<<@鎌倉源頼朝 says : The reason why military technology was provided from Japan to Iran and the Middle East is that the Ministry of National Highways, Transport and Tourism secretly tolerated this illegal Middle Eastern facility and built a road for the facility. The scale is the size of 10 baseball fields. ,Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has been taken over by Korean religious groups. In addition, military technology is provided from Japan to Iran and the Middle East via China. Video name =潜入ヤード最前線❕❕ 県道22号線(千葉県佐倉市岩富町🌟>> <<@鎌倉源頼朝 says : ➀.石破茂新総理大臣が提案するアメリカ国内での自衛隊軍事練習は非常に重要である。戦後80年もの長い間玉無し軍事練習の自衛隊では日本国領土を守れない。年間6兆円もの予算を使い国を防衛出来ない組織など必要無い。早急にこの公約を実行し国防が出来る組織に日本自衛隊を訓練すべきである🌟近年ロシア/中国/北朝鮮による日本への軍事挑発は日に日にエスカレートしている。領土/領海/領空/への侵犯も日常茶判事に🌟 ②、公務員軍事動員法を早急に設立させ警察部隊も自衛隊と共にアメリカ国内で実弾軍事演習が必要です。自衛隊24万人と警察部隊26万人で対応しないと領土侵略戦争を阻止できない🌟ロシア軍115万人と中〇軍200万人が相手なのだから早急な米国内軍事演習が必要である。公務員総数335万人は早急な訓練が必要だ。🌟戦争はやるべきでは無いが国防・防衛は必要である。国防・防衛をしなければその地に住み続けられない! ③、徴兵制度に付いても早めの説明を行い仕事に支障を期さない日程で徴兵軍事練習を頑張る事が必要です。日本経済に悪影響しないスケジュールで徴兵日程を行う必要が有り、また市民の仕事の差支えに成らない様な日程で徴兵スケジュールを設定する事が必要である。第二次世界大戦を見れば分かる様に徴兵軍隊と言う物は強くは成れず戦場に行っても殆どは戦死、その為に第二次世界大戦太平洋戦争では日本人は300万人が戦死した🌟 ④一般労働者の場合、職場での銃器火器の練習は兵器管理の面に対しても難しい所が多々ある。しかし公務員の公職の場で有れば兵器管理しながら練習も可能となって来ます。中国兵士総数200万人、ロシア国兵士総数は115万人。中露同盟軍隊総数315万人体制。これに対抗できる数と組織としては公務員総数の335万人が適度であり軍事練習にも最適な組織と思われる。公務員軍事動員法を早急設立させ防衛に備え軍事防衛訓練🌟 ⑤徴兵軍隊の設立も行い米国出張警察部隊の代替に日本国内の治安維持と外国人組織の犯罪阻止に当たらなければならない。徴兵軍隊を公安化させ銃器の扱い方や戦いに対しての心構えを練習し徐々に軍事練習も行う必要がある。徴兵軍隊を徐々に新日本軍隊として行き日本独自の軍隊整備が必要である。戦後G〇QとC〇Aが関与して構成された自衛隊とは同盟行動を行える様に訓練を行うべき。後に徴兵軍隊を新日本軍隊と定めよう🌟 ⑥、今後、本人や先祖の祖国を明らかにし何々系日本人と公表、その上で信頼感を持つ事が必要である。アメリカや外国で行っている何々系米国人という表示はその事を踏まえお互いが信頼し合える様に行っている行為です。今後の日本には信頼し合う為にこの何々系日本人の表示が必要です。今後、G〇QとC〇Aというアメリカが関与して構成された自衛隊と警察部隊は徐々に在日米軍所属という形にする事が良いのではないだろうか。🌟 ※※ 7,日本からイランや中東に軍事技術が提供されてしまった原因は、国道交通省がこの中東系違法的施設を極秘に容認し施設に道路整備をした為です。規模は野球場10個分です。 日本の国土交通省は、朝鮮人の宗教団体に乗っ取られてしまっている。その他日本から中国を経由して、イランや中東に軍事技術が提供されている🌟 Video name =(潜入ヤード最前線❕❕ 県道22号線(千葉県佐倉市岩富町))>> <<@garybennett7835 says : So a convicted felon who all he cares about is himself who wouldn't know how to tell the truth gets to run the most powerful country in the world what could possibly go wrong ! 😂😂😂>> <<@sadpuppy4790 says : How on earth did he said 'unstoppable momentum' with a straight face??? 🤣😆🤣 The level these people will spin BS to feed the rabid base with the fictional tale of Demented Don getting any near the White House again is gobsmacking! But then I remember all you people suck it in like oxygen, get your dopamine fixes and critical thinking be damned.>> <<@anthonyporens4983 says : I fear conflicts breaking out over all the world and a potential third war if Trump loses>> <<@PTSDimminent says : My apologies YouTube won't permit my elaborating reply to your question...>> <<@annereynolds7897 says : Unless they cheat like they did in 2020.>> <<@brianshunert7686 says : God help us if Trump get in again>> <<@simonlakai says : He is not going to win, good to be optimistic though.>> <<@StevenMilne-sm4fk says : They said that last time? Then obumma torrential mail ins with video.🎉🎉>> <<@dasslewood2089 says : If Trumpwins it will be the greatest day. A message loud and clear to the left.>> <<@serviusm9523 says : Get everyone you can out to vote for Trump.>> <<@pitballmc6568 says : President Trump 2024 he was robbed last time let's not let it happen again.>> <<@StGammon77 says : Its going to be a landslide to Trump>> <<@benjaminthame4174 says : Three weeks in politics is a long time! Trump 2024 🇺🇸>> <<@TheRoark85 says : Everyone is forgetting the democrats ace card. Mail Ballots.>> <<@FDT24 says : Trump urges women to get their “fat pig” husbands to vote early. That’s how much he loves his maga cult😂>> <<@Kalb_Allah says : They'll make another attempt at his inauguration 🔮>> <<@Daniel.Philip92 says : As a 19 yro it will be the best day of my life ❤ . I still remember as a 9-10 yr old schoolboy he was always a topic of discussion among friends. We loved drawing his face and hair 😂. The guy attracted me to politics.>> <<@YunesNaser-sh8pu says : I always say in my classes that Australlia can be next supper power in the world. Not china or russia or india>> <<@petertyper1 says : Can November 5th hurry up already? This feels like an eternity! Trump 2024!!>> <<@627horsepowers says : Don't take these predictions for granted! Trump Vance 2024!>> <<@nathanquinn3499 says : He’s not what a load of shit …>> <<@jamestinning8900 says : The bookmakers are a Carribbean based crypto only operation. They are accessible only to non US residents, to distort the market, using very little money to show Trump is way ahead, unsupported by any raw data.>> <<@JohnVWilson says : Even though l'm a conservative, I wouldn't vote for Trump. He's a convicted fraudster, rapist and is senile. Harris is the only viable candidate as many prominent Republicans agree.>> <<@timmothy58 says : ...vance '28...yay...>> <<@AdamEwart says : How does a man who'd threaten to not pay an event contractor the cost of the event because of a technical glitch, be remotely regarded as a man of the people?? Honestly, how...? That rally in Michigan may have cost tens of thousands of dollars to set up, and there are PEOPLE, American citizens who he is supposed to be fighting for, relying on getting paid for the work they've done to feed their families and live their lives. His instant choice to denigrate and refuse payment over a minor glitch is exactly the Donald Trump we will get if he wins. He cares for no one but himself, and he would literally take the food off another man's table for fark all good reason.>> <<@abbeystump says : Trump has no chance….Kamala and Tim is the way the average American thinks.Thats what makes them American.🇺🇸 😅>> <<@mark_beastpriest5539 says : Well, look at his Opponent. Not hard to predict, really.>> <<@LS-he9xb says : We have 12 million plus illegals and how many drop boxes that hsve no required id checks?>> <<@tomasduchan8275 says : when Harris told those people, they are at the wrong rally, after they shouted about Jesus, that was very bad for her>> <<@somerandomfella says : Imagine Kamala trying to negotiate with Putin, Xi or Kim Jung 🤦‍♂️>> <<@savaget2058 says : So what's happening with the choices in Australia? Seems like no one is happy with either candidate>> <<@leonhue722 says : Joe/Hunter/Harris must be held accountable for dereliction of duty and reckless governance by the Doj.>> <<@MyNameIsBiLmurder says : Hahahah your crazy if you think Nazi Trump will win. He is a racist sex offender>> <<@habirhabir2076 says : America Wake up people Donald Trump 2024>> <<@leonhue722 says : 4 years of Trump.. followed by 4 years of Vance, which will make America great once again.>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : I predict the tolerant and peaceful leftists will riot once The Donald becomes President again.>> <<@PTSDimminent says : Just wake up and realise American people. Kameltoe Harris will not run your country as was the case with Joe once bitten bygone.. A vote for her is a vote for more string pulling from the Swamp. Obama in the bin is one that appears to be in the swamps most upper echelon. Vote Trump and save yourselves...>> <<@victorortiz3444 says : WEEE NEED PEACE NO WAR , WE NEED PEACE NO WAR , WE NEED PEACE NO WAR ,U KNOW WHY NORTH KOREA GOT TROOPS IN UKRAINE U KNOW WHAT THAT MEAN A THIRD COUNTRY WILL BE INVOLVE , AND YOU UKNOW WHO THAT IS ..........F THE US THE AMERICAN PPL HOLY MOLY WW3 😮😮😮😮😮>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : Never underestimate the ability of the deep state to steal and election in America. Australia needs another party as Labor and liberal are too socialist for the best of Australia.>> <<@wyatthurts1729 says : Albo eats feces and quotes from deliverance and fights with his imaginary playmate Vince>> <<@aragornii507 says : California Latinos for president Trump!>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Don't predict if the Orange Clown will win the election, predict what the hell is going to do after the election>> <<@hektapascal794 says : Really>> <<@PTSDimminent says : Trump for Queensland, PLEASE. we need someone of his ilk. As usual in Australia, federally or state, we only have low level self serving morons to vote for.. 😢😢>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : America invaded iraq to enrich Israel.>> <<@virginiazaragoza4926 says : TRUMP..🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸>> <<@pwillis1589 says : Here are 8 national independent polls showing Harris ahead. 1. Real clear politics poll 2. Race to the WH poll 3. decision desk. HQ/ the hill poll 4. 538 poll 5. Silver bulletin poll 6. Morning consult poll 7. CBS news/yougov poll 8. Civics/Daily cos poll>> <<@AussieOsborne069 says : Wish we had Trump in Australia,instead of Albo the Globalist Traitor.>>