<<@JsckSzx says : does nothing. more buyers pushing house prices and losing their retirement savings>> <<@asifulzead says : Interesting no party is saying house price should be lowered by cutting demand.>> <<@Deano00777 says : This would just inflate the market even further. You want prices to decrease - zero immigration, zero negative gearing and make anyone with more than 3 properties to sell the rest, prices would drop 30% in 6 months.>> <<@jjsc4396 says : Yeah, pump demand more so prices further increase, while kicking the economic can (now as big as a barrel) further down the road ๐Ÿ˜‚ Note - the road ends badly.>> <<@ChrisM-fz6xx says : The ignorance of this wannabe Housing Minister is breathtaking . Superannuation Contribution of 11 . 5 % of your Wage is paid by your Employer NOT you , imbecile . It's NOT your hard earned Money , it's Money your Employer must put into your Superannuation Fund over and on top of your Wage. You can contribute if you wish but Employee Superannuation Contribution is purely Voluntary . For the Employee it's Free Money . Idiot has a plan for your Superannuation and doesn't know who pays for it . God help us . Young first home buyers will have bugger all in their Superannuation anyway , certainly NOT enough for a deposit for a House , who is he kidding , it takes Decades for Superannuation to become anything Meaningful and if you take out most of it you're back to Square One again . When a Politician has a Plan, my advice is Run .>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Ban the corrupt Airbnb, do you think these corrupt trash declare their earnings>> <<@wilmaterna4667 says : who the fuk stops ppl from building their own houses... this should be a global birthright>> <<@scorpionking4012 says : I agree , but first home needs more space than just super . There are a long list of things that should come in to play. But one thing I say, transparency is the key, the public housing market is a shame, and being used wrongly and illegally to support a curtain group of people the government decides for Australian behalf that we need in our countryโ€ฆ>> <<@Singhs-in-Australia says : That is crap ๐Ÿ’ฉ they will inflate the housing market again. Which may decrease at current conditions, giving super access market may inflate more, first home buyers have to pay more. If market inflates. Its means government want to eat our super as well. Government have to introduce bill to increase taxes on investment property and restrict those people who made housing market as commodity market.>> <<@99bevo says : Everyone that has a mortgage should be able to access their employer contribution funds The employer contribution funds could be paid directly to the super fund employee owners home loan mortgage holder until the home loan is paid off in full ... After the super fund employee owner's home mortgage has been finalised the employer contributions then returns to being paid into a super fund There must be rules attached of course to prevent people from selling the home & waiting the money invested from their super fund contributions before reaching retiring age . If the home is sold before retirement age & the proceeds from the homes sale are not used to purchase a home that they will be living in then any super funded contribution money that was invested in the sold property should go into the persons super funds with a calculated interest amount of what the invested money would have earned. THERE'S A NUMBER OF VERY GOOD REASON'S WHY PEOPLE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO USE THEIR OWN SUPER TO PURCHASE A HOME THAT THEY LIVE IN 1) preventing & lowering the numbers of homeless 2) allowing those paying rent that can't save enough money because they pay rent to have the deposit for a home . 3 ) THE GOVERNMENT WILL COME OUT IN FRONT WHEN THE HOME OWNER RETIRES FROM EMPOWERMENT BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO PAY THEM A GOVERNMENT RENTAL ASSISTANCE PAYMENT PENSION AS THEY OWN THEIR HOME>> <<@AshleyJOsborne says : Superfunds can buy houses. Why cant individuals?>> <<@Druss39 says : Admittedly in the 90's nearly everyone that I knew that brought a house got the money from their super. Then around 96 super was completely locked.>> <<@005ruffy says : Why just first homeowners? I lost my house years ago to an unfaithful marriage. I would love to buy my own home instead of renting until I die.>> <<@rloduwick says : I didn't need to access my super to get my first apartment>> <<@sspacegghost says : yeah nah - the market cant solve this...why is everyone ignoring it - its a CRISIS....and emergency. if you don't solve it - crime goes up, depression and unaliving goes up, drug use goes up as people self medicate... its a roof. over peoples heads. if the gov can find $1000B for US weapons corps, and give $180B a year to US gas companies using our gas for basically free...it can solve this. but it doesn't want to - because it wants to spend gov dollars on US corps...so when they leave the job they get a cushy consultancy job....kaching !!!!>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : Super is for retirement ya stooges>> <<@jonathanng138 says : Competition should be fair, if you can't find a way to create more money for yourself and the economy then you deserve to be at the bottom of the social hierarchy>> <<@HardlineFeminists says : *If racist sexist homophobic transphobe Trump somehow manages to $teal the election, I will pay no taxes because Trump is NOT my President.* #FuckAmerica #KarlMarxWasRight #SocialismIsTheAnswer #CommunismaIsTheFUTURE #Kamala4President2024 #SilenceTheRIGHT #LGBTQIAAMAP+ #WelcomeToTheGayborhood! โค๐ŸŒˆโค๐ŸŒˆโค๐ŸŒˆ>>