<<@Her.Serene.Feline.Cuteness. says : This blonde who is not even qualified as a 'journalist' trades on her dad, whoever he was..>> <<@bobhawke7373 says : 'Tomorrow when the war began' is an Australian movie in which we are invaded by Indonesia.>> <<@dmarshall8366 says : You are never sharp Molan, you are notjing more than a Murdoch troll now.>> <<@repairman757 says : I remember the Bali 9 and other who never received mercy from the Indonesian government. Have you forgotten about that Erin?>> <<@CalciumHat says : Didn't Indonesia go though a large cultural shift?>> <<@countyorga764 says : Way beyond irrelevant whining, murdoch turd molan's intelligence level.>> <<@danielcalkin1586 says : Who is this woman!>> <<@bosco9028 says : Yeh no thanks. Who cares how large they are. Their country is a mess. Of course they want close ties to us, our country is just better in every single way. What they really want is to offload a tonne of their citizen with an open door policy to Australia. That is what they really want. how does that benefit Australia? It doesn't. We need to stop pretending we are like the countries in our region, because we are not! They are muslim too. Do we forget the massive protests where they were burning our flag and effigies of our PM? Or do we forget they were deliberately sending the boats of illegal migrants most of whom where muslim straight towards our country? Yeh no thanks! But that's ok, the face of Australia is changing and we will not be different to these Asian countries but look exactly like them with all their massive problems.>> <<@adamtoth5872 says : Next time you're there ask them when are they going to stop slaughtering the people's of West Papua, over 500,000 killed so far since the stole the country, why aren't people talking this, its on our door step yet they worry about Israel and Ukraine .>> <<@gjssjg says : Oh god, what is this lightweight doing on TV>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : ...and still no apology from Indonesia to the good folk of Timor Leste for the war crimes and human rights abuses committed by Kopasas during Indonesia's occupation.>> <<@kkcw6668 says : Both member States of the Southern Hemisphere family of Nations, where there is no southern hemisphere representation on the Permanent seats(membership) of the U.N security council. Family clout is a good idea! Wont be long when it'll become Uber important!>> <<@kermitthehermit9588 says : Erin Mole-Anne: Gonzo Journalism done wrong>> <<@WayneAndrews-oo2mw says : Free West Papua , lol the regime that got to keep all the money they stole>> <<@sspacegghost says : oh Erin - you arent military. your dad is - so you're totally brainwashed with propaganda... you have no idea military is made up so bankers can profit....because of your confirmation bias.>> <<@Kalb_Allah says : From my travels to Indo over many decades the only relationship I saw was Aussies getting wrecked, fighting and trashing the place, shaggin everything and disrespecting locals, their monuments and traditions. I love Oz but as a Brit there is nothing to be gained by Indo from you bloody beautiful barstewards>> <<@user-hw7zf2in5e says : Poor msm will be turned of soon Psychos aren't allowed to say anything about disclosure topics>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Who cares what you did.. Did anyone vote for you.>>