<<@IXXILordFibonacciIXXI says : Food processing = poisoning Indiq has best natural. Research effect of processing and stop following western sub standard of poisoning its own citizens.>> <<@nickporterisascaredeunuch2020 says : White Huna Mihirakula couldn't run fast cause he ate a lot of meat. Yashodharman of Malwa removed his stomatch fat and chased him out of Bharat.>> <<@electromega3077 says : I big fat steak hamburger is so good!! Hummmm...>> <<@nickporterisascaredeunuch2020 says : My forefathers had sharp facial features cause they didn't eat processed foods or a lot of meat with fat. One thing is for sure. They ate Fish.>> <<@nickporterisascaredeunuch2020 says : Obesity caused by processed foods will increase your visceral fat which will lead to high blood pressure, diabetes and other ailments. Greeks and Romans didn’t have that problem cause they followed a Mediterranean diet. On top of that they weren't sitting behind a Computer like us. They were busy walking around. My own forefathers in my family history book had a flat stomach until the late 1900s.>>