<<@lancegoodall5911 says : Obvious if you aren’t writing the cheque, and obvious if you don’t take into account the over 600,000 dead in Ukraine alone 😮>> <<@Which_Way says : The Strategic Analist could probably work on his pronunciations first>> <<@fightforaglobalfirstamendm5617 says : 😂 what's the point?>> <<@ColonelPhew-w6o says : Do they come with roadside-assistance and capped price servicing?>> <<@nickpope8056 says : Ukra NaZii terrorists are very happy….>> <<@AussieDreamChaser says : We the people should have a say in this type of thing. Australian tax payers cover the cost and yet we don't even have a say. Theft>> <<@Conky769 says : We the people don't want that war.>> <<@harrysmith6561 says : Australia with a threat from China looming should be keeping them in a strategic reserve . We have given Ukraine far too much already. If Australia was invaded, Ukraine wouldn't want to know us as per all of Europe except UK.>> <<@21coops says : If they are still a very capable tank, then why aren't we keeping them in war stock? Our military is tiny in comparison to many of our enemies.>> <<@aussienscale says : A rubbish story actually, those tanks were to be returned to the US as part of the upgraded tanks we are receiving, the deal is already done, they actually belong to the US, so the US has given the tanks to them, they are going to Ukraine instead of back to the US via Australia. As for the ignorant Tiger comments, well can't take the stupid out of some people I guess, complete ignorance at best, disingenuous is my guess though !!>> <<@Not_Telling80 says : lots of retired hardware, but not seeing anything to replace it anytime soon... are our own leaders in coohoots with the Chinese? did they not notice north Korea's forces growing by 1.4m in two days for their 'holy war' aganist the south? how about the blockade drills from chinia? na, lets give all out miltary equipment to ukraine so they can waste it while we get pulled into world war three with no miltary equipment... but at least ukraine has somthing... they will hold out while we are all defeated...>> <<@TherealPeekaboo-007 says : The West is being disarmed while China makes hostile moves... "Enemies within" refers to: *A radicalized media and entertainment/tech that hates the West, civillians,Western cultures and faiths. A media that is the pocket of our adversaries. *Radicalized politicians and radicalized government agencies that create policies that undermine national and community security. *Billionaire activists that fund minions who roll-out propaganda, threat and intimidation. Programs, schools etc are set-up with goal of undermining immigration law. *A radicalized national education system predominantly ran by activists, not educators - who program and indoctrinate youth. Our youth are then introduced to actual members of terror organizations in order to protest on behalf of our adversaries, against our national best interests. *Representatives from from hostile nations effective renumeration for the above actors. ...to mention a few>> <<@ricky6864 says : Kenny .. backed the safe and effective, green scam and money laundering in uk. Raine>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Black Market 😂>> <<@ricky6864 says : Kenny and friends, government paid parrots..... Sending our money and resources to the money laundering capital of the world>> <<@joshuapaul2022 says : Zelenskyy victory plan: 1. Give me more money. 2. Give me more money. 3. Give me more money. 4. Give me more weapons. Secret clause: If you finally ran out of money and weapons, some white powder will do... Well, it's a quote from The Time article. Zelenskyy top advisers say about him: “He deludes himself, ” one of his closest aides tells me in frustration. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that. It is immovable, verging on the messianic.” According to the Economist Zelenskyy is literally screaming at his generals at this point. One Austrian artist was in a similar state in 1945 .>> <<@skeletorrobo says : Made to defend Australia.>> <<@MrPopo-nn7kp says : Obviously retarded>> <<@RogueElementMkII says : "WOKE decision." End of life..? Hardly been used, but let's spend taxpayer funds to buy "new ones.">> <<@djolivierastro says : Posted my comment about Ozzy Wunderwaffen and already deleted by who knows ...>> <<@rachaelpeach says : 🤔🫡🫣>> <<@Lbozo123-v8w says : We have like no tanks>> <<@rachaelpeach says : NO!! TANKS STAY ON HOME SOIL!!>> <<@ralphsimpson4593 says : Just stop the bloody war. Stop extending it. The Sooner Trump gets back and sorts it out the better.>> <<@ThePresidentOfAustralia says : DiZCl0Z3https://youtu.be/r2GEb4MrkvU>>