<<@ekisasteven8558 says : it's only God who knows what Israel is going through. The world has rejected Israel but God will protect Israel>> <<@ggkoko7726 says : Who is try to destroy who 😂the resistant dont fire on civilian sky new is crap>> <<@edmundmawlong9116 says : These monster not only target israel but the whole world,look at the migrants situation in europe and usa,this is the wake up call or its to late.>> <<@sailorichiban says : Americans ❤❤❤VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR THE BEST POSSIBLY OF PEACE>> <<@BiscuitsBrown666 says : Israel is a terrorist organization>> <<@amjedali5164 says : RUPERT MURDOUCHs PROPAGANDA SAYS let's steal money from the AUSTRALIAN TAXPAYER and make them hate the people they make all their money off got it.>> <<@timeames2509 says : Peny wong just go away!>> <<@mistymac9345 says : Penny blatantly lies she's obviously after a job with the UN.>> <<@HUMANITYFREEDOM says : Sinwar is said to have sent letters to decision-makers in Tehran as early as 2021. In it he asked for financial support from the revolutionary leader Ali Khomaine - 500 million dollars as well as arms deliveries and military training in order to be able to raise an additional 12,000 fighters. In return, the Hamas leader promises nothing less than the destruction of Israel: "We are convinced that within two years - God willing - we and you will eradicate this monstrous entity (Israel).">> <<@HUMANITYFREEDOM says : Israeli soldiers have confiscated hundreds of Hamas devil documents from Gaza. The New York Times writes that Hamas devil experts have confirmed the authenticity of the documents.>> <<@HUMANITYFREEDOM says : US media evaluated this. Among other things, it emerges that the attack on October 7th was planned on a much larger scale and was intended to bring about Israel's collapse.>> <<@ElonEinstein says : All pro palestine protestants chaos worldwide and this terrorist group organisation, i think fund & paid by traitor coward country no bite, bark bark bark, talk talk talk, use art of war techniques>> <<@pacnbeans says : The Palestinian holocaust, inflicted by that star . Grubs !>> <<@outlawbillionairez9780 says : Please clarify your math.... Four is more than 50,000, right?? 🤔>> <<@skyliner467 says : F'ck khizbalah and alah>> <<@pibroch says : So many errors here and clearly this isn't a serious video. The fact is that Palestinians have never been offered a sovereign state. Another untruth is that Israel is under an existential threat: that's not even a serious argument. I imagine that this was merely a token piece to please the Murdochs.>> <<@MLTPLMGZ2006 says : So are the Israelis. Pot calling the kettle black.>> <<@paulgeorge1144 says : Israel is an illegal occupier of other people's land and has no right to exist.>> <<@markrivers-p9q says : Australia is full of genocidal terrorist sympathisers.>> <<@lisbethgiverhaug9513 says : Advice: READ THE OSLO ACCORDS 1993-95. Samaria/Judea: area A and B: are under PA = Abbas juridical and controll and area C is full and whole under Israel military, civilian kontroll and juridical. Signed by PLO and Arafat and Israel Rabin. Arafat promised to stop his attempts of eliminating Israel (genocide). Did and do the arabs in Samaria and Judea this? NO. Just the opposite. Actually,- there are a lot of people who need to read these Accords,- UN, EU and special the norwegian governments trough the years- THEY ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED!! Stand with Israel.>> <<@garyclark6727 says : oh shazza trying to defend the indefensible !what a clown🤣🤣🤣trying to say israel is moral! we have eyes>> <<@msdeedee4789 says : Why does everyone address Peny Wong as a She/ Miss 😅😅😅 Its Mr Peny Wong 😂>> <<@sallycent6598 says : Of course Iran was behind the attacked on the October 7, even Iran now is fighting Israel inside Lebanon besides Hezbollah . Also the UN peacekeeping has been covering up for Hezbollah to build tunnels and transferring weapons close to Israel border.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : Sharri being supportive of her nations government again?>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : The thing about war is once it's starded it's hard to control. Regardless of who controls the chat.>> <<@rosshitchen-ij6en says : It's the Disney show where all truths are stretched like a piece of chewing gum.>> <<@PhillipaSilke says : SHAME ON TERROR SUPPORTING! JEW HATING PENNY WONG. Eternal shame. Disgusting woman. Woke>> <<@outlawbillionairez9780 says : Your title....hahahahahaha Hahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha>> <<@pwillis1589. says : Iran's proxies, hamas, hezbollah, houthis, and wong.>> <<@pwillis1589. says : Hezbollah, that's the terrorist organisation the greens party supports, isn't it? Yep, that one.>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : Goebbels would be laughing at this pathetic attempt at propaganda>> <<@graceg2716 says : The same can be said for the worst war mongers America and Israel.>> <<@SevenStarAlliance0211 says : Hesbola been at war with them Fake Jews since the 11 remaining Tribes were expelled from yhe promised Land By God itself they wanted to follow Satan amdnhis Demons that why only Kings David Blood line was pure enough to bring our King oir savior the rest of them Jews they a turn against God and worship Satan instead that’s why they never have a place to call home forever they will not have land until God comes and place jis judgement on every single person on this planet>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : This story brought to you by sky news Israel>> <<@LiorIPSC says : Palestine is Syria is Jordan is Lebanon. All part of Greater Syria, no matter what nationalities of inconvenience they invent to justify their hate for Israel.>> <<@brianngai1828 says : Don't delete me SkyJews yt. I am thinking of the complete opposite>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : Customers are reminded that these newspapers are merely the opinions of a small group of billionaires desperate to influence public opinion and are not 100% factually reflecting reality. Please cross-reference everything you read THANK YOU>> <<@markofmelbourne2328 says : Am I watching 1984?>> <<@ManlyManThe85th says : as an israeli hezballa is exactly a terror organization a group of a bunch of killers>> <<@JMBkiller123 says : There are no innocent Palestinians… Change my mind.>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : Oh took my comment your just no fun Sky.>> <<@BLUEYGILA says : oslo accords say otherwise. icc, icj say otherwise. historian's from all around the world including well known ones from israel say otherwise. its hard to keep deny that anymore.>> <<@samsonmapya9517 says : World leaders are turning blind eye and instead of supporting Israel fighting terrorist they are promoting terrorist.>> <<@outback109 says : You can't say that about pennys mates.>> <<@movado242 says : You guys are delusional>> <<@KingDukeNukem says : https://youtu.be/1wpwoK-Uh98>> <<@YB-ok1ny says : She is low level public servant at best. She’s really not up to the job of high-level ministerial portfolio.>>