<<@Wit_Shunter says : STOP THE BOATS! AXE THE TAX! BUILD THE ROADS! KILL THE BILL! (I forget the last two from 2013) Oh, hang on a sec. Firstly, the NSW roads are still the worst in Australia by far, (from someone who drove through all mainland states and a territory last year), and secondly, Tony Abbott is all for the digital ID so no one can disagree with the party line and escape the vengeful consequences from the anonymous faceless GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES. It's all well and good if you want to get rid of the stupid MAD laws, Bridget, but how are you going to get rid of Tony Abbott who loves the digital ID Big Sister plan?>> <<@martinvanderhoek4363 says : The bureaucrats and public servants are all Left so the proposed misinformation etc body will already be biased. It’s all about control when it comes to the Left and if you blindly let them then you have lost your freedom!>> <<@MrProsailor says : The Coal, Labs, Greens and Teals are all sleeping in the same room. The Coalition supports the disinformation bill. They all want the total luniac digital id and digital currency implemented. The abolishment of 3G is a push for 5G, which is the next needed step for total population control. Don't be fooled these people are traitors to this country. They work hand in hand with UN, WEF and WHO. Only One Nation can get us out off the looming nightmare.>> <<@elenawalker3746 says : It's the LNP's baby will you also REPEAL Digital ID and Surveillance laws on citizens and reduce taxes, the red and blue teams are the same you've been in power for over 10 years and SOLD off more of our sovereignty including hospitals and given away our resources for nothing.>> <<@MeredithBell-v3f says : I wouldn't vote one nation in a pink fit, surrounds herself with alphabet, how is that representing normal people>> <<@oasis042 says : Repealing the misinformation bill. Implementing the Nuclear energy and lifting the ban. Sounding much better!>> <<@garethhiggon3971 says : Ironically it begs the question " how would we know , if you get in you might use it yourselves ( sorry playing Devils advocate ) "😢>> <<@peterlederer3896 says : Wasn't it Liberals who first introduced the misinformation & censorship Bill then taken up by Labor honestly it's the Uni-Party VOTE OR DIVIDE YOUR VOTE BETWEEN ONE NATION UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY LIBERTARIAN LIBERAL DEMOCRATS FAMILY FIRST PEOPLE FIRST PARTY They Give a Toss about Australia and its freedoms not pandering to unelected Global Elites within United Nations and their derivatives the WEF and WHO and their dictates against the interests of the Sovereign Nation State and its citizens>> <<@joetesta5730 says : Australia needs a bill of rights like the USA to protect freedom of speech, freedom of peaceful assembly and a free press.>> <<@lyleessex4631 says : If the libs want to get back in power they need to repeal more than just the misinformation bill ...if the people have any sense they should vote for one nation and give them the balance of power in the senate so that they can put a stop to a lot of this rot and hopefully get this great country back to what it used to be for the sake of all the the people and not a select few.>> <<@justinwolff1416 says : Aussie Patriots... MAGA!🇦🇺 Vote: [1] One Nation [2] UAP . . . LNP (3rd Last) ALP (2nd Last) Greens (Last).>> <<@zeppy2732 says : Bridget joins the circus.>> <<@jennymills3147 says : When the speech condemns a free press, You are hearing the words of a Tyrant. Benjamin Franklin.>> <<@donaldrossalexander9388 says : 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏼>> <<@kaylenehall-t1v says : Vote one nation no to censuring they lie enough>> <<@byza101 says : All the talent in the Liberal/National party is in the senate. They need to do a swap, upper for lower house.>> <<@AtomsSDX says : Is that a win for Murdoch?>> <<@JIMDEZWAV says : Why does the left want to shut people up , what is it they are trying to hide 😈😈👿👿>> <<@CC-uq4hu says : Sorry I don’t believe two majors teals or greens I’m voting one nation>> <<@CC-uq4hu says : Congratulations team Sky! We need to have more talk about this….we need to vote this bill out❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@rhondawhatley3310 says : One Nation all the way 👍>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : 🇦🇺government and media terrorist... St.Thomas>> <<@BigFerg-hf6uv says : Got to stop LABORNESE>> <<@beautifulseattle says : I am information...you're welcome 😊>> <<@jonathanparle8429 says : I take that promise with precisely the same weight as I did the $275 electricity saving which was plainly an impossibility for anyone who still possessed autonomous thought and intelligence. The coalition is now woke and much further left than Labor was 20 years ago. This is why normal people no longer have an electable party to choose from. And James Paterson a free speech advocate? Don't make me vomit. He is a freedom-loving citizen's worst nightmare. He twice rejected a COVID enquiry- the first time by abstaining and the second time an outright no. Why would you do that if you wanted the truth to come out? He is going dead last on my Senate ballot - even behind Lidia Thorpe (who did vote for the enquiry).>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Doesn't matter who gets in they will be given their" orders " to follow.>> <<@hopehoping says : I am still hoping the ALP will see sanity and NOT pass the Bill.>> <<@kpthenut1 says : UNEXIT!>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : I get turned on whenever Rita speaks🥰>> <<@kpthenut1 says : A similar bill has just passed in Queensland already. Let that sink in, we are F…ed. Vote One Nation or move to another country.>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Leave decision making up to us McKenzie, NO Misinformation Bill, give One Nation the Balance of Power in the Senate>> <<@stewartbrooker says : Yes this bill puts Sky News whole model at risk.>> <<@leighcolless7046 says : One Nation!>> <<@John-ul4hv says : Ms Rowland, 16.01, In the Interests of the People, ‘The Misinformation Bill must pass in order to meet our international obligations’, the UN. , 35.25 ‘dramatically expand the power of the UN’, ‘Europe Just Passed a Law That’s About to Change Your Life/ Guest: Justin Haskins / Ep 1067’, Allie Beth Stuckey viewed 1.10.24>> <<@John-ul4hv says : PD if you were Smart get rid all all these Bills, Misinformation Bill, Digital ID Bill, Identity Identification Bill, RBA Reform bill, 'Build to Rent' policy, NO CBDC's we the Australian people will fight you>> <<@annejeremy752 says : The Government are probably planning even worse things than Covid for the population! There is a saying: 'Tyranny is when people fear their Government; Democracy is when Government fears their people!'>> <<@vicstein288 says : No good Bridget. Free speech is free speech. Stop trying to protect us. The only protection we need is the one that protects us from government excesses.>> <<@nosilencedthoughts says : Make aussie -great- kickass again Cut ties with WEF/WHO Australia has many of its own 'experts' we do not need to be dictated to by a corrupt elitists no one voted for. Stop all donations to UN/WHO/unmra/Ukraine Repeal lima agreement repeal all leases on ports and airports by the chinese. sacking and loss of privielidges of politicans who allowed it. repeal Low value import tax Repeal Life time health cover loading lower the tax on alcohol and tobbacco - if people want to drink and smoke let them, they are adults and should be aware of the consequenses of abuse if they choose to. bounty for wild rabbits, exported to asian/pacific countries - food source Ban foreign investments in properties. Ban foreign owned Air BNB up hold the constituion. introduction of a bill of rights (as was originally intended by australian government in 1890.) build thorium nuclear power stations Remove TOD tarifs on power. flat rate all day every dayas it was 6 years ago removal of all windfarms and sent back to china. removal of all solar farms. replant forests mowed down for solar farms. Removal of all smart meters Banning/repeal of any solar feed in tax Banning of forgein ownership of public utilities Banning of the commoditisation of water transparency and publication of politians expendature, if they want to scrutinize and control our spending it is only fair we scrutinize theirs. afterall, they live off our taxes. Independant non biased Governer general appointed by the people in an election. Large corporate donations banned or capped for all parties across the board regardless of position in the political spectrum. Removal of preferential voting (which is a euphemism for vote rigging) Dismantle and Removal of Digital ID/cash/vaccine records/My health record Banning of supermarket rewards programs (the're not rewards ;-) ) Banning of Palm oil and palm oil derivitives and imports of any american bio engineered processed 'food' Reinstatement of pain releif for terminally ill Pet insurance claimable on the spot, like human health insurance. the infrastructur is already there, there's no excuse. legalise the use and sale of CBD oil products and update law for use of motor vehichles. flat rate vehichle registrations Ban mad>> <<@peterburke8650 says : Everyone should just not vote. Wouldn't that send a message.>> <<@questioneverythingalways820 says : James Patterson is no champion of free speech lmfao. He is an ASIO shill who wants to label people here as terrorists if they disagree.>> <<@questioneverythingalways820 says : And she also entirely avoided the question when asked what will liberal do with their own version of the bill….they will bring in the EXACT same and worse. Traitors.>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Neither Labor nor Liberal need to tell lies. Murdoch does that for them.>> <<@Helliconia54 says : my take? the Libs will NOT repeal Labor's bill, because it suits their OWN agenda. Simple. I'm voting ONE NATION>> <<@alancotterell9207 says : Bridget Mckenzie has a face which she keeps in a jar by the door.>> <<@Psittacine-pp5yd says : Albo and Labor just cant handle criticism that's what this is about.>> <<@UltraPerception says : Preach today for Freedom, and complain about deleted post tomorrow. You will be censored when it matters. And you will have no line of contact with those conducting authorities.>> <<@CalciumHat says : Tom Waits - "Hell Broke Luce">> <<@leonharrison800 says : LNP and ALP hate democracy. Why Greens and Independents are the real opposition. Wake up Australia. 🇵🇸🇱🇧🔥🔥>> <<@ricky6864 says : Corrupt politicians want to be able to control the narrative..... 95% of misinformation comes from politicians>> <<@CanabisWhiskeyAnanas says : 😆 🤣>>