<<@AA-gu1vv says : Zelenskys wife never spends les than a million dollars, every time she goes shopping. She also loves driving her 6million bullet proof new Bugatti around London and all of the above at the expense of Australian tax payers. 😂😂😂>> <<@Ron-i1f says : Perfect timing Marles, just as Ukraine is down to it's last soldiers. They've lost you fool, they just can't announce America has lost ANOTHER war until after the elections>> <<@PJ-pj8lr says : Treason>> <<@kidsoxoxox says : Too big, too heavy, too unreliable, too fuel thirsty, far easy to detect heat signature of gas turbine exhaust (even from orbit) tracks not wider enough for Eastern Front snow and mud. Latest Russian tanks far superior, again. Have you seen many Russian Tanks recently captured on display in the West? Nope. But plenty of Western captured tanks on display at Patriots Park outside of Moscow, including Aussie Bushmasters and US Abrams.>> <<@michaelharper8407 says : The kremlin karens are active tonight.>> <<@robs2203 says : Don't support continuation of this madness at the ukrainian and russian war front. It doesn't make sense! It's not our war.>> <<@dwrhd says : So what happened to the land 8160 project where these used hull numbers were going back to USA for "trade in"? Does this mean our government has altered the $3.5 Billion contract and we now have to cough up penalties? Or is it squaring up for the half dozen M777a2 howitzers that we "donated". Smells like the government is playing wag the dog smoke and mirrors games.>> <<@kenanderson-q7q says : Dont need tanks in Oz, they do need em in Ukraine. Well done Aust.>> <<@iliketowatchsowhat says : Hey corrupt Australian politicians if you want to send your personal money over there go nuts, as a taxpayer who gets robbed ever day from the Australian government, I cant stand the fact that my taxes are getting wasted on a war that has NOTHING TO DO WITH US! Ukraine is in Europe, Australia is in the Asia pacific, why are we involved at all!?>> <<@MMMTIMELESS says : 49 derelict battle tanks WOW. If they weren’t going to Ukraine they would have been decommissioned. Another target 🎯 practice for the Russian forces just like the bush rangers the leopard tanks, hi mars, switchblades and depleted uranium shells were all supposed to be game changers in this messy conflict. Just negotiate a peace treaty and stop the killing of innocent people and the destruction of the country called Ukraine. Sending weapons will prolong this conflict with sending weapons to Ukraine>> <<@RabbityGoodness says : US and allies War by proxy. What a bloody waste of our resources. 1.3 billion AUD. 🤦‍♂️ 1,300,000,000. One thousand and 300 million dollars. Let that sh*t sink in. This is not why I pay tax. To give unused tanks to an old eastern bloc country? Get a grip. It’s a vacuous hole. Ukraine will never, ever, ever beat Russia FFS. 🤦‍♂️ Do you think Taiwan can beat China? No. So why do you think Ukraine can beat Russia??? Only an American Democrat or Republican looking for a cushy post-politics position in the industrial military complex would suggest otherwise (and their gutless International allies such as Albanese et al) Russia has as many, if not more, nukes as USA. The lack of geopolitical knowledge and/or finesse on display by this generation of politicians in AUKUS is laughable, add Canada and NZ. We’re doomed.>> <<@cynderfan2233 says : russian shills are out in force today in the comments. I bet if putin decided to invade Australia they would welcome the invaders with open arms.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : In the meantime 1.3 trillion dollar Sovereign debt and growing. No accountability whatsoever from this government.>> <<@pacnbeans says : We need these tanks here in Australia as reserves !!! What a joke this government is !!>> <<@jimmycook872 says : The Australian government has 240 million dollars of scrap metal to send a Ukraine but not a cent for Australians living in tents. What do you make of all this.>> <<@jimmycook872 says : BS again and again and again. When will it all end>> <<@jimmycook872 says : And what are we using in Australia For defence. No accountability whatsoever>> <<@ILDG86 says : Sending your scrap metal to Ukraine? You ain’t fooling nobody 😂>> <<@micphoenix8200 says : WHY??? HOW MANY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS DEAD...AND FOR WHAT? WHY THE F*** IS AUSTRALIA PROVIDING $1.3 BILLION + Tanks now to perpetuate a contrived, needless war....So Victoria Jewland and her Pale Of Settlement V2.0 (New Jerusalem)...that's been so generously financed by U.S. taxpayers. $200 Billion spent to essentially commit wholesale genocide of its ethnic Christian population....so the Judaic Oligarchs can assume control and development of the mineral wealth & conduct their asset stripping... At the fall of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had inherited the 3rd largest arsenal of Thermonuclear weapons after Russia & U.S.>> <<@aussiefan354 says : There is no way we should give the Tanks to anyone, we need them to be kept here we might need them one day. We should be keeping old kit in storage because in a war if our frontline equipment gets destroyed we can then draw down on our reserves. But we won't be ab le to because we got a bad habit of getting rid of everything! Sheer madness>> <<@BigBopper-zm1kf says : Why, why why why why ?>> <<@jquint67 says : Not our problem>> <<@keithdrower9120 says : Trump isn't going to win.....thank GOD.....! Only an idiot would vote for him.>> <<@stevezhang5532 says : Puppet to USA>> <<@stevezhang5532 says : Its not the right thing to do Now thing can new ones Military industrial complex in Australia>> <<@stevezhang5532 says : Its not the right thing to do Now thing can new ones Military industrial complex in Australia>> <<@mitchell7144 says : No they will not !>> <<@misterg2269 says : This is ridiculous, when will our politicians realise what most of the rest of the world knows, the war is lost, the warmongering west has lost and they should stop promoting the decimation of the Ukranian youth.>> <<@dogzdigital says : How could they possibly make a difference on the battlefield? Ukraine has no soldiers left, they have literally resorted to conscripting 60 year olds off the street. Pensioners will be using them very briefly like mobility scooters on the front line.>> <<@Gapihamiha6 says : After all these years you still try to sell us child stories. Who can take mainstrem media serious now?>> <<@serviusm9523 says : It won't, and people claiming it will are ridiculous. Ukraine has a recruitment problem, not a equipment problem>> <<@JadedHunter says : 49 drones and the tanks are worthless. I don't consent to this madness>> <<@WalkOverHotCoal says : There was a long list of Game Changers in the form of tanks. Not just any tanks, but Western Made ones. After much discussions, Poland, Germany, and the UK with its invincible Challenger Tanks were grudgingly passed on to Zelensky. But the Gamge Changers didn't change the course of the game. So USA sent in its even more invincible Abrams Tanks.Thee are no ordinary tanks because they are packed with state of the art technology which could hit the enemy before actually seeing it on the horizon ! But most impressive of the ost of technology, is the "jet engine". yes, a Turbine Jet engine on a tank! But still the game didn't change for Zelensky because now the remaining Abrams Tanks are now sitting in the shed because they are not up to the task. Too heavy, to complicated, too thirsty, but among the negatives, it isn't invincible after all because in REAL battle, Russia suicide drones hit them in the weakest location, and they are just as good as the rest of the Game Changing tanks. So how well does the Game Changer from Australia, from the local army disposal shops fare ?>> <<@ricky6864 says : Msm liars with ignorant guests>> <<@73kiaranod says : A major role like our Bushmasters did? 😂>> <<@ricky6864 says : Msm liars... is ukrane still winning? More cannon fodder>> <<@Poorlineforeva says : If they still go.>> <<@Baldeagle-tw2nv says : Yet another "game changer" that'll end up as scrap since Ukriane doesn't understand how to use the tanks properly, has them operating ALONE in OPEN FIELDS, and operates in areas with 0 air defense or support. Quit feeding the waste of life, but then again, politicians LOVE getting people killed for wars THEY start and stoke. Ukriane also has 0 manpower to use those tanks, and they're getting whole batallions surrounded in Kursk and got another slaughtered in Volchansk. Also it's NOT in the US interest for Ukriane to "win" this PoS snake needs to shut up and I'll be GLAD when their government collapses and the scam of "supporting" Ukriane shows how much money was pocketed by high ranking government officials and laundered back to officials in the EU, US, and Canada.>> <<@quitsevensix says : Yeah bc nobody in AUS needs help>> <<@prophet6171 says : Congratulations to Labor party and theirs voters. Stupidity and hypocrisy from these people is something unexplained>> <<@faf20134 says : Game changer 😂😂😂>> <<@TSpackman says : Anything to prolong the war for the money laundering>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : If they where on Ebay the freight cost would make them a bad deal even for free!>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : Ukraine took the Abrahms off the battlefield because it was too easy a target because of its heat signature. Ah hear the talk Ukraine will settle this on their own terms, very telling sentence.>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : #ShaqNkobe>> <<@impossible5500 says : ฉันอยู่ข้างฝ่ายที่ทำถูกต้อง 🎉>> <<@MarkQuigley-vj2lt says : It won’t change anything just more fodder for drones 🙄>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : ....learn and own you some *wealth,🔥🐦>> <<@davidwest2773 says : Have you announced what side you're protecting? Ukrainian Nazis or Russian separatist?>>