<<@dmarshall8366 says : Many thousands of Australians are not on board with Netanyahus genocide.>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Neither are a lot of jewish people.>> <<@Aucklandinsummer says : No one should be on board with the extreme Zionism of Netanyahu. The man is dangerous, he is is a war Criminal, has been indicted for war crimes by the ICJ and should not be leading his country any more.>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : A lot of world leaders are "not totally onboard", if at all, with Baby Butcher Benny's campaign of genocide, Andy. :I>> <<@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos says : I know israel didn't bomb and kill 48k of palistinians woman and children took palistinians' land and suprest palistinians for 78 years then doing the same to labanon it was all hamas was it... normal thing to do is when somone comes to your land into your house just let him be don't fight for somthing that belongs to you becouse that land used to belong to Jews 3000 years ago and not the once that are taking it now so we could say the same for Australia's and americans give the land back you took>> <<@LIKEFUNK says : The only reason the lefties are demanding some 'two state solution' is because they know there is only one globally appointed state...there has never been two....the Gazan's are war orphan refugees only! it was nice of Israel to allow them a place on their own turf to bunk down in peaceful accord...they breached the compassionate gift big time obviously.>> <<@McCraeMoto1 says : I am 72 I have all my life voted Labour. I feel betrayed by Labour. Labour says it favours a two state solution with a negotiated settlement. Israel has always refused. While the PLO and HAMAS has offered to agree to a Palestinian state along the Iternationaly recognised pre 1967 boarders. The quick action by Au in withdrawring funding from UNRA. On the word of a well known lier Netenyahu. With iut an invetigation. Its exceptance of the targeting of an Au aid worker working for World Kitchen as mistake. I will be voting for the Greens they stand for what Labour once stood for.>> <<@LIKEFUNK says : The fun bit is the term Palestine was Roman implied, it was to collectively describe the general region only because they were miffed at being sent packing back to Rome...the Gazan's (leftover-war-orphans) which no other neighbour rightfully trust's or wants likewise...their is no such a thing as a Gazan passport let alone a Palestinian passport which also clearly affirms this fact likewise....they are Gazan's only and lousy neighbours is all.>> <<@MrJekken says : nobody should be on board with Netanyahu's approach to war. Or on board with him in fashion whatsoever>> <<@AtomsSDX says : Izzybemyhabibi>> <<@shadowwater1 says : Most Aussies are not on board with Israel Zionist Government Remember that at Election time Dutton.>> <<@lyns8062 says : Given that he is an Australian Prime Minister not an Israeli one that is a good thing!>> <<@shadowwater1 says : Blinky eyes needs a reboot.>> <<@danbanks1010 says : The indiscriminate killing is atrocious, we should condemn both sides equally and take no part in the upcoming global conflict.>> <<@timwilson4684 says : Bring on the election Elmer Fudd - the sooner you go the better - the only reason you would not accept the motion being brought forward by the LNP was because it did not criticise Israel or promote Palestine - you are still worried about the multicultural Muslim vote - but you have already lost that.>> <<@robertfitchett-o6n says : Wong and Albo are past their use by date on this issue. The UN is also past it's use by date, morally corrupt and is essentially bullying anyone who disagrees with it.>> <<@anadibiswas513 says : Very sad>> <<@sonnguyen4365 says : Can’t believe Australia government doomed.>> <<@jgwizo says : Why does Australia prosecute old cases when it does not do the same to Palestinian grievances? Israel is not entitled to self defence to its illegally occupied lands because they are Palestine lands.>> <<@cherylmason5788 says : Good you’d have to be an idiot to be on board with it. He’s pretty much failed at everything this last year and expects the world to believe he’s going to bring about peace. All Netanyahu does is blow up buildings and leaves a trail of dead bodies, especially children.>> <<@penbee9316 says : Australia is over being involved in Middle Eastern wars. Voting Labor.>> <<@Alikhan-tl8om says : A bunch of Zionist brainwashed idiots>> <<@taimermega6447 says : Palestine has thousands of October 7s , for Christ sake>> <<@Neo_Red_Pill says : Continued prayers for the IDF the hostages and their families and for Jewish people across the world as Christians we stand with Israel bring them home🙏🤝>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : After years of inactivity and zero productivity, we hear from the Teals! Could it be that they will have to fight very hard to retain their seats now that electors know just how useless they are.>> <<@jamespeacock8665 says : Bibi nuttyyahoo just needs some money 🤑🤑🤑from 🇦🇺.>> <<@micopanel2778 says : How are we even playing this game… oh yes Albow is in bed with the WEF>> <<@millshurn1080 says : Interesting...ask any country if another country attacked you...what would they do..simple end of debate otherwise they are LYING or have selfish goals>> <<@azisdimacuta1446 says : remember albani is not from Zionist ..right of country what they say..remember what marconi said..marconi is not from Zionist..>> <<@azisdimacuta1446 says : only you media to blah blah..because your media is Zionist 😂😂😂>> <<@KETUPONG-p2e says : Albanese Wong are terrorists supporters & sympathizers.>> <<@3RAV4s says : No mention of hostages still being held, Albo?>> <<@nevillegreg1 says : Labor playing politics. Who is escalating the war? Appears to me Iran escalated the war by allowing its proxy to fire rockets into Israel from Lebanon and then Iran itself firing rockets into Israel. How does Labor not see this? Labor is blind to the facts. It's a disgraceful and irresponsible Labor gov to expect and request Israel to show restraint under these circumstances.>> <<@josephgee143 says : First its the United States of Israel, know its Israelia.>> <<@Matt123a says : AEC website - Albo's inner-Sydney electorate voters are 76% leftys and _far-leftys_ (Labor and Greens). Albo is simply covering his arse for the upcoming election. What's best for the country or supporting victims of caveman terrorists, be damned.>> <<@AussiePat79 says : They don't call him "Each Way Albo" for nothing.>> <<@barryford1482 says : Penny Wong is stupid . The Israelis have offered a two state solution five times and it has been rejected five times the Palestinians want a one state solution with millions of dead Jews .>> <<@ianshears5341 says : Really - nude dancing before the Feast? Israel was lucky to get off so lightly. Keep in mind when it comes to Sodom and Gomorrah the Creator fried the whole population.>> <<@michealmccoy9249 says : Wong is an ignorant politician , Palestine does not want & never will have a 2 state solution>> <<@JefferyJenkem says : What was the WEFs leaders religion? Whats Dr Fauccis religious background? Who owns the banks? Who owns B rock and V guard? Who pushed gangsta rap and owns the prisons? Who owns the shopping centres? Whos the only people you cant critique?>> <<@Harien-fs6gn says : It seems Mr Albanese is trying to do two sides politic games 😌>> <<@roka7024 says : Israel has its tentacles in all governments.. the world should be afraid. Today, it's the Middle east tomorrow its the rest of the world. It will never be ok to steal land and occupy a people. Under international law, Palestinians have the right to resist their occupier with all means necessary and it is ILLEGAL for the occupier to retaliate and continue to expand their settlements. No ifs or buts.>> <<@VK6AB- says : Albo this is so simple even someone with a degree in economics from Sydney Uni can understand it. On Oct 7th/Oct 8th 2023, Iran declared war on Israel through its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah. By doing this it confirmed their intent, as has be declared many times, to wipe out Israel and its people. Given the genocidal doctrine, Israel has every right to protect itself inc. by removing all military threats current and future. Not difficult to grasp - just ask our security services. They can tell you all about it and they have many times. So stop dissembling and stop lying.>> <<@Hopium500 says : Don't care about israel. I care about Australia.>> <<@joycebevan8310 says : Wong needs to go.>> <<@alanw8552 says : Sky please play Peter Dutton's speech to Parliament today. It is a must listen.>> <<@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ says : Then how should Israel fight against Terrorists which wants to destroy it.>> <<@KevinHoekman says : I guess Labor is selective in diversity and inclusion since they want to segregate Israel.>> <<@LouiseAus10 says : Zuheir Moshen, PLO Commander, 1971-1979 said there's no such thing as a Palestinian people. They are no different to the Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians. He said it's all about Arab unity, this political and tactical game being played out to shut-down the Zionist state. Our daft government and uneducated population has been played.>> <<@JefferyJenkem says : Ban both religions from practice. Muslims say we must convert, pay a tax or be destroyed. The Jewish Legion think theyre "the chosen ones" and therefore should have ultimate control over everyone else. Both are destructibe and murdered millions of innocent bystanders over the course of thousands of years. Its time to ban both and bring along world peace>>