<<@forestgreen435 says : Starts with Politisizing Police , back when lockdowns were in fashion. Cowards.>> <<@bartonseagrave9605 says : Are your Politicians taking bribes from the Arab Oil Sheikhs, it looks like the British Politicians are.>> <<@sharenclark392 says : Get this shit out of our country,>> <<@hairylittlewombat says : Two tier policing has been going on here for years. Same in the UK, which is even worse. They can deny it all they like, but it's plainly obvious.>> <<@hishambulletelsamad4774 says : As a TV presenter where is your morals for humanity why can't the government stand with south Africa law suit for genocides and the chaos it's caused in this world where is Australian Prime Minister not condemning Israel genocide and heavy-handed against the humanity why is not standing with South Africa against Israel yet the same people that run United States of America is running Australia>> <<@terry2366 says : Same thing happening in the UK. Seems politicians and police don't want to upset the muslims. It's a disgrace. We are a western country with western values and we support Israel (well, most of us do)>> <<@AngryAnt_ says : What do you expect from a labor government. They are scared. They fear a backlash but they know that they won't get a backlash from the Israeli supporters. Shame on labor.>> <<@steveascension9626 says : The same people who are protesting now, Osama bin Laden called on in his infamous audio speech, to reject the West and expel the heretical Jews from the Middle East. The only thing the Palestinians are doing is following Bin Laden's instructions. There is a religious clash here! The worst kind of wars are these.>> <<@Magyarmeister says : What about the governments double standards. And the media are just disgusting.>> <<@LA-fb6pw says : we all know the tyrant criminal police are cowards. COVID put a spot light on their disgusting behavior and its been getting worse since. the scabs should be ashamed of their behavior. they will gladly bash and pepper spray family's and the elderly, but when faced with a gang of middle age fighting males they cower like the pathetic scabs they are. absolutely disgusting. by the way Sky news why are you not covering all the COVID cases that are been sorted currently in the courts. most of the BS is been thrown out as we all knew it would.>> <<@John-ce3ey says : Same. In England. Something is not right. Pretect. Yourself people. Thier is going to be a war. On your streets with thies. Muslims>> <<@solanumtuberosa says : Pewdiepie must be proud.>> <<@kathrynanneperry4651 says : Didn't the NSW premier superimpose a huge Israeli flag over the Sydney Opera House?? This moron started it all off.>> <<@emitlevart7155 says : if you want to see what an invaded country looks like then study France or Holland in ww2 or even the uk in 2024>> <<@hans2020 says : Something is badly Wong...>> <<@hexetera says : I don't think it's the police but the government (lefties). Being a police officer is incredibly hard nowadays with everyone waving the winning card. Until we remove the lefties central government, nothing will change.>> <<@leanegarden6997 says : Australians don’t seem to realize what they’re dealing with. These people hate the West and aim to spread Sharia law wherever they go. Europe’s already dealing with a silent intifada, with governments downplaying the chaos to avoid looking bad for letting in illegal migrants. It’s happening in Australia too, and when it erupts, it’ll be too late. Islam considers non-believers filthy and impure, banning them from places like Mecca. Ironically, some Muslim countries like Egypt and Jordan have kicked out Islamists, yet they wreak havoc in Lebanon and Israel. Australia is on the same path if it won’t take immediate preventative actions to save its democracy.✡️✝️>> <<@mhukat7006 says : 🇵🇸🐖🇵🇸🐖🇵🇸🐖👎👎👎>> <<@kathrynanneperry4651 says : What good is Israel to Australia? We don't need them.>> <<@leonhue722 says : The country has been captured by toxic, inept career politicians. It's time for citizens to take back their country from toxic career politicians..illegals and extremist groups>> <<@edwardbec9844 says : No Flags or Protests at the Opera House .. then why aren't the NSW Police Viewing the Footage Tracking and then Fining or Jailing those that were there ??>> <<@garage3119 says : Anything to do with Islamic thugs, the police higher ups don't want the law enforced lest it upsets the Imams. I know our Inspectors in Vic Pol would be forever conferring at Mosques to appease them if we arrested some scum bags. Wouldn't allow us to use hate crime statutes even if it was obviously a hate crime.>> <<@Fire.4Effect says : Any Aussies celebrating H.amassholes and H.ezzbollocks need a tune up. Dual passports, deport>> <<@Ron-i1f says : Good to see people standing up for the rights of Palastinians in their own country.😊🇦🇺>> <<@Colin-vl4rn says : It's always the same, foreign immigrants assembling and / or marching, in large numbers, seems to be sufficient to have the police scared to stop their unruly activity. Lets examine what frequently happens, but before that it is important to understand the law insofar as I understand it about assembling in groups in our country. In order to stop or redirect a march or to cancel a meeting it must be shown that there is sufficient reason to be able to order a dispersal of those assembled. This can happen when there are any violent displays or displaying or waving of flags that are meant to instill a fearful response within the general community. Similarly if issues of threats and/or yelling of obscenities aimed at any defenceless group within our country occurs that too is another indication that they as a group are not exercising the restraint required in accordance with the issued permits. Now, the very important question is why are certain elements within our country protected, way beyond what would be considered normal given the same set of circumstances, if other groups attempted to do the same actions The right to assembly is clearly being flouted week in and week out by Islamist organising groups who have our policing authororities running scared. It is essential that our Government steps in, to correct this flouting of our laws, as quickly as possible because the unruly elements that thrive upopn this weakness to protect long term valued citizens of our country has gone on for far too long. Deportation of the more violent activists should be implemented as soon as possible, because those remaining must understand that the laws of our country cannot be flouted with impunity.>> <<@sidecarmisanthrope5927 says : These costumed clowns are pathetic cowards who only feel brave when they greatly out number the person they wish to arrest. At least this shows that if Australians got together to change the laws in Straya, there is little the government could do. We need solidarity among fair dinkum Australians.>> <<@bastionglory6684 says : Who organised this? 🙏👍🇦🇺🇮🇱🇱🇧🙏>> <<@pmoran7971 says : Yes we got this in England as well recently, but the hysteria quickly died down, I would say, the Australian police are the same as the Police in the UK, extremely fair and impartial, on one side you have a mixture of Jews, Asians and white people, and on the other side crowds of hooligans with far right views who terrorised ethnic populations, looting, smashing cars and breaking windows, it's all on tape, so I am not making it up, the arrests are still ongoing and there are many>> <<@lesliewatt9344 says : Bloody disgusting>> <<@sidecarmisanthrope5927 says : Our police are proven cowards. They are scared of anyone who might not comply with their demands. Better stick to having 6 cops coward up to arrest a 75 year old granny for sitting on a bench without a face nappy. That is their style. I hope you have noticed.>> <<@scottrees5374 says : The reason is on group will be violent the other won’t. So it is easier to police a non violent group. Quite simply there would not have been enough police to control the violent group so rather than try to enforce them you let them be. Laws are only in place for the good people.>> <<@nostro1001 says : The two tier policing has been clear the past year. Have any protesters or fit example those spraying graffiti over monuments, defacing schools etc been arrested and charged?>> <<@thejedaru1383 says : Clown albo government.>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : Just shows that Labor is desperate for the Islamist vote.>> <<@kittykat4168 says : Asked them what happened in Qld...NSW and Victoria are turning into elbo's new garza strip...just garsly...>> <<@DixieC-vj2sg says : Those initial scenes with Hamas flags flying, celebrating, cheering Oct 7th, was horrifically sickening.>> <<@WilliamGriffin-vy6mo says : Deport deport deport deport. Get them all out ! If you vote liberal labor Nationals greens your a bloody idiot !>> <<@franckpanday7724 says : Two tier policing proudly brought to you by Wong dongi and pedo albo>> <<@humananity says : The dead are pro-life, how does that work?>> <<@rotagorretni says : It's called racism. Unabashed, institutional, explicit racism. That NSW police are unconcerned about disgracing themselves in this way, by putting racism at the root of their operations, indicates that they are themselves a danger to society>> <<@mrnealburns9072...Plan-Z. says : righties losing it>> <<@johnkennedy4023 says : "Where's" doesn't even make sense>> <<@phillippaxton6764 says : One law should apply to all. Why the double standard? Australia is going down the path of UK. USA. Shameful.>> <<@oja7561 says : And cops wonder why they are held in such low regard>> <<@JoaoSoares-rs6ec says : There's a double standard for everything>> <<@durv13 says : so do we need to push palistine ppl out next ? serious question , there was a time not long ago , the 80's when , if you werent of christian belief or European you couldnt live here . i was here then . and i can see where most of australias problems lie , immigrations of ppl that dont actually want to be aussies .>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : shut the gate.>> <<@MegaStooi says : Two tier policing is now very common in countries like UK, Canada and Australia. It's the same with our judicial systems. Criminals are afforded all the leniency including endless bails that let them commit more crimes while law abiding citizens are charged if they try to protect their properties. Something is very wrong. It's called WOKENESS.>> <<@islalewis70 says : Looks like we're becoming a shoutie shoutie nation !!!>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : As their numbers grow, so too will the inevitable problem.>>