<<@racerboy-d2z says : Your an arrogant fool Albo you treat us like idiots and no way will this bullshit misinformation disinformation bill pass . You belong in China you communist!>> <<@Boyka1964-s4d says : Anyone has a right to view the peer reviewed before anything is approved.>> <<@leonharrison800 says : When Sky News misinforms and lies,who are we to judge??😂😂>> <<@justachipnc33 says : Sooo, If my OPINION differs or is contrary to the "truth gawds" I'm lying or my opinion is spreading disinformation ??? 🤣 Yeah... we are in their upside-down world 🤣 Looney left has got to go !!!>> <<@Only-me-observing says : What government decides...>> <<@gerards7075 says : So, is the LNP going to repeal this stupid bill when it wins the next election? Dutton has to tell us now.>> <<@poppykoch9085 says : If we do not have a leader that is capable of holding his temper, being questioned, criticised or capable of a clear concise honest answer then we do not have a leader. We have a bad tempered little dictator no matter what "party" they belong to. If we have a bad tempered little dictator, our rights and privacy are eroded over time, our living standards drop significantly and even though we never gave them the power, they just decide they can take it or sign on to it on our behalf. That is "The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it." ~ George Orwell "All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force." ~ George Orwell "The people will believe what the media tells them they believe." ~ George Orwell "The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth." ~ George Orwell "There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language" ~ George Orwell "A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud." ~ George Orwell "Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges." ~ George Orwell Reject the Digital ID bill Reject the "mis/dis-information," MaD bill Protect the biological rights of children Protect the rights of biological women Reject renewable energy deadlines by ignoring reliable coal and gas-fire power stations or nuclear options Reject EV targets Reject Ute/SUV tax Stop clearing farmland and pristine wilderness for solar/wind farms Stop foreign donations to our political parties Reduce or pause immigration Prevent foreign ownership of our critical infrastructure Prevent foreign ownership in our housing market Prevent open support of terrorist organisations on our streets Respect Voice referendum result Exit the Pact for the Future Exit the German "Climate Club" Exit the WEF Global Digital Compact Exit the WEF New Urban Agenda Exit from the WHO's "Pandemic Treaty">> <<@nathiryouhanna4867 says : Albanese is a 🐖. This is not misinformation or disinformation, this is the TRUTH. Albanese is a PIGGGG>> <<@MickAngelhere says : Meanwhile the Coalition party are going to bring in their own version but very much the same. Both parties are working for the NGOs>> <<@blackcorp0001 says : Big Nanny 😮 no thanks ... I'm good 👍>> <<@lucasroe2878 says : Alp hates Australia and Australian people. ALP NEVER AGAIN.>> <<@helen9289 says : the government push the most mis / disinformation in our country ...and yet they are exempt unless everyone is treated the same under the law then you can stuff your law where the sun don't shine Albo & his ilk lie all the time & yet they get to decide what we can hear??????? I can decide for myself what I want to believe as truth !!>> <<@johnvlascici7405 says : Shwabanese>> <<@MichaelNorris-lp3ki says : The new portfolio the minister of truth>> <<@stephaniebarnes7937 says : Albosleazey is a WEF mouth boy.>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : This speech by the Minister could have been lifted directly from an explanation of the role of the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell's book '1984'. So to call the Bill 'Orwellian' is not hyperbole. It is highly accurate description of something, only a few years ago, we would have laughed at if suggested this would happen (and currently around the globe pushed by the 'one world government' elites').>> <<@davidparris7167 says : We've NEVER had free speech in Australia. This Bill just makes it official. The boy-man Albo is a creepy imbecile with delusions of manhood.>> <<@stephaniebarnes7937 says : Is " covid vaccines are safe and effective " misinformation?😂😂😂😂>> <<@jancrosby6677 says : Exactly ! "Significant challenge to societies around the world ? " Fearful governments.... what's really brewing folks?>> <<@kerridaniels5406 says : Albo you have been spreading misinformation since you've been elected !😈>> <<@kerridaniels5406 says : Thank God for X>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : You would think Chris was educated enough to know that George Orwell... *WAS A SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT AND HE HAD YOUR NUMBER SPIN ARTIST 123*>> <<@vexzusdragon8556 says : Overwhelmingly we want Albo gone.>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : GRUBBY DISCUSTING ALBOSLEEZY AND LABOUR...WHAT A BUNCH OF LIARS!!>> <<@SherylSchrantz says : Get rid of Albosleezy!! Albosleezy and labour grubs !! A discusting liar!!>> <<@jamesmclntosh3017 says : You only had to look back to covid how Australian people where treated, don't let them do anything, we need these two big partys reduced>> <<@FiveFlysInThePie says : This is another indication that Albo and his cabinet are being controlled by some globalist entity such as the WEF attempting to take control of and/or destroy Western democracies (by 2030). The bill fits the globalist, WEF narrative. It is not a coincidence. For factual information, Listen to John Kerry’s view on misinformation and censorship presented to the WEF. It fits the USA democrat narrative. For factual information on USA’s intentions on misinformation and censorship, listen to Hillary C’s view on misinformation and censorship. No matter their stated intentions, it gives the government, the WEF, the WHO and the UN propaganda control without any accountability for their versions of the truth to be true. If they have any nefarious intentions at all towards the public they will be able to carry them out without resistance. It is not a conspiracy theory to point out that the bill will be an enabler for any bad thing that any future rogue government and its collaborators may want to do to its governed population.>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : This Bill IS the greatest threat to democracy the country has ever faced, even more so that 'the voice'. Control the narrative and you control peoples thinking and attitudes i.e. Ministry of Truth. Control the narrative, censoring out all opposing views (as if it isn't already bad enough right here) and 'the voice Mk2' will sail through will little push-back next time.>> <<@chuxxsss says : Mmmm, the WEF and UN started this stuff.>> <<@CatsandJP says : And what about Panahi having to apologise late at night because of her misinformation about 2 farmers in America being paid actors for Harris…which clips were then deleted by Sky News after…….but the story is still available on Crikey 3/10>> <<@pikeymicky says : Albo is just so obviously wrong for Australia. He has to go! And ---- Why does he always talk with an expression on his face that looks as if he has terrible constipation?>> <<@Janet-hs4wl says : Albo just a puppet following america Canada ireland WEF agenda. Makes one wonder what is coming another pandemic something else , certainly something on the horizon or they wouldn't be stopping us from truth>> <<@johnephgrave4701 says : This is coming from the biggest lying PM in Australia’s history, he’s a compulsive, frequent liar and he’s trying to stop free speech Labor lies 24 x 7>> <<@scottfrance1400 says : Albo isn't telling you all about the findings about the jabs is he , heaps of people are quickly developing stage 4 cancer. Now do you see why he wants to suppress the truth .>> <<@sirstiffpilchard says : Joseph Goebbels would be impressed>> <<@glennkenny9810 says : Ironic that the biggest liar in the country Albo, is exempt.>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : Hitler, Stalin, Mao all said the same thing about information as long as it's their information.>> <<@lindafriesen1621 says : OMG, Australia turning communist.>> <<@Revelation11v18 says : What can go wrong ... the biggest LIARS ever telling you what is true and what is false..... just about everything could go wrong, innocent people telling the truth will be fined and go to jail while the LIARS run the country>> <<@tlb2970 says : ALBO IS THE QUEEN OF MISINFORMATION AND DISINFORMATION- HYPOCRITE>> <<@Gungho1a says : More leftist lawyer mumbo jumbo.>> <<@edmurks236 says : Scary stuff they know we are not stupid and can see through this attempt to silence and control us so they give us a bit of misinformation to tell us we need to guard against misinformation.>> <<@johumphrey1048 says : Lessen government interference.>> <<@hairylittlewombat says : By far, the biggest perpetrators of misinformation and disinformation is the government and the mainstream media. These liars are exempt from the bill. Surprise! This is nothing more than following their WEF orders.>> <<@GraemeMcDonald-i7k says : Screw this government, bring on the election>> <<@diverdeep6348 says : Albosleesy also said Rudd would never be ambassador to the US. Guess who is the ambassador to the US?>> <<@tombretislow7091 says : Why doesn't the misinformation bill apply to non-internet media?>> <<@Ernst12 says : Wasn't the voice disinformation because, we said no based on the truth, and the government said yes on disinformation. Now, after we have said no, the state governments are proceeding just the same based on the truth discovered by those who have voted no. Pathetic at best and a normal person would not be able to make up this nonsense.>> <<@cudoit1 says : ...and politicians always know what the truth is!!!!???? Please! Give us a break Albo! What misinformation was the $275 electricity reduction little doozie???!!>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : Here's just a few things labor will stop you questioning *275 off your power bills. *We won't touch super annuation *We won't make Australia a trade slave of china *We won't touch the tax cuts *Houses will be more affordable *Lower grocery prices *Lower interest rates *We will build up Australia's armed forces. * we will give Australia a more cohesive society *We won't turn our back on Australia's ally israel. *We won't support terrorists *We won't allow unvetted immigrants from terrorist regimes. *We will cut back highest levels of immigration ever seen. *We won't make cares unaffordable to force you to buy made in China EV's *Our renewable scheme isn't going to cost 2.5 trillion dollars *china is our friend, we don't need a defence force *We won't make travel by car unaffordable in one of the biggest continents in the world *We won't promote transgenderism to school children *You will be able to keep your family warm in winter. *We won't allow hateful terrorists to protest on our streets AND THERE IS SO MUCH MORE LABOR LIES(misinformation)..>>