx says : trump is funny😂😂😂😂i am russian but have lived in oz for ages, i love Novoselki but i live in adelaide now and my brother lives in sydney, my mum was a model so iam lucky she has done well out of life,she says im the cutest thing on the face of the planet😂😂😂😂im not im on centrelink 🤣🤣🤣i did work but not now i just go to gym and ride my bmx,look i raced bmx but just love riding now😘im into body building but im not trying to get big im so toned and i like that and besides i talk to people at my gym.>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : Yeah that "hyperbole" is real funny when Bitch Trump's "exaggerations" lead to death threats on legal minorities, Anne. :I>> <<@Poolineforeva says : The dems love to exagerrate Camella's intelligence. They claim she can tie her own shoelaces 😆>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Being brash is nowhere near as bad as straight out lying like Timpon or bashing your mistress like Doug Emhoff.>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Corrupt Criminal Trumpet Puppet for prison 2024 with BidenYahu together with all others>> <<@martinepstein33332 says : All will be revealed in November - a Trump victory.>> <<@shawnchristopherwhite3271 says : I still remember the definition of hyperbole from Mrs Goguen's grade 7 English class: "An exaggeration not intended to deceive." Go Trump. Walz DOES intend to deceive.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Given Trump's speeches consistently denigrating his opponent, it remains doubtful if he ever uses a speech writer. This constant criticism of the opposition without giving equal, if not more attention to polices, is highly detrimental to his campaign.>> <<@seandelap8587 says : So what if Trump is brash when he's able to back it up and he doesn't pretend to be someone that he isn't what you see is what you get which is so refreshing and why so many can relate to him and will vote for him for that reason>> <<@di_ibzy says : 😂 Tina Peters ruined her life for trump she just got sentenced to prison for it .>> <<@RedStatesPovertyWatch says : "This was the last week in office for me because of a horrible, horrible election where I got many millions more votes than I got the first time, but didn’t quite make it - just a little bit short." --Donald Trump, August 23rd 2024. On January 6, 2021, four insurrectionists and five police officers were killed, while 140 officers were assaulted.>> <<@Music2.17.56 says : Donald Trump does not exaggerate lady!! He’s the only person telling the truth here!!! He is going to save our country!! Trump/Vance24>> <<@justachipnc33 says : Well, Pres Trump is the smartest accomplished President the US has ever had... Throughout history ALL brilliant people have some kind of quirkiness !!! And like we don't ??? 🤣>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : Know your audience.... Some can sell anything to the foolish.. They are eating the dogs...😭 😆😆😆.....we agreed you weren't going to fact check...😤>> <<@kevinclark5012 says : So your the new cnn>> <<@UltraPerception says : IS THAT HOW IT IS A BIT OF ROUGH AND TUBMLE AT THE ARGENTINES WEL WHOSE BACKING ARGY THEN? COMING FOR A BIT OF A BARGE AUSTRALIA YOU WILL BE TEST DRIVING THE NUCLEAR SUBS FOR YOUR FIRST FIELD TRIP 2 THE FALKELANDS WNNA COME MARIO WARIO WANTS TO PLAY COMMAND WITH HIS BOATS HIS MILITARY I GUESS IS GETTING STAGNANT AND BORED. WELL HIS NAVY AT LEAST. WE PLAY BY THE RULES TRY NOT TO HURT EACHOTHER MAYBE BREAK SOME CRAP PUT A SHOW ON WHAT DO YOU RECKON?>> <<@tommlincoln5901 says : 🟢🚨You haven't yet seen anything near catastrophic, chaotic, or disasterous - nor experienced extreme fear and uncertainty 👇 God’s Holy Word tells of coming days (7 years worth) that will be way worse. This will follow an event where millions worldwide just suddenly disappear. ▪︎Wars ▪︎Famines ▪︎Violence ▪︎Starvation ▪︎Rationing ▪︎Supernatural events as GOD'S wrath is poured out ▪︎Pure evil ▪︎Lawlessness This 7 years is know as the Tribulation period - and it will be endured by all who rejected or never truly surrendered their heart over to Jesus. Those of the world, those void of a life changing relationship with Jesus - are clueless on what is coming. And they live by fear, and they help spread fear. But.... for born-again believers in Christ our hope is secure, we have no fear, we know what is coming. WWIII will arrive- during the Tribulation period. I pray you are wise enough to choose Jesus- so as to follow him home - to be saved from what is coming. You want 100% assurance of eternal security? Then read on. 🚨❣🤲 Salvation - How to Be Born Again .... becoming a child of the KING. Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, the PERFECT sacrifice for all. John 3:16-18 👑 according to the Scriptures... Christ died for our sins, He was buried, and He rose again the third day 1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4 To enter Heaven: ✝️ ADMIT THAT YOU’RE A SINNER. This is where godly sorrow leads to genuine repentance for sinning against the righteous God . . . there is a change of heart . . . we change our mind and God changes our heart and regenerates us from the inside out. 🅱️ Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and that God raised Jesus from the dead. This is trusting with all of your heart that Jesus Christ is who he said he was. 🤲🙏 CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD. Every single person who ever lived since Adam will bend their knee and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The world / Satan likes to make Salvation seem too easy and therefore it must be wrong. That there is more you must do (this is Satan's PRIDE pushing forth) No, GOD made it easy for man - He knows that man could never fully achieve or live up to HIS 10 Moral laws. The 10 commandments. We are all guilty of breaking them - even 1 small part - we are guilty of death . . . . Because GOD also looks into our thoughts and heart. Don't think you are guilty of murder? If you even think it or wish it upon someone- YOU ARE A MURDERER. Yes GOD made it easy, our flesh is weak, sin is enticing... and without the PERFECT ATONING blood of Jesus we are all guilty of GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS JUDGEMENT - no SIN will be allowed in His perfect Kingdom 🤲↪❣ Except those souls that show the pure cleansing blood of Jesus ... received the exact same way as the thief on the cross 💯%👉 BY FAITH!! 🙏 PURE LOVE & FORGIVENESS 🤲 Luke 23:39–43 🖤💔one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.   🖤💔🤍But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. A simple matter, not of works BUT faith. The thief was guilty and condemned by man's law - He did die that same day as JESUS - but before he did he: 1. Feared God (reverence to God's Holiness) 2. Acknowledged JESUS for who he was - GOD - an innocent man free of sin, taking on the guilt/punishment of others (ALL SINNERS) 3. Acknowledged he was a condemned sinner guilty of GOD'S Just punishment 4. He then asked for Jesus's forgiveness and to remember Him SATAN LOST A SOUL HEAVEN GAINED A NEW SOUL JESUS WAS VICTORIOUS and this condemned Thief was cleansed and immediately welcomed into Heaven. 🙌 By a simple matter of faith!>> <<@FDT24 says : Walz lying about being in Hong Kong was quickly cancelled out by Vance lying about the 2020 election result. Vance’s inability to prove he has a spine did him more damage>> <<@leonhue722 says : Name a politician who doesn't>> <<@ireneaustin8330 says : Yes, he does and that's why he is a bilioner 😂>> <<@johnbrennan9584 says : Donald Trump is a real New Yorker, and that's a good thing.>> <<@kristy4134 says : Your story title is a little misleading FYI Tim is a TOOL!!! He obviously tells lies to embolden his reputation as he wants to be seen as a man’s man, when in actual reality, he’s very effeminate. He’s a little creepy actually, in my personal opinion, like Kamala’s husband, the two of them seem on par!!! The point is, how can such a terrible performance translate to being an even outcome? Not sure your polls are based in reality.>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : The technical term is lying.>> <<@petero9952 says : Annelise, does not like Trump.>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : ****Prone to hyperbole**** thousands of lies ****loves to exaggerate**** more lies *CBS Questions Vance About How He Went From Calling 👹Trump ‘Hitler’ 👹to Being His Running Mate.* Maybe Vance incited Trump assassination attempts making such statements? Or John Howard who stated Trump not compatible with DEMOCRACY.>> <<@seekingtruth714 says : Trump lies simple. 🙄>> <<@LazarusUnwrapped says : Although Trump is for me a brisk refreshing politician, his hyperbole reminds me of a pentecostal preacher, highly emotive and sweeping with a big serve of ‘me’ in the middle of it all. It doesnt mean I disagree with him. Give me the eagle over a brood of vipers any day.>> <<@jamestinning8900 says : 🤫 Don't mention the actual crowd sizes. 🙄>> <<@YUDNSAY says : But is it exaggeration?>> <<@harryjove6725 says : President Trump Will PREVAIL!, Trump 2024, We The People will DEFEAT This TYRANNICAL Administration>>