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You really should be an actual scientist before you call yourself the science guy !! Bill Nye
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i honestly think she MTG has water in her brain
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Man cannot control weather just as much as he cannot control tomorrow
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Bill is a globalist , far left BS .....
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Bill is so full of crap it's ridiculous.... Our climate has always been changing.... It's not global warming 😊... Global warming is a made of lie to make money..
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Given the high number of comments from ignorant people denying anthropic climate change, let me post this (again): It is scientifically proven that it is indeed human activities through their GHG (greenhouse gases) emissions that disrupt the climate, there is a scientific consensus (more than 99% of published climate studies confirm this), see this study : "Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature", Mark Lynas et al. Also the IPCC (whose role is to summarize the findings on climate change through checking the various peer-reviewed articles) fully confirms this, see « IPCC AR6 WGI report – The physical science basis » (and please spare us the usual denialist BS on IPCC: this is not because you dislike the findings that it proves the messenger is unfit). As for thinking for yourself (a classic among “skeptics” of all kinds), here are my thoughts: The climate has changed many times in the past for natural reasons (continental drift, Milankovic cycles linked to small variations in the Earth's orbit, etc.). Our Holocene epoch, called interglacial, began 11,700 years ago (Milankovic cycles) and allowed the development of our human civilizations thanks to a favorable and stable climate over the last 9,000 years. Average global temperatures showed a very slow cooling linked to the Milankovic cycles (next glaciation expected in about 50,000 years). Some regional events such as the "Medieval Optimum" or the "Little Ice Age" mainly affected Europe, and caused only a slight fluctuation in average global temperatures, +/-0.3°C (see : « A Reconstruction of Regional and Global Temperature for the Past 11,300 Years », by Shaun A. Marcott et al.). But this natural and very slow cooling was abruptly interrupted at the beginning of the 20th century. What do we know and why is anthropogenic CO2 undoubtedly the cause of this warming? 1- We know that the world average temperature is rising (+1.3°C since the start of the industrial era, check on the web Copernicus, or NOAA), although it has been generally stable for 9,000 years (with only slight fluctuations on the global average). 2- we have known the GHG mechanism for 2 centuries (Fourier, 1824) 3- we know that CO2 is a GHG : first physical demonstration of CO2’s warming effect in a laboratory by Tyndall in 1861. 4- we can see that the CO2 content in the atmosphere is rising (remaining very stable at 280ppm throughout the Holocene period until the start of the industrial era, then a sudden increase, now 420ppm, therefore +50%: see the site “The Keeling Curve”) while the other important GHG, water, has a generally stable content (but its content begins to rise because of CO2, the atmosphere warms up and hot air will be able to accept more water vapor). 5- we know that more GHG means more heat, the saturation of CO2 concerning the greenhouse effect only concerns the lower layers (pressure 1 atmosphere) but not the upper layers (so the addition of CO2 does indeed increase the greenhouse effect) 6- we know that we emit billions of tonnes of CO2 annually, 40Gt (transport, heating, industry, etc.) 7- we measure that the C14 content of atmospheric CO2 decreases, which confirms that the excess CO2 is fossil carbon (therefore added by man, since the other possible source of fossil carbon, volcanism, emits 100 times less CO2 than human activities). 8- we know that, while the temperature of the ground rises, the upper layers of the atmosphere (the stratosphere) have been cooling for a few decades, this confirms that it is not a warming that would come from the sun or other radiation (otherwise the stratosphere would also warm up) but the effect of greenhouse gases (which block IR coming from the Earth which cools the stratosphere). This is a publication by Pr Syukuro Manabe, which earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics. 9- we have measurements by the Nimbus satellites of the terrestrial radiation, which therefore make it possible to see the radiation that the Earth sends back to space, in relation to the radiation from the terrestrial ground (the difference between the two is therefore what is absorbed by the atmosphere): we can see the bands absorbed by the various GHGs, and especially the absorption by CO2. The shape of the spectrum observed around wavelengths of 15µm (main absorption of CO2 in the infrared) corresponds very well to what the theory of GHGs indicated. A PROOF : an in-situ experiment carried out by satellite confirmed and quantified the effect of CO2 on current warming, see « Observational determination of surface radiative forcing by CO2 from 2000 to 2010 », by D. R. Feldman et al. 10- the climate change deniers, after more than 40 years of in-depth research on the climate (Charney report in 1979 which raised the alarm and prompted numerous studies on the climate) have NO OTHER scientifically plausible explanation other than CO2. For example, “climate cycles” (Milankovic) indicate that we are in an interglacial period with a very stable climate for the last 9,000 years (the next glaciation is expected in around 50,000 years), or also “cosmic rays” (Svensmark) hypothesis which has been shown to be false. A recent attempt by deniers has suggested that the declining Earth's magnetic field as a possible cause, but there is no evidence to support this hypothesis (see Gavin Schmidt, climatologist and director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York). Conclusion: the Earth's climate, which had been generally stable for millennia, changed abruptly at the beginning of the 20th century. The increase in atmospheric CO2 is clear, it is due to human activities, and it has been scientifically demonstrated that it is indeed the cause of global warming. Furthermore, no other hypothesis is supported by solid facts despite the determination of climate deniers to find a hypothesis that would exonerate human activities from their responsibility. For economic reasons (support by the very rich fossil fuels) or ideological reasons (libertarians who hate all constraints, therefore ecology in general) the goal of the handful of climate change denying scientists is to perpetuate the climate inaction of governments by creating "doubt" in the population, as the tobacco industry did regarding the dangers of cigarettes half a century ago.
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Bye snow flakes bye bye communist. Let’s make America Great Again!!!
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Desantis says that Florida deals with storms. But they know they'll handle hurricanes with their hands out from taxpayers who don't live on Florida.
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You have zero evidence to say the heat in the water was caused by the heat in the atmosphere. It could just as easily be caused by solar radiation, or by the planetary core.
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How was it a conspiracy, CNN?
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Can’t help but think all that oil that’s probably floating around in the gulf since 2010 is probably not helping either. I’m sure that’s pretty different than before Ron.
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"The government can control the weather!" While we're borrowing plots from comic book supervillians, maybe Biden is smuggling illegal immigrants into the country using his SHRINK RAY!
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we have the best and smartest people, the best universities, the highest number of Nobel prize winners, and yet... here we are with all these crazy conspiracies, lies, and this stupid MAGA cult. It just doesn't make sense.
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Trump wants to use Nuclear Weapons on Hurricanes, MTG thinks that the Government controls the weather, when does the ignorance end? We really need Bill Nye to break thing's down? Are we 8?
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This is awkward https://youtu.be/ABWBE6KlXbE?si=FG7kg6bRhPgqtnua
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WTF happened to the GOP? I mean, they've become the party of nut jobs. That used to be OUR thing! LOL Now Democrats and liberals are the common sense moderates and Republicans have lost their fucking minds...
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the good book said the government is a beast now do you think God almighty would lie to his creation no
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look up and see the album sea salt the government put poison in our water they and the one percent who really rule the world
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This is the same woman who said that a forest fire was caused by a Jewish space laser.
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Bill Nye is a Seattle sketch comedian who got a job teaching science to kids and said "I'm making this my life's purpose, but to everyone." He. Is. Fantastic.
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The hottest it's ever been... Bill forgets about pre Cambrian Plants
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DeSantis' partisan denial of science further endangers the people of Florida. Climate change will continue to escalate and EVERYONE will be a believer eventually. People of Florida, please vote that fool OUT.
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Just because you don't understand something, it doesn't mean whatever comforting explanation you came up with or heard, though it makes sense to you, it doesn't mean it is fact. Just admit you don't understand.
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The Government can control the weather Really Marjorie? I missed that episode of GET SMART. Was KAOS able to do it? Finish the story, Moscow Marge.
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When posed with the question about what DeSantis said and indeed when similar questions are posed like this, I wish people would put it like this: who do you want to trust? Scientists or Big Oil. Oil companies knew about climate change decades ago and the buried their findings. That's not disputed. Why does climate change denial originate in the United States and why is it so much stronger in the US? Because American Oil Companies made it so, because their lobbies are so incredibly powerful and so relatively poorly regulated. Because American corporate culture is so unbelievably toxic and because American corporations are so lightly regulated in the name of government being business friendly at all costs. Think of the numerous examples of American companies behaving ruthlessly, even murderously in the name of profits while getting what amounts to a slap on the wrist as punishment. The bottom line is that these companies are not incentivized to do anything but protect their profits and the people who run them are such unimaginably vile and greedy creatures that they will willingly destroy the world to live a life of gaudy excess and power.
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DeSantis is now uninsurable, like Florida.
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Nye is someone you can trust: He is a man of science.
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5:24 this is really important and I’m glad he brought this up
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CNN will post this informational video and right wingers will say bill isn't a real scientist so this whole video is discredited to them. We really live in dark times.
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I’ve seen posts where people say things like “am I crazy or does it seem like these hurricanes keep hitting Florida? 🧐” …And I’m sitting here thinking where the hell have they been for all their life that they’re just this year noticing that hurricanes often impact Florida. We have a hurricane season EVERY YEAR and Florida dangles down like some humorous body part between two major bodies of water where hurricanes tend to form. It’s not some conspiracy.
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Bill Nye: "Science rules!" Indeed. He knows what he's talking about. Conversely, MTG is insane.
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MTG: "People can't change the climate" Also MTG: "The government is controlling the weather"
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the more people engage with the likes of MGT, the more publicity they get and thus further incentivizing bad behavior.
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We love Bill Nye!!!! Thank u for ur wisdom
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*Whaaa*?😳 "(Government) just would not do things like that to harm their fellow Americans"?? Agent Orange; Tuskegee experiments; MKUltra (used kids). It's a LOOOOOOOOng list, dude. Meantime, here's what we do about climate change: #1. Stop buying so much sh..*!!! We're just feeding the beasts that rape my little planet. Anything Amazon is a great start. Jeff, in his Pinky-&-the-Brain way, has made it clear he's taking over the retail world. Now he's got his little rat claws in the 4th estate (Washington Post) so he can go, "It's MY paper. I'll print what I want to!!!" 🤑 Wait, Warner Bros. made you say that "fellow American" crap, right? (No, Virginia. There is no Santa Claus.) 😁
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Ah. To be alive at the end of an ice age. Doesn't get any better than that
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I'd like to remind everyone in the comments section that you can manipulate the weather just not so accurately. And to add to that point the hurricane being so bad and striking such a weird area was most likely due to the weather manipulation not by America but by Dubai in order to try and give them a rain season since they've had such a drought that over competence for their problem has probably set serious backlogs into the weather system of our planet cuz the entire weather system is connected so it's not untrue that we can control the weather to some degree but being able to control all weather patterns across the globe in the entire path of a hurricane is absolutely not possible right now I believe we have the technology to somewhat redirect things but it's not 100% foolproof but what Dubai did could 100% cause side effects like this
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Al I can say is IF the government had a way to weaponize the weather they would be using it on other countries before they would use it on themselves. It would make the perfect attack - one where they could easily claim no responsibility (it's just an act of nature) while doing mass damage. It's obvious that that ain't happening.
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As soon as I heard MTG claim that Democrats can control the weather, my immediate thought was "wait, did she just admit that climate change is caused by human behavior?" 😂🤔
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If the government could control the weather, then wild fires wouldn't be a problem. We lose so much money fighting those and that's what those assholes in Washington care about is money.
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Mother nature saying don’t tread on me😂😂😂😂
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I love how science allows us to make predictions that are fairly accurate. Decades ago we made so many predictions about climate change and are watching the predictions come true. Being reactionary and conspiratorial takes energy away from finding the answers we need to perhaps repair some of the damage. Anti-science is anti-solution.
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We need to completely overhaul the American education system. It may be too late to teach the baby boomer generation basic science, but we can prevent more extremist zealots by investing in the education of American youth.
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If the gov't could control the weather, why would Biden drop extremely damaging storms during a challenged economy that could only dampen (no pun intended) people's spirits shortly before an election? Why not bring water to the massively low reservoirs across the southwest bread baskets, & some long gentle rainfall to replenish the aquifers of California? The idea that somehow Biden attacks Red states is basic projection of the MAGA desire for revenge against their perceived enemies.
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Science facts are not strong with maga unless they hear it on Facebook.
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the ones saying climate change is fake are the same ones that failed science class in the 6th grade.
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These people who supported Donald and th idiot from Georgia need to have their mental problems addressed
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Obviously MTG is a complete moron that only serves to make us all extremely angry that someone like that makes tons of money influencing the direction of our country while people far more intelligent make minimum wage at mcdonalds. But I'm not sure I can entirely agree with Bill's explanation for being unable to influence the weather either. The energy in the storm itself isn't necessarily what we're looking at matching, because how these systems work. You don't need to match the energy of an avalanche to start one. But the butterfly effect does prevent us from predicting the weather past a few days, so the time where we'd be able to influence the weather with smaller amounts of energy is too volatile and unpredictable for us to really control it anyway. The result is the same, we can't control the weather like that, but the explanation is a little different I think.