<<@OldMiddleClassGuy says : Vance, compassionate? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Wait. Trump and the MAGA Republicans have been suppressing immigration reform right up to recent and for years! We, the working class, make this nation the strongest and richest in the world.The billionaires, that are less than 1%, contribute very little because most of them keep the money that they get from working us, and Trump's tax cuts, in their pockets. FOX is run by Rupert Murdock, one of the billionaires that pays and directs these commentators millions to misdirect us. Millions is small-time money out of his pocket and much less than Trump's tax cuts give him. If you ignore Trump's lies and failures because you feel his lies and failures are not relevant to your cause, realize if the lifelong playboy Trump wins, all who are not Putin and kiss-a$$ billionaires will be irrelevant to him, including you and me. Oh, excuse me, we will be relevant as he puts us in his pocket!>> <<@JohnKurylo says : EVERYBODY REACHES THEIR LEVEL OF INCOMPETANCE AND GOES NO HIGHER!šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢TRUMP HAS REACHED HIS LEVEL OF INCOMPETANCE AND GONE WAY PAST IT!!šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢HE HAS REACHED THE NEXT LEVEL? CRIMINALITY!!! HES A CRIMINAL LIER, A TAX CRIMINAL, A RAPIST CRIMINAL, A NARCISSIST CRIMINAL, A RACIST CRIMINAL, A DERANGED CRIMINAL, A NATIONAL SECURITY RISK CRIMINAL, A DOUBLE AGENT FOR RUSSIA CRIMINAL, AND A 34 CONVICTED FELONIES CRIMINALšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚>> <<@idlesurfer214 says : @thermodynamics458 23 minutes ago General John Kelly, four star general (USMC), and Chief of Staff to Trump: "Mr. Trump meets the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and has no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law." 6 minutes ago Well then heā€™s a liar. šŸ˜‚ @idlesurfer214 "Well then heā€™s a liar." All he's done is spend 40+ YEARS DEFENDING YOUR RIGHT to call him a "liar"!>> <<@johndowner2196 says : The USA Military pledges allegiance to the Constitution. The USA Military considers Trump a clear and present danger to the USA and the Constitution. Wake up MAGA āœŒļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø>> <<@ronaldcole7415 says : Americans donā€™t vote for MAGA fascist. Fascist do.>> <<@X2OHB says : Sheā€™s evil>> <<@idlesurfer214 says : *_"Yes,ā€Æhe'sā€Æan idiot with zero common sense, and no social skills, butā€Æhe ISā€Æmy son. I just hope he never goes into politics.ā€ÆHe'dā€Æ be a disaster."ā€‹_* _- Mary Anne Trump_>> <<@demigod1013 says : Poor JD Vance thinking he's still the running mate for Donald Trump when it's really Elon Musk. What a tool.>> <<@ibrahimduran823 says : HAY KAMALA HARRIS COMPASSIONATE MEANS:: feeling or showing sympathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others, and wanting to help them:>> <<@soylentgreen738 says : FDJT 2024??? Why?? That is suicidal behavior. List five reasons to justify its destructive behavior; AGW-denying Satanic anti-abortion Klangina?>> <<@thermodynamics458 says : General John Kelly, four star general (USMC), and Chief of Staff to Trump: "Mr. Trump meets the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and has no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law.">> <<@vdc6925 says : Trump is constantly projecting his own behavior and lies on others, what he accuses others of doing he's doing himself. " The enemy from within" is the last straw- his cronies Project 2025 is the enemy's weapon against the american people.>> <<@Butterflies58824 says : 1 in 3 women in the States no longer have reproductive rights. This dude will take even more rights away when he takes over, read Project 2025.>> <<@aaronjohnson5250 says : Trump sold his VP choice to Musk. Nothing says ā€œparty of ideasā€ like giving $1M a day in voter bribes. Next yearā€™s innovation will be $2Mā€¦ šŸ˜‚>> <<@Butterflies58824 says : Compassion? This from a guy that votes against women having reproductive choices, anti IVF, and voted with 26 other GOP Senators to give police the rights to access womenā€™s health records. When DonOldā€™s expected mental cognitive decline if he wins, this uncompromising Project 2025 choice will be President. Think about that frightening possibilityā€¦..>> <<@malcumyang9331 says : JD and compassion is like Trump and Melania, they donā€™t sleep in the same bed!>> <<@javelinmissiles7024 says : ā€œNo amount of commercials is going to change my mind or vote.ā€??? *It does not have a mind;* lead-poisoned I.Q. #45 chemically-feminized MANgina eunuch coward.>> <<@javelinmissiles7024 says : Whose sperm-count has fallen 61% since 1951; and continues to fall to *ZERO!*>> <<@javelinmissiles7024 says : ā€œNo amount of commercials is going to change my mind or vote.ā€??? *It does not have a mind;* lead-poisoned I.Q. #45 chemically-feminized MANgina eunuch coward. Whose sperm-count has fallen 61% since 1951; and continues to fall to *ZERO!*>> <<@javelinmissiles7024 says : That refuses to protect its family, as it was obligated to do at birth by God, from the yearly 15% inflation of everything that its greenhouse g@s emissions are causing;>> <<@javelinmissiles7024 says : along with the global-warming-refugees at the southern border.>> <<@habirhabir2076 says : Everyone will vote for Donald Trump in The development of the country will be in the hands of good people 2024>> <<@thewordabortionisnotinthek9160 says : TrumPutin the inseparable dictator twins.>> <<@KS-xz2rq says : Kamala is the reigning queen of the dumb.I cannot imagine how any person with average brains can vote for this fake woman.>> <<@thewordabortionisnotinthek9160 says : Yes we know that the Klan rejects: truth, science, facts, and reality; that is why FDJT is unfit to be president.>> <<@frankfurther3828 says : Eyeliner Vance and the Project 2025 fanatics are ready to invoke the 25th Amendment to purge the Declining Donold in his first year.>> <<@jefffogg8730 says : sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others... somthing Donold never did between 16-20>> <<@Wes-ikAxc says : Tell it to your hate-spewing boss and fake 'Christian' constituents, Mr. Inauthenticity.>> <<@icantbreathe3420 says : *Paragraph 1 of 3.* _Carbon dioxide in our atmosphere soars to levels not seen in 56 million years_ February 21, 2019 This news article is from _USA Today._ Emissions of carbon dioxide ā€“ the greenhouse g@s most responsible for global warming ā€“ soars to levels not seen in 56 million years by the middle of next century, scientists warned in a study Wednesday. Though it won't happen in our lifetimes, it could very well happen in the lives of our grandchildren or great-grandchildren. "You and I won't be here in 2159, but that's only about four generations away," said study author Philip Gingerich, a University of Michigan paleoclimate researcher. *He said humans pump carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at a rate nine to 10 times higher than it was during a natural global warming event roughly 56 million years ago.*>> <<@icantbreathe3420 says : *Paragraph 2 of 3.* _Carbon dioxide soars to levels not seen in 56 million years_ That era, known by scientists as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), was Earth's warmest period since the extinction of the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. According to the study, during that period, the poles were ice-free, and the Arctic was home to palm trees and crocodiles. That warmth caused a major extinction of organisms in the deep ocean that are a key link in the marine food web. Scientists aren't sure what caused that spike in carbon dioxide during that era, but we know what's causing it now: The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and g@s releases greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into Earth's atmosphere and oceans. That extra carbon has caused temperatures to rise to levels over the past century and a half that cannot be explained by natural factors, scientists say.>> <<@icantbreathe3420 says : *Paragraph 3 of 3.* _CO2 in our atmosphere at levels not seen in 56 million years_ *"The rates of carbon release that are happening today are really unprecedented,"* said Gabriel Bowen, a University of Utah geophysicist. The increase in gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide is fueling climate change and making *"the planet more dangerous and inhospitable for future generations,"* the World Meteorological Organization said. Experts said that to slow or stop carbon emissions and this unnatural warming of the planet, people, governments and businesses must reduce burning fossil fuels and shift to renewable, carbon-free energy. "It's not just about 100 years from now; it's going to take significant periods of time for that carbon dioxide to make its way back into the Earth's crust," said Larisa DeSantis, a paleontologist at Vanderbilt University. "It's not a short-term event. We're really committing ourselves to many thousands of years of a warmer world if we don't take action quickly." The study was published in _Paleoceanography_ and _Paleoclimatology,_ a journal of the _American Geophysical Union._>> <<@l.w.burkhalter8711 says : Trump will line his pockets, not yours. If God has his will for humanity Trump will lose. He is the Anti-Crist.>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : Only suicidal AGW-denying inbred Klangina eunuchs whose sperm-count has fallen 61% since 1951, and continues to fall to *ZERO.* Use the Naz! Satanic election-lying anti-abortion *phrase "radical left"; when there is only sane.*>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : FDJT's arsenic Kool Aid suicide de@th KKKult are cowards. That hide behind the skirts of words that are *NOT* in its Yid-written insurrectionist _KKKible,_ its lower lip quivering; such as abortion and embryo.>> <<@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 says : To justify *NOT* protecting its hideously genetically-inferior WASP-sKKKined *gar bage* family. From the yearly 15% inflation of: food, housing, auto and home insurance costs; that its greenhouse g@s emissions are causing all over the Earth. And causing global-warming-refugees [GWR] to appear at the southern-border.>> <<@johnm2197 says : JD nails it again. He will be a great VP>> <<@idlesurfer214 says : *_ONE THING. I want my Republican colleagues to give me ONE THING. ONE. That I can go campaign on and say we did. Anybody sitting in the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me, ONE MEANINGFUL, SIGNIFICANT THING the Republican majority has done"_* _- Chip Roy (R-TX)_>> <<@amadueska3286 says : Who seen the brotha crying , that's real.>> <<@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 says : Rudy's homeless gonna need a tent.>> <<@CTF33 says : Trump offered to pay for the funeral of a murdered Hispanic US soldier, then when he got the bill he said "It doesn't cost $60k to bury a F**king Mexican, dont pay it"?>> <<@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 says : 1of9 _Russell Vought, a _*_Project 2025_*_ architect, is ready to shock Washington if Trump wins second term_ August 5, 2024 This news article was published by _AP._ WASHINGTON (AP) ā€” Russell Vought sounds like a general marshaling troops for combat when he talks about taming a ā€œwoke and weaponizedā€ federal government. He recently described political opposition as ā€œenemy fire thatā€™s coming over the target,ā€ while urging allies to be ā€œfearless at the point of attackā€ and calling his policy proposals ā€œbattle plans.ā€ If former President Donald Trump wins a second term in November, Vought may get the opportunity to go on the offensive. *A chief architect of Project 2025* ā€” the controversial conservative blueprint to remake the federal government ā€” Vought is likely to be appointed to a high-ranking post in a second Trump administration.>> <<@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 says : 2of9 And heā€™s been drafting a so-far *secret ā€œ180-Day Transition Playbookā€* to speed the planā€™s implementation to avoid a repeat of the chaotic start that dogged Trumpā€™s first term. Among the small cadre of Trump advisers who has a mechanicā€™s understanding of how Washington operates, Vought has advised influential conservative lawmakers on Capitol Hill, held a top post in the Trump White House and later established his own pro-Trump think tank. Now, heā€™s being mentioned as a candidate to be Trumpā€™s White House chief of staff, one of the most powerful positions in government. ā€œIf we donā€™t have courage, then we will step away from the battle,ā€ Vought said in June on former Trump aide Steve Bannonā€™s ā€˜War Roomā€™ podcast. ā€œBut our view is thatā€™s where the country needs us, and weā€™re not going to save our country without a little confrontation.ā€>> <<@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 says : 3of9 Conservative blueprint to change the government led by the _Heritage Foundation,_ a conservative think tank, _Project 2025_ is a detailed 920-page handbook for governing under the next Republican administration. A whirlwind of hard-right ambitions, its proposals range from ousting thousands of civil servants and replacing them with Trump loyalists to reversing the Food and Drug Administrationā€™s approval of medications used in abortions.>> <<@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 says : 4of9 Democrats for months have been using Project 2025 to hammer Trump and other Republicans, arguing to voters that it represents the former presidentā€™s true ā€” and extreme ā€” agenda. Trump in recent weeks has sought to distance himself from _Project 2025._ He posted on social media he has not seen the plan and has ā€œno idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it.ā€ His campaign said Tuesday that _Project 2025ā€™s_ ā€œdemise would be greatly welcomed.ā€ That same day, Paul Dans, the projectā€™s executive director and a former Trump administration personnel official, stepped down. Trumpā€™s attempts to reject the blueprint are complicated by the connections he has with many of its contributors.>> <<@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 says : 5of9 More than two dozen authors served in his administration, including Vought, who was director of the White Houseā€™s Office of Management and Budget. The Trump campaign did not respond to questions about which Project 2025 proposals the former president opposes or whether Vought would be offered a high-level government position in a new Trump term. Vought did not respond to an interview request or to questions first emailed in February to his think tank, the _Center for Renewing America,_ which played a key role in creating _Project 2025._ Those who know Vought described him as fiercely dedicated to Trumpā€™s cause, if not to the former president himself. ā€œA very determined warrior is how I would see Russ,ā€ said a former Trump administration official who worked with Vought in the White House and requested anonymity to speak candidly about him. ā€œI donā€™t think he thinks about whether or not he likes Donald Trump as a person. I think he likes what Donald Trump represents in terms of the political forces heā€™s able to harness.ā€>> <<@dons3073 says : Who cares about this whereā€™s my nanny>> <<@williamwinn948 says : Trump 2024>> <<@anthonysafos4819 says : A disaster is looming. On day one , of her presidency, Kamala promises to close all Immigration & Customs Enforcement ( ICE ) detention centers & release all criminal illegal aliens free into American society. Yes, a disaster is looming with Kommie Kamala & Waltz; They are both radical leftist on every issue.>> <<@FlameGodFlann says : Those cartels supplied Diddy/Epstein parties that Trump frequented.>> <<@idlesurfer214 says : Shady Vance *CAN'T EVEN ORDER A DONUT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!* *THAT'S how far removed he is from the lives of 99% of Americans!*>>