<<@KikiD1965 says : Her five minutes of fame for being a useful tool will be over but it is a fearful thing to stand in the presence of the Living God … she will not have that smirk on her face when she meets ‘The Lord Jesus’>> <<@tiggerific007 says : Christians should NOT be voting democrats and Kamala.>> <<@heliesforaliving2025 says : you people are pathetic liars, shameless hacks.>> <<@Cowboys8Panel says : She may as well put a shrunken head on a stick and be out. 😯>> <<@giannikhan8160 says : Jesus is prophet thats 100% true ...Christians wearing a cross doesn't make them religious or Christians because they are not....jesus is prophet of islam....>> <<@PAN77769 says : He was at the wrong rally!>> <<@emanuelkournianos7412 says : JESUS SAYS “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the one who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin. Whoever hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated me without reason!” John 15:18-25 Christ is risen and conquered death, sin, and the devil! One reason we go to Church is to give support to the body of Christ!>> <<@leonhue722 says : I'd speculate, that Harris is on the spectrum/ neurodiverse and that's why she conducts herself as she does. Kamala is definitely not presidential material.>> <<@MG-bv8fi says : Kamala just lost a massive amount of Christian voters>> <<@kathleencardona3349 says : ‘God Bless America” 🇺🇸 God will never bless a gun. Change gun laws. She is Hypocrisy at its WORST.>> <<@yolandajaramillo7537 says : How offensive! So are the students celebrating her! She better step down and stop talking stupid nonsense. Go away, Kamala!!!😡👎>> <<@Poordirtfarmer says : 😮😮😮😮😮😮>> <<@randybennett5417 says : Kamala is a Devil worshiper.>> <<@zacshepard2042 says : Something like 60% of evangelicals don't vote. This has to change or we're done>> <<@texasred2702 says : Well, shes not wrong--the Dems have firmly established themselves as the anti-Christian party. At least she has rhe courage of one of her convictions.>> <<@john-io5jl says : God bless those girls for standing up for their rights>> <<@TheWaynos73 says : Hmm. They removed them from the rally by force because they had a voice she didnt like. And she calls Trump the fascist?>> <<@Phillip-y6d says : Satan will prowl around like a laughing hyena seeking her victims ~ Proverbs>> <<@terrysweitzer6772 says : The very best thing you can do to counter a fool is to let them speak!!! And she is speaking!!!>> <<@DaddyJoe_ says : Drinks on tv during hurricanes, thinks young black people are delusional because they want a leader and not her, and now Christians are offenders?>> <<@RichardBurgeagent says : Kamala went to church on Sunday. Such a fraud. What profits a person to gain the whole world and lose their soul?>> <<@robinlambert3917 says : Harris is the anti Christ .like Damian protector in The omen 😊😊😮🎉>> <<@debraannmartinez7157 says : Wow, what would JESUS do? WWWJD...>> <<@codypulley7682 says : I'll lift my eyes up to the Lord. The maker of heaven on Earth. If you vote for the Biden ticket do you know not of God the creator of all things and you are about as evil as the day is long because you're willing to vote on a ticket it's ultimately going to bring harm to the little children of the world. You heard me not just our country but the whole entire world your vote will affect. You either want what's best for the little children or you want what's best for yourself and you want to put it off on the little children. Or should I say what you think is best for yourself. But you people that believe all that crap that opposes God. You will never be comfortable in your own skin. No matter how many of your rights you get met by continuously pounding on your high horse you will never be comfortable in your own skin. And the sad part of is you're aware of it. But you are so self-centered and so self-focused that you're not even willing to surrender your ideas for something that would make you a better person. That would bring you comfort and peace you're not willing to surrender your ways for the joy of the Lord.you are literally willing to hold on to your ways all the way to the grave and put that off on little bitty children at the expense of your eternal soul. And you squirm in your sleep and you squirm when you're awake and you will never be content all the days of your life. How dare you want to put that off on a little children!! May the Lord thy God have mercy on your souls>> <<@enricobellucci419 says : This is ok no doubts Muslim the more she mocks us Christian’s the more God gets angry and on on November 5 2024 at the end of the day she will be sobbing intensely with her counterparts Hillary Clinton we both lost the race for presidency evil evil evil sisters that’s why us Christian’s should all stick together on November 5 2024 Please Vote Trump Trump Trump God BLESS America>> <<@lorenzlorenzo1975 says : If you've had enough of feminism, BLM, trans activism, LGBTQIA+++, crazy pronouns, cancel culture, reparations, sexual education to kids... DO NOT vote for Kama-LIAR!>> <<@SimmyBits says : Type this in Youtube and get ready to laugh - Hard! "SWIPE OF MY PEN - Kamala Harris Music Video">> <<@alsfishing4940 says : she knows ALL about the small ones !! Hoe>> <<@nathansechrist3422 says : This is the most honest and open she has been since becoming VP..... the Dems have become a party of chaos, corruption, and evil..... just like Satan likes it.>> <<@rideawhiteswantrex says : Harris arrives at the Pearly gates and knocks. St Peter says " sorry, you're at the wrong door"....>> <<@Timman57 says : I think its funny that she probably thought it was someone yelling about Trump, and she reacted before she heard what they said, regardless, good job once again Kamala, you once again prove to be your own worst enemy 😂>> <<@pepokingboss9632 says : Sadly but true..."Stupidity will vote "stupidly"...and some will vote twisted 'Khamelon".. !!! 🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸>> <<@pepokingboss9632 says : Sadly but true..."Stupidity will vote "stupidly"...and some will vote twisted 'Khamelon".. !!! 🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸>> <<@caustinmois says : Fake news. She was at a church yesterday. Y’all can stop spreading this sensationalist nonsense. They were there to heckle her at the rally. They deserved to be told to leave.>> <<@pepokingboss9632 says : Sadly but true..."Stupidity will vote "stupidly"...and some will vote twisted 'Khamelon".. !!! 🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸>> <<@davehad-enough2369 says : She sure was at the wrong rally. Kamala's rally is much more suited to the mentally twisted supporters of evil itself.>> <<@pm5039 says : These people are commumist! Our country has been invaded with communist. It amazes me the people at Kamala ralleys cheered her on approving her statement!>> <<@phoenixphotographylg7636 says : Goes to show that the Antichrist is Obama and Harris is the little helper of his.>> <<@belindared3389 says : I'm sorry for the young ladies ❤❤❤❤>> <<@hungrymikepencetd5686 says : What a nihilistic, godless, evil woman.>> <<@secondchanceabstract says : It was local. She kicked them out. They were celebrating abortions prior to #JesusIsLord>> <<@waynetyrie7066 says : How can a school built on a christian ethos ban students from wearing the very symbol that identifies that ethos and has done for centuries. Methodists on longer have a method.>> <<@niccobosko8548 says : This evil is all the doing of the demonic zionists 👿>> <<@GalletasLife says : Camela Hairy@ss is is a poo skid mark on the underwear of the USA>> <<@paulmavronas5089 says : I love how sky news has been shitting all over Kamala>> <<@bnn32-c7s says : Typical of marxism>> <<@thomasnyangala2424 says : Instead of mocking she should have said "Amen">> <<@kathyressler4764 says : Wow, that was so unprofessional. Why would you attempt to make fun of someone? Just, wow.>> <<@anthonyml7 says : They been trying to keep God out of our country for a while now, and clearly we're better for it 😑>> <<@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ says : Right after the year 2008, I started seeing enough Characters on Youtube slandering people and falsely accusing them of things which they didn't do. That's when I started suspecting that they belong to Obama's Deep State. My suspicions got confirmed after they made up nonstop lies about Trump.>>