<<@Keith-om7vd says : An absolute disgrace, people still don’t understand how much of their freedoms they have given up, with new laws passed under the guise of protecting the public, it’s all to late now it’s gone 😡😡😡😡>> <<@AmandaBeisiegel says : All playgrounds were shut for children Australia wide...you could sit down in a pub but not stand and dance...you couldn't sing in church even though wearing masks....eftpos machines were covered in plastic but people still had to touch the keypads...no more than 6 per house yet 10000s were allowed to go to football...we will never ever forget...there needs to be a royal commission into why the governments overreach>> <<@patriciac8488 says : Covid Didn't frighten me..But the Governments Did.. They where Drunk on power>> <<@rosmulder780 says : Andrews can stop Children playing but doesn’t mind knocking one off their bike and lying about it. What an abhorrent creature he is!>> <<@Keith-om7vd says : An absolute disgrace, people still don’t understand how much of their freedoms they have given up, with new laws passed under the guise of protecting the public, it’s all to late now it’s gone 😡😡😡😡>> <<@JenniferWitt-w9y says : The biggest bullshit in the world>> <<@servantofGod4003 says : This is why we should never go cashless... They will have full control over us... Don't do what they say, you are locked out of your account.>> <<@douglaswasley1461 says : Great that Peter has come out now to talk about the biggest conn in our history, but where was Peter when all this was happening...No politician will want a royal commission into COVID because they would all be put in jail for their failures and forced coersion for people to keep their jobs...>> <<@Mortimus1000 says : The years when Australia went Mad., in hindsight it doesn't and never made sense..>> <<@OzSafe1 says : I wear my discrimination as a badge of honour, not as a badge of defiance, but a badge of resistance, a badge of sane mind, a badge of ownership to my body, of righteousness, of purity, of freedom, a badge of respect for those killed by the shadow men in power. It’s worn for those who were stopped from seeing loved ones in critical times, it’s for those who were discarded as trash in society by friends, family and strangers alike. It’s a badge that shines brighter each day as the evil intent is revealed by those we trusted. I know the Australian spirit now which built this country, for I too have felt the loneliness in the trenches, under fire, and never knowing if I would see my children again. I may never trust politicians, medical experts, police or the media ever again, but that’s OK because I’ve learnt that I can trust me. My heart may be irreparable but my mind is strong and so I salute all those who also could not be broken for we now share the same pure blood.>> <<@gjssjg says : It WASN'T an over reaction it was a deliberate attack on Society>> <<@bigxadventures3165 says : Their decision to backflip on having a royal commission is to cover their asses. They will do anything to stop the truth coming out. Even creating a censorship regime to stop the truth of their attacks against Aussies being shared. They don't need to learn how to do better next time. They will do as last time, which is exactly what their globalist masters tell them to do.>> <<@Telewest792 says : We should never let them forget what they did ,not just government , but all those F- -cked up individuals who went along with them ,may the experimental drug serve those who bent over for this crap and i hope that they are now worried about the nrma tech and what it is doing to their bodies . I for one am still glad that i didn’t fail the I.Q test and that my blood is now wanted by blood banks to heal people from their stupid choices .>> <<@markanderson8739 says : And Where are all the premiers now ???>> <<@carolejohnston9294 says : Comrade Dan with his scare tactics😢>> <<@gibsonlespaul3695 says : I remember my first youtube banning, Xmas day 2019.>> <<@Barney_Rubble247 says : Why now Costello??>> <<@steventosi8067 says : Let's see them treat these other protesters this way>> <<@martindavis9930 says : You ain't seen nothin yet...just wait till they roll out plandemic 2.0 ...>> <<@truthandlife4101 says : Death rising Cancer Heart Mental Illness and they are voting for them in QLD. One Nation spoke out cares so give them the power to say no more to those powers of darkness government serves evil Corporation Big Pharma WHO UN WEF and Bill Gates and his Globalist mates.>> <<@theoldieprojects1814 says : Why is Daniel Andrews still free to roam the streets anywhere????>> <<@user-nf9jz7ex8b says : Daniel Andrews sociopath narcissist should be put in jail>> <<@carolyn3093 says : Um wow he said it outloud. Don't trust anyone in power still tho>> <<@carolyn3093 says : I have always known. But STILL now seeing nut jobs running around in mask... now im wondering if perhaps their plague solution is making them all constantly sick>> <<@xioncorp says : It was deliberate>> <<@michaelrooke396 says : Will never forget or forgive #>> <<@petergehle4222 says : Was done on purpose>> <<@pattythrower5700 says : Still now Google has the covid jab banner on this video. Aussies overwhelmingly over reacted and complied and Victoria what the hell you voted Andrews back in>> <<@clairehansen9357 says : The misuse of AHPRA needs investigating! They have turned our doctors into pharmaceutical company lackeys and our doctors have been forced to cover up the vaccine injuries>> <<@rapscallion9333 says : Imagine, after his covid dictatorship Andrews got honoured with his own statue.>> <<@ryandrinkwine2106 says : This was no overreaction. This was just a test to see how obedient the population was. Coming soon chips required to buy and sell. The mark of the beast. May Yahuwah be with you and your family in these last days.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Pure bloods and conspiracy theorists, hold your heads high.>> <<@sunandsteel says : I stood up against the government by protest and peaceful non compliance... I lost everything except my integrity and personal honour and my dog... By the grace of God Almighty i i will do so again! You think this wont happen again? Its closer than you think. You forgot to mention that they even turned the Australian military against the people of Australia, under the command of, then Brigadier General John Frewen (he got a promotion for his part in the Covid response) and his Operation Covid Shield campaign. Go and read that document. In it he endorses social and economic manipulation and coercion... even a form of medical apartheid again those who refused to bow the government pressure to take the shot. It was as a result of this campaign that vacc*ne uptake sky rocketed amongst the people of Australia. There must be accountability and in a constitutional democracy it is ultimately it is up to the people to hold the government accountable. If you don't then be sure the government and its international stakeholders will do this to you again!>> <<@Maj-zb9bg says : Andrews owns this travesty of justice.>> <<@truthandlife4101 says : You cannot forget as the worst time is coming. Bird Flu vaccines are ready when they can pull it off. Unrighteous laws are not to be Obeyed. My opinion Misinformation Disinformation will get the next round if you do not push back. Disgraceful by government and people who obeyed Fear!>> <<@GrooberNedJardine says : This period of time in our history will go down in infamy . It was disgraceful what these political criminals did to it's citizens by design or was it stupidity , i don't know , but myself and all my family will never forget the trauma of the pressure these fools were placing on myself and my whole family which would not comply to their vaccine mandates . And the biggest disappointment of all was Andrews , McGowan , Palazuck , Gunna , Hazzard , Chant , etc etc etc etc and all those that took part in this abuse against Human rights are not in Prison right now .>> <<@clairehansen9357 says : Don’t stop going over this executive overreach and abuse of the people of Australia! The Premier’s blocked the borders in a cruel and unnecessary way! Our economy is still wrecked! And they are planning a new one with this rubbish Misinformation Bill and signing up to the WHO agreements>> <<@karlhoward2737 says : I’m still pissed off that I, and many many others just rolled the sleeve up and rolled over without question…..Jersey was just like Australia…..knee jerk reaction…..fear……fear of everything and utter stupidity over it all…..>> <<@Leo555ZZZ says : Youtube censors at it again.>> <<@zubversivezigotto9731 says : The 'educated' classes gave us the most insane answer ever, and it was universal. Those 'deplorables' who dissented were not only utterly stupid but dangerous criminals. Journalists were 'essentials' no wonder why.>> <<@leighmurrell5494 says : The "biggest overreaction" and the biggest experiment ever conducted on humanity. The price is still being counted.>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : 😂😂 A big " FCKING TOLD YOU SO " is way over due.>> <<@HyperVaccinated says : Here are the actual facts about the covid19 vaccines available in Australia and if you say that these facts are incorrect, then you are spreading dangerous misinformation: https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/covid-19-vaccines/is-it-true>> <<@nomyafiftyonefifty8081 says : Don't forget the way the cops treated people. Snatching old ladies phones. Pepper spraying the elderly. Choking that poor woman up against a wall. Crash tackling that guy from behind onto a tiled floor at the rail station. Multiple cops holding down one guy while another cop kneed him several times. Plus all other harassments.>> <<@MarkBrown-gc6hr says : The plandemic was a test. Australia failed.>> <<@rogersmith4983 says : Indians are now taking over this country>> <<@SteveBueche1027 says : The people should remember those who were the worst offenders to the people. Never forget who they are.>> <<@kiqueenbees says : I took doctor's orders, and didn't have vaccination. Yes, Dr Brendon Murphy, late January 2020 said there would not be a vaccine for covid19 for years to come, maybe never. Ergo I presumed the present vaccines on offer were a panick measure from an ill informed government.>> <<@scratchdog2216 says : What I found pathetic about the Wuhan Virus debacle was the amount of sheep on this planet. 4:45>> <<@Sigma-66 says : Closed the beaches, but you could go to Bunnings.>>