<<@gherkamum says : Massive Mistake By Labour.😡>> <<@SweetJasamine says : Lammy would be out of his depth in a puddle>> <<@aufstiegundfall says : So that's how those Trump voters conceive the world: black vs white, MAGA vs Woke... you do realize Chagos was an inhumane tragedy that existed before Trump Trump/Wokism/whatever US nonsense feed your electorate right. So just to clear things up for you too intelligent to grab a book on Chagos/Mauritian History, there is a cemetary on Chargos Archipelagos where local Chagossians born there, raised there and chased by the British have their parents buried. The inhuman land-grabbing British forbade them from visiting their parent's tombs and paying respects. Chagossians, like people from Rodrigues island, speak Mauritian Creole and have a rich culture comprising of Mauritian/Chagossian sega. Our struggle is not over yet and we shall drag your crimes to the ICJ and get back our main island Diego Garcia and boot you colonizers out of our country for good. The US shall have no choice but to lease the military base directly to the Chagossian/Mauritian people. You'll have no say in that bilateral agreement>> <<@cosmicdust8542 says : Who is that woman "Esther Krakue" who claim Mauritius has allied ties with Beijing? Where did she get her Phd from Project 2025??? Mauritius has French roots, heritage and culture and bears allegiance to France which is part of the EU just like Reunion Island. When Mauritius had the 2020 mega-oil spillage disaster it was the French army that saved us not the Chinese so what is she babbling about. Why doesn't she take care of her hatemongering ilks and leave us islanders in peace>> <<@Ashley-se7qx says : Treating people like slaves and uprooting them from their home is a really good example of human rights isn't it ? For 56 years Britain denied these people the rights to return their home! Now suddenly they talk about human rights! What a bunch of hypocrites!>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : As long as there is a British military cemetery on the Falkland islands, one doubts they will be considered. Should that not be the case, one could fully expect action being taken by the Paras and Welsh Guards, e.g. Best of luck, Starmer, if that happens!>> <<@2pie2mash says : Esther Krakue speaks the truth with common sense every time ! #studentactivists #DumbA$$Lammy>> <<@TEAMMAURICE says : What utter nonsense! Please do some research before you speak. It’s not the UK’s decision to give the Chagos Islands away but there is already an international court ruling from 2019 and UN resolution ordering the UK to hand over the Chagos Islands to their rightful owner, Mauritius. The uk is simply following international protocol.>> <<@ToABrighterFuture says : Argentina is already licking its chops over the Falklands, no doubt.>> <<@dr.hans.asperger says : now hand over the Falklands>> <<@peekaboo6622 says : #MaoLives>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : China will be rubbing their hands😂😂>>