<<@articlesofimpeachment6494 says : 4of5 If you go back to the first president to serve a full tenure during the modern age of employment statistics — Republican Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s — the economy has added 107.7 million jobs. Of those, 70% emerged under Democratic presidents and 30% under Republican presidents. That’s not as dramatic an edge as the 96% to 97% over the past 35 years, but it’s still a better than 2-1 margin for Democrats. Job creation under each president also depends on luck. Events elsewhere in the world beyond the control of any president can affect the U.S. economy, from oil price shocks to wars. Harry Truman, a Democrat, saw employment numbers that benefited from the post-World War II demobilization of troops. Democrat Lyndon Johnson took office right as the first wave of baby boomers turned 18. In one recent example, the number of jobs created under Trump would have been higher had a once-in-a-century pandemic not hit during his fourth year in office. Biden has jabbed Trump over job losses in the final year of his term without any mention of COVID-19. Two earlier Republicans, the Bushes, both left office with the nation mired in a recession, which hurt their employment totals.>> <<@articlesofimpeachment6494 says : 5of5 By contrast, their Democratic successors, Clinton and Obama, surfed the economic rebound to robust job creation figures over two full terms. "Particularly the pandemic and the financial crisis were global in nature, and you can’t pin their roots on the president or even the U.S. as a whole," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the center-right American Action Forum. "The numbers are what they are, but the implication that somehow the Democrats deserve full credit is a bit too facile." Rosenberg told PolitiFact that Democratic presidential policies have paid economic dividends, but he acknowledged that timing does play some role. "While I argue that most of the difference is based on policy choices, it doesn’t mean luck and serendipity aren’t factors," he said. Our ruling Rosenberg said, "Since 1989 and a new age of globalization began, 51 million jobs have been created in America. 49 million, 96%, have been created under Democratic presidents.">> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 1of9 _Miami Herald_ October 11, 2024 _You really think Donald Trump was a good president? Look at his record | Opinion_ *Here’s the biggest myth that Republican candidate Donald Trump is trying to sell to Americans and to the world: that he was a good president.* Trump’s continuously repeated falsehoods about his record as president have convinced many people who find him to be a horrible person, but nevertheless support him because of what Trump says about his term in office. “Yes, I know, he’s 78, he’s not as sharp as he used to be, he lies all the time, he has cheated on his wives, he makes racist comments, he is a convicted felon, and he tried to carry out a coup after he lost the last elections. But he was a good president,” a Republican friend told me recently. Let me share with you some facts to help fight political amnesia. In fact, Trump was one of the worst presidents in recent history.>> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 2of9 Here are the facts: A larger deficit *On the economy, Trump left the biggest deficit in U.S. history.* Under Trump, the national debt grew much faster than during his successor Joe Biden. Like most populists, Trump cut taxes and spent as if there were no tomorrow, leaving a national debt that will have to be paid by our children and grandchildren for decades. The national debt rose by almost $7.8 trillion to $28 trillion during Trump’s four years in office, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The debt has kept growing since, but at a significantly slower pace. As for the country’s economic growth, the U.S. economy under Trump grew by an overall 6.8%. By comparison, it grew by 8.4% in the Biden years.>> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 3of9 On the jobs’ front, Trump left office with 3 million fewer jobs than there were when he entered the White House. Granted, that was largely because of the pandemic, but Biden has added nearly 16 million jobs since then. Granted, inflation was lower under Trump than under Biden. The pandemic disrupted supply chains from China and made consumer prices soar in America in 2021 and 2022. But inflation has since fallen to 2.4%, close to its pre-pandemic levels. A weakened democracy On democracy, Trump undermined democratic institutions and the rule of law like no other American president in recent memory.>> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 4of9 He is the first U.S. president I can remember who tried to stage a coup d’etat to stay in power. Trump falsely claims to this day that he won the 2020 election, even after more than 60 courts and the conservative-majority Supreme Court found his objections to be unsubstantiated. Then, he tacitly tried to incite rebellion on Jan. 6, 2021, when he waited for hours before trying to stop a pro-Trump mob from invading the U.S. Capitol in hopes of overturning the election result. He continues to praise the violent rioters who injured more than 100 police officers, calling them “patriots” and government “hostages.”>> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 5of9 Emboldening dictators: On foreign policy, Trump weakened America’s standing in the world by picking fights with the closest U.S. allies while at the same time embracing dictators such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord and threatened to abandon the U.S.-European NATO military alliance. Trump’s threats to leave NATO significantly damaged the group’s unity and probably encouraged Putin to plan his 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Trump deserves credit for the Abraham Accords to help establish diplomatic ties between Israel and some Arab countries. But if you look at the world in terms of superpower-led blocs, Trump left power in 2020 with a weaker Western alliance and a stronger China and Russia.>> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 6of9 Reproductive rights: On abortion, Trump appointed three conservative Supreme Court judges who played a crucial role in overturning Roe v. Wade, a ruling that had made abortions legal in the country for nearly 50 years. As a result, some states banned abortions, and some women reportedly died because they could not get proper medical care to end their pregnancies.>> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 7of9 More hatred: On crime, hate crimes increased by 28% during Trump’s term and hate-motivated murders, mainly committed by white supremacists, reached their highest number in 28 years, according to FBI statistics. Trump has exacerbated racial hatred in the country since he started his 2016 campaign falsely declaring that most Mexican undocumented immigrants are “rapists” and are “bringing crime” to America. In 2017, he said that there were “very fine people” among white supremacists and the anti-racism demonstrators who were protesting against them in Charlottesville, Virginia. Trump’s racist statements have worsened since.>> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 8of9 He recently falsely claimed that Haitian immigrants are eating the pets of Americans in Springfield, Ohio. In an Oct. 7 radio interview, Trump said that unauthorized migrants who committed violent crimes have “bad genes,” a language reminiscent of Adolf H. efforts to dehumanize Jew$. Also, in 2020, the last year of the Trump presidency, there was the biggest one-year increase in the number of murders since the 1960s, according the _Politifact_ fact checking website. In addition to the pandemic and the George Floyd riots, Democrats attribute the 30% rise in murders to the relaxation of gun control laws under Trump. False border promises: On immigration, Trump never completed the border fence nor got Mexico to pay for it, as he had promised in his 2016 campaign. Trump now claims to have built much of the current 654 miles of border wall, but most of it was already in place and repaired or upgraded during his years in office, according to Customs and Border Protection data.>> <<@whodoyouservetheholytrinit3028 says : 9of9 On the COVID-19 Pandemic, Trump scorned face masks and at one point asked Americans to inject themselves with disinfectant to fight the virus. Scientists say many of the 400,000 Covid deaths during his presidency could have been averted if he had exhorted people to get vaccinated. The list of Trump administration failures goes on and on. So if you are planning to vote for Trump because of something specific he has promised, and you are willing to believe a compulsive liar, go ahead. But please don’t tell me he was a good president: he was a disaster on virtually all fronts.>> <<@maniacsurfer7922 says : Well,also one wants to hit taxpayers with billions in import taxes and billions worth of removing immigrants. Sure way to crash the economy…>> <<@ScantsRants says : Guy talks about Kamala and regulations but doesn’t give examples. I’m just suppose to believe 🤥>> <<@thehound6061 says : FDJT has 3rd stage syphilis; Klangina.>> <<@soylentgreen738 says : American terror!sts committing war crimes aided by its henchman the Yids. Stop giving the Yids weapons.>> <<@llljjjaaa1 says : Trump's tariff plan laughed at by anybody with any common sense! Vote blue 💙>> <<@jimmyhamsters says : I agree! Demented old men who refuse to interview on 60 minutes are great for the economy.>> <<@karelvo says : Let's go with real facts: Trump's Plans (2024): Taxes: Plans to cut corporate taxes to 15-20% (from the current 21%). Seeks to extend the 2017 tax cuts, making them permanent. This would mainly benefit high-income earners and corporations. Trade and Tariffs: Proposes a 10-20% tariff on all imports, which could shrink the U.S. economy if trading partners retaliate. Spending and Deficit: His policies are projected to increase the national deficit by $7.5 trillion over the next decade, largely due to tax cuts and increased spending on national security. Kamala Harris' Plans (2024): Taxes: Aims to raise corporate taxes to 28%, ensuring large corporations contribute more. Plans to increase taxes on individuals earning over $400,000 to fund healthcare, education, and other social programs. Economic Support for Families: Proposes expanding the Child Tax Credit to up to $3,600 per child, and other credits to help lower-income families. Plans to expand health insurance subsidies and offer a $25,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers. Spending and Deficit: Her proposals would raise the national debt by $3.5 trillion over the next decade, which is less than half of Trump’s expected deficit increase. Comparison: Taxes: Trump favors cutting taxes for businesses and the wealthy, while Harris aims to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations to help fund social services. Trade: Trump’s tariffs may harm the U.S. economy through trade retaliation, while Harris is expected to take a more measured approach to trade policies. Deficit: Both plans would increase the national debt, but Trump’s policies are projected to have a much larger impact on the deficit than Harris’s. Sources: - Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) analysis on Trump and Harris policies​ - PolitiFact's comparison of economic and tax plans. - Investopedia’s breakdown of the fiscal impacts of both candidates' plans​ - American Century's detailed policy comparison​.>> <<@spider-man910 says : All the economy experts have to do is look what trump did during his time as president. We were all better of than we are now .....FKH. FJB ....>> <<@MrEnniscorthy says : Trump Tells Christians They Won’t Have to Vote in Future: ‘We’ll Have It Fixed’ Trump is not campaigning in SWING states in the last week before Election Lara Trump insists ‘there will be no problem’ if Trump ‘does not legally and legitimately win this election’>> <<@occocaubai...8606 says : IF YOU ARE NOT STUPID... VOTE FOR TRUMP... OK ...>> <<@Brian80813 says : Economy has nothing to do with Harris?>> <<@MKMK-xo9lo says : Trump piled on 8 Trillion in debt in his 4 years and left office with a higher unemployment rate ! So what exactly is his economic record?>> <<@patrickbush9526 says : Get out and vote or shut up TRUMP 2O24>> <<@thehound6061 says : *Part 1 of 4.* _Nearly 4,000 US communities have higher rates of lead poisoning than Flint_ 16 November 2017 This news article is from _WSWS._ In an updated study, _Reuters_ news agency has identified 3,810 neighborhoods where recently recorded child lead poisoning rates are at least double those found in Flint, Michigan during the height of that city’s water crisis in 2014 and 2015. In some 1,300 of these “hotspot” communities, the percentage of children six and under with elevated lead levels was at least four times the percentage in Flint during the peak of the crisis. In pockets of Baltimore, Cleveland and Philadelphia, where lead poisoning has spanned generations, _Reuters_ reported that the rate of elevated tests over the last decade was 50 percent or higher. An interactive map released with the study shows one census tract in Buffalo, New York—a former steel and auto center that, like *Flint, has suffered decades of deindustrialization—where 68 percent of the children had high levels of lead.*>> <<@thehound6061 says : *Part 2 of 4.* _4,000 US communities higher lead poisoning Flint_ The ingestion of any amount of the heavy metal, whether through tainted water, lead-based paint, contaminated soil or fumes and dust, can do irreparable harm to children. This includes impeding the development of the brain and nervous system, lowered IQ, memory loss, hearing and speech problems, and behavioral and attention-related problems. The toxin, which remains in the body and can be passed on for generations, is also responsible for a host of adult health problems, including decreased kidney function, high blood pressure, tremors and infertility. In the year following the switchover of Flint to water from the polluted Flint River, which caused leaching from the city’s antiquated lead pipe system, five percent of the children who had their blood tested showed lead levels in excess of five micrograms per deciliter. This is the threshold requiring immediate public health intervention, according to the US government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which acknowledges that there is no safe level of exposure to lead. Reuters used data collected by the CDC based on neighborhood-level blood testing results for 34 states and the District of Columbia. As devastating as the results are, they do not provide a full picture. The CDC funds 35 state and local health departments for lead surveillance. Reporting is voluntary in the remaining states, many of which do not have staff to collect data. Despite the well-known public health hazard, the US government does not require reporting and does not oversee the systematic collection and analysis of data on lead poisoning.>> <<@thehound6061 says : *Part 3 of 4.* _4,000 US cities have higher lead poisoning > Flint_ Reuters says this is the first look at data broken down by census tracts, which are small county subdivisions averaging 4,000 citizens, or by zip codes, with average populations of 7,500. In December, Reuters noted that far from being the exception, Flint did not even rank among the most toxic cities in America. *It pointed to Warren, Pennsylvania, a town on the Allegheny River, where 36 percent of the children tested had high lead levels, to a zip code on Goat Island, Texas, where a quarter of tests showed poisoning.*>> <<@thehound6061 says : *Part 4 of 4.* _US communities higher lead poisoning Flint_ The newest map includes additional data collected this year by Reuters from Kansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Vermont, North Carolina, New York City and Washington, D.C. *The newly identified areas with high levels of child lead poisoning include a historic district in Savannah, Georgia,* areas in Rutland, Vermont near a popular skiing area, and a largely Hasidic Jewish area in Brooklyn, New York. Like Flint, which has acres of land polluted by General Motors and other industrial firms, impoverished homes with peeling paint, and underground lead water mains and service lines, the areas throughout the US with the worst lead poisoning are invariably working class and poor. There has been a sharp decline in poisoning since lead was removed from paint in 1976 and gasoline in 1995, the latter after more than a decade of resistance by the oil industry. The elimination of lead poisoning, however, is not possible due to lead pipes, residual lead paint in poor urban and rural areas, and former or current industrial sites polluted with lead.>> <<@kramdoogs says : Trump is so good at 'the weave' because he's a frigging basket case>> <<@soylentgreen738 says : The reason things believe, in spite of reality, that the economy is getting worse is the same reason it cannot respond with the only correct answer *when asked.*>> <<@soylentgreen738 says : *When asked* if the element lead, in very small amounts, has been known to be poisonous for 2,000 years? So should have converted to non-lead ammunition and fishing tackle 89 years ago?>> <<@soylentgreen738 says : Before 30% of birds disappeared from North America since 1970; due to lead-poisoning?>> <<@jsanftner says : by 2020 there’s 65 KIAs in Afghanistan under DT’s watch. Almost 4 years under Biden are the 13 at Abbey Gate, no more. All tragic, only Biden had the spine>> <<@huyrua302 says : Trump should have put Kamara Harris by aside atleast 10% because president Biden took the office after the COVID-19 pandemic consequences Trump left behind, and Russia war caused very heavy inflation around the world, but Trump is the "34 COUNTS KING CRIMINAL CONVICTED FELON, INSURRECTION, CORRUPTION, SEXUAL PREDATOR, FRAUDSTER, WHO HAS DICTATOR BLOOD" many peoples boycotted Trump>> <<@LindaBarton777 says : Shes dumb>> <<@thehound6061 says : It has no choice but to solve any problems preventing it from generating CO2. It is already dead due to its greenhouse g@s emission; it is just too genetically-inferior WASP-skinned to realize it.>> <<@fourgvngaaron5258 says : Jesus is the one who has the last word about trump was he great man>> <<@allauddin732 says : You can end all vs vs games in US with that option ❤. Trump vs kamala is yakh. Un natural>> <<@KammyKackler says : Joe Biden is obviously the worst president in American history. We need a break, a period of convalescence and recovery, a little R & R.>> <<@manuelpaul1451 says : trump the p c grabber>> <<@OkiChick302 says : Trump has no idea about the economy. It's almost like he never went to his college Macroeconomics classes. (They say soneone else took his college exams for him fir $). Kamala is running circles around him>> <<@TommyJohn69 says : They can’t be asking him about his conversations with world leaders like he never was a President previously with no wars on his watch. That’s called real talk.>> <<@soylentgreen738 says : There is a book written by the Yids that documents in detail the Yid's 56 incidents over 3,000 years of *ethnic-cleansing-gen0cide* where everyone and everything, even puppies, was destr0yed. Such as the Yids are doing to Gaza right now.>> <<@soylentgreen738 says : This book is called the _KKKible_ *NOT* the Satanic verses of the Yid's Torah. This is the reason God hates the Yids that worship the demonic orange entity called Yahweh.>> <<@MaggiesNight says : Why is Fox not talking about the townhall where Trump danced for 30 minutes??>> <<@michaels7045 says : The economy is the best in America. These goons keep telling their hibilly, old, or super and uneducated voters that it's bad. It's seem bad to them because they are unsuccessful stupid trash, not because the economy is bad. You were the same losers that sat next to me in high school and got C's and D's. You are now surprised you are low class? Facts: The job numbers have been the best in history, the stock market is the best, inflation has been slowed better than any other country in the world, which wasn't the fault of any American President. Trump with money: failed casino, failed real estate ventures, failed Trump steaks, and university. Rich people can continue to fail until something works. That doesn't mean you are smart or a successful business person. More over a crooked criminal of a businessman. Shame on the supporters that are too stupid to connect these obvious dots.>> <<@PlanetOfTheAztecs says : Easy , economy --> Harris. "Grabbing women's vaginas " --> Trump>> <<@rickmcdonald2233 says : i thought trump was demented a while ago but that 39 minutes danceathon... WOW, HE'S TOAST>> <<@udozucker1614 says : I would love to see Trump lose Florida Texas and North Carolina.>> <<@soylentgreen738 says : TrumPutin they inseparable.>>