<<@rosex3271 says : The Apprentice was the most "phony" show ever‼️ I couldn't stand watching it for 10 min. and thinking who do these rich people think they are...but now we all know they are just bankrupt criminals‼️ 🙄🤦🤢🤮>> <<@victorseastrom3455 says : People in the film business really need to think about what they show and who they promote. Rod Serling (Twilight Zone) felt that he created "skyjacking" after a TV movie he wrote aired about a man doing exactly what DB Cooper did the very next day after the show aired. He spent the rest of his life guilt-ridden about putting it out there. Scientists also need to act responsibly. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.>> <<@rangertommy says : Here's my prediction for Donald's response: "I don't even know who this John Miller is, but he's a two-bit hack whose career has failed and he wants attention. I never called him, but he begged me, crying, for a job in the White House and I told him 'no.' NBC fired him for his incompetence, and no other network would hire him for anything. He's a loser, and only has money in the bank because I gave him a job on the Apprentice. But I barely remember him, aaaaaaand, I don't remember him. But he's as stupid an executive as I've ever seen, but I don't even remember what he looks like. He's been paid millions of dollars by Kamala to come on TV and try to rig the election against me, and his third cousin donated to Hillary. Aaaaaand, I don't remember him." You know it'll be some form of that, since that's what he says about everyone who dares publicly call his majesty into question.>> <<@jwd0808 says : Never watched an episode. Trump was a con man and an adulterer - no interest whatsoever.>> <<@mwood341 says : 7:10 is exactly the issue I have with the people that have surrounded Trump for decades. “Not wanting to insult him, so I found a way to compliment him”. What is WRONG with you people??? What makes you so scared of Trump? Didn’t your parents raise you better, to tell the TRUTH to people? My God 🙄>> <<@sjayharmer8435 says : Trump was already a monster, big mistake making him look successful and a good business man!>> <<@uncledonman says : Young ladies please take heed, If Harris becomes the president that equals World War III and you will be included into the draft "S.2150 has been introduced to eliminate male-only registration and expand draft eligibility to all individuals of the applicable age." (source AI) President Trump has been trained his whole life to be the leader for our country at this particular moment in history if he is elected he equals a reprieve from the coming judgment, please listen if you’re on the fence on who to vote for just jump in and vote for Trump your family Will thank you for it in the future and so will your country, if you believe that Donald Trump is the worst thing that ever walked the planet please take a moment and pause and actually listen to what he is saying you might find yourself agreeing with him just like Waltz did during the Vice Presidential debate, if you didn’t see it please watch it was very revealing, please take heed, we don’t need our young ladies fighting in a war especially if they don’t want to it was never this nation’s plan for our ladies to pull the trigger in war or to die in the war, if are women are dead there is no reason for a men to go to war, we just won’t have the heart to do it, Please think about that for you are our Treasures. Please take heed.>> <<@TorukMaktoDracarys says : Wanna know why more than half of US 🇺🇸 ❤ President Trump, America could afford to EAT, 1.9% 4 year avg LOW inflation, Real Wages were RISING, Poverty DECLINING>> <<@Mmc6301 says : "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a Charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." Carl Sagan>> <<@Observe-n-Learn says : It's easier to con someone than convince them they've been conned. Love Laura Coates!>> <<@Jagiru223 says : I never liked the man. “You’re fired” is a slimy slogan. He came across as plastic trash even back then.>> <<@riley5329 says : John Miller is the man to blame for this.>> <<@lorraineyanich7710 says : Too late Mr. Miller. You knew exactly what he was/is and more importantly what he'd become. You sold out yourself, your country for what? Money, the invitations to the right parties with the shakers and movers..I find your pathetic attempt at contrition appalling. Take your apology and shove it. 😠>> <<@dont_care_what_name_is-z9t says : screw this a-hole. watched our country burn and people suffer for 8 years and didn't say shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.>> <<@janicepalesch9221 says : John Miller, Mark Burnett, and Roy Cohn.... ALL made this monster and are responsible for the threat to our democracy. SHAME on ALL of them.>> <<@ThavaMaths says : Media wing of the Democrats.>> <<@SissyAustin says : Thanks a lot, John.>> <<@gabrielg490 says : You created a GOD!>> <<@mwood341 says : Trump has literally been stuck inside the world of the Apprentice ever since the show ended. It’s why he gauges everything through “ratings”>> <<@georgeginsburg545 says : Trump’s playbook is the same as Hitler’s was: Repeat the lie enough times, and people will believe it’s true.>> <<@catherina6739 says : My but you have horrible guests spouting lies for your evil agenda against Trump. Shame on you and your guest.>> <<@mwood341 says : I think the mistake the show runners made was not realizing sooner how mentally inflicted Trump was early on. Creating an imaginary world for a malignant narcissist was a deadly mistake that we’ve all been paying for since.>> <<@virginia3222 says : There would have been no President Trump without that dumb show. They promoted him as some sort of business guru/genius, and a significant number of Americans believed it, and still do. On a reality show, it really doesn’t matter if you lie. According to Trump, it still doesn’t, as long as he gets what he wants.>> <<@pengouin says : who would have thougt the american themself were their worst ennemy .>> <<@lindadorman2869 says : The real problem is the media is allowed, and rewarded, for embellishing the truth. It's gotten to the point where viewers (aka voters) no longer know what is real vs. fake. Maybe we need to add disclaimers like we see on cigarettes that this program could be harmful, or that the content is fiction. And definitely require students to learn about media in school so they recognize the difference between fact and fiction. A gullible audience will believe whatever they see and hear, and now we see how dangerous that can be.>> <<@basketballsteve54 says : Trump has always been a narsisist, always been dishonest, always been a sociopath only really stupid shallow people honestly wouldn't know that and this guy is someone who overlooked it in financial self interest.>> <<@DaliaAlvarado says : Can’t wait to early vote for president Trump 🎉>> <<@MKOezkan says : İt's over for Harris and Biden>> <<@drumbummpops7618 says : Desparate democrats have nowhere to turn.>> <<@johnvu7570 says : Too bad, too sad too many dumb idiots vote for him. The world outside the US has known this clown how he has been since 2016>> <<@heatherharper3406 says : Once a monster, always a monster......>> <<@bblanchette503 says : Imagine how many people he Rip off for not paying them, it allegedly that some people lost their Business and all they had>> <<@TheOlandex says : I can proudly say that I have never watched a single episode of the Apprentice. I remember when it was on and people were watching it I couldn't understand the appeal. I'd say, so you have this ignorant blowhard pretending to be some kind of success and belittleing people who he deems to be unworthy of his generous approval? Why would anyone waste time with crap like that? But they did. And many, many Trump supporters to this day still believe that ignoramous on TV is real. And that's why we're in this mess.>> <<@Acer-f2y says : He is fired 🔥vote 💙🙏👏>> <<@Channel--Ai says : Harris is far more dangerous with her open borders. Fbi lied about crime stats. Crimes through the roof now. We well over 100k hardcore criminals untracked murderers rapist child mo etc. Harris is the real danger to Americans.>> <<@ole9421 says : Remember kids, don't believe everything you see on TV.>> <<@UpNortBassin says : A truly successful person does not have the free time to dedicate to playing the role of billionaire for 14 seasons>> <<@michaelrayner-g2g says : Trump is so prejudiced he can’t really hide it. A majority are willfully blind to it>> <<@petrasmiles1029 says : He was not that successful. Does he think people are damn? Literally he was as famous as the pope before the Apprentice, I think more people knew the name of Donald Trump than the name of the pope around the world. I was not born in the US and knew of Trump as one of the top US businessman. I did not watch or hear of apprentice though.>> <<@lockwoodpeckinpaugh9252 says : He failed as the first apprentice president.>> <<@TRUMP_IS_YOUR_NEXT_PRESIDENT says : *Friendly reminder of the fruits of **_ANOTHER_** Trump presidency (beginning January 25, 2025)...* No Wars $2.00 Gas No Inflation Rising Wages Secure Borders Strong Military, etc. Rising Stock Market Energy Independence Revitalized Manufacturing Best Economy/More Jobs Than Ever Allies & Adversaries Who Respected/Feared Us etc., etc., etc...>> <<@50lbhead30 says : You mean Trump is like a fake facsimile of what he pretends to be ?>> <<@intuitknit says : This guy is trying to wash his hands to get the stink off.>> <<@edithlazenby5839 says : BS.. They knew what they were doing...they, like TRUMP, don't care!! And it is all about THE MONEY!!>> <<@ArizonaSquatch says : I'll put it this way. Trump has always been a monster, you just brought it out for the viewing audience to see for themselves.>> <<@michaelrayner-g2g says : Of course Donald Trump is nothing but FALSE NEWS. Bankruptcy is his forte>> <<@jimatkins2980 says : The man that made the monster admits it. Donald Gotti Jones Putin is fired! Vote blue 💙🔵💙.>> <<@Inconvenient_NPC says : Yeah. I'm still voting for Trump.>> <<@marcosjuarez7809 says : Oh, he helped create a monster alright.>>