<<@shadowwater1 says : B.S. They rule Australia Peta Shilling for BlackRock>> <<@blackorchid2180 says : My hubby just came home from getting something from Woolworths ... last week it was just under $20.00 ... it had a red spot low price sticker on it tonight ... and the price ... $23.00 😡>> <<@coopsnz1 says : coles net profit was 16% higher in 2019>> <<@coopsnz1 says : more than 125 taxes why homes way more expensive to build ! wait for more enviromental taxes cost of living will get worse>> <<@coopsnz1 says : 20% more taxes she a liar coles net profit fallen 2.7% shutup bitch>> <<@mk1479 says : Passing the buck ain't gonna work here dude.. Supermarkets are not going to take a loss, and if you've ever run a business you'd now that. Look at your own corrupt and incompetent gov. Spending and giving money away left right and center, treating this country's money as if it were their own piggy bank... Get real.>> <<@steverogers9507 says : Woolies and Coles are bad enough, but goverments are far worse.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Woolies/coles do not support Australian producers... Their shelves are stacked with 3rd rate products from overseas at high prices>> <<@rickjames5998 says : huh?>> <<@CanabisWhiskeyAnanas says : JUST WAIT... 2 WEEKS TO FLATTEN THE CURB!>>